Romo's Injury: A Blessing in Disguise?


Injured Reserve
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Romo's injury could not have come at a better time. Here's why:

It was obvious that the team was falling apart. The Cowboys have been struggling as a team ever since they disposed of the Packers. Could it have been the coaching? Poor execution? Or maybe the Cowboys players had, once again, bought into the hype that they are the best team in the NFL and all teams would just fold under the pressure of their superior talent? I'm not sure exactly what it was, but one thing is for sure; the team was not playing up to expectations.

Now throw in Romo's injury, which will apparently sideline him for at least 4 weeks, and the team is now setup for yet another big expectation collapse. Or is it?

One thing is clear; we can remove the tag label as best team in the NFL. We are now the underdog in a division where we are already in 3rd place and a game and a half away from being in last place. This team now has to develop something that has been missing for quite sometime if it wants to compete. This team must play as a unit, must focus, must prepare for every game, and must get hungry. We don't have the luxury of relying on talent alone anymore.

If this team can band together, find the unity to play as a team with one goal in mind, and play inspired football, come playoff times we will be unstoppable, liken to the New York Giants of last year. Everyone had pretty much written them off early in the season much like many will write off the Cowboys. But if this team can finally get what being a team is all about, we will be better than ever before.When the talent returns, this team will be scary....scary good.


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jdub2k4;2335637 said:
Romo's injury could not have come at a better time. Here's why:

It was obvious that the team was falling apart. The Cowboys have been struggling as a team ever since they disposed of the Packers. Could it have been the coaching? Poor execution? Or maybe the Cowboys players had, once again, bought into the hype that they are the best team in the NFL and all teams would just fold under the pressure of their superior talent? I'm not sure exactly what it was, but one thing is for sure; the team was not playing up to expectations.

Now throw in Romo's injury, which will apparently sideline him for at least 4 weeks, and the team is now setup for yet another big expectation collapse. Or is it?

One thing is clear; we can remove the tag label as best team in the NFL. We are now the underdog in a division where we are already in 3rd place and a game and a half away from being in last place. This team now has to develop something that has been missing for quite sometime if it wants to compete. This team must play as a unit, must focus, must prepare for every game, and must get hungry. We don't have the luxury of relying on talent alone anymore.

If this team can band together, find the unity to play as a team with one goal in mind, and play inspired football, come playoff times we will be unstoppable, liken to the New York Giants of last year. Everyone had pretty much written them off early in the season much like many will write off the Cowboys. But if this team can finally get what being a team is all about, we will be better than ever before.When the talent returns, this team will be scary....scary good.

Even *with* our healthy guys, we probably wouldn't have won at The Meadowlands anyways, why? B/c this game is much more important to the Giants than us with them having to travel to Philly the week after.

Anyhow-I have no problems with losing to the Giants on 11/2, we have the rematch at home in Dec, we'll get them then.

As for what you said above-I agree to some extent...was getting sick and tired of all this media hype over us all offseason. These distractions were completely unecessary, and I hope now that we're facing adversity, this is probably the best time to regroup and make us stronger.

Bob Sacamano

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there is one thing Braveheart, if it happens

but the offense will change to one that emphasizes the short, passing game, such as slants to TO and Crayton


Well-Known Member
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I understand and agree that it is good not to have the hype, but I don't think this was exactly a "blessing".


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Bob Sacamano;2335652 said:
there is one thing Braveheart, if it happens

but the offense will change to one that emphasizes the short, passing game, such as slants to TO and Crayton

If that happens, and Garrett realizes how much this could help Tony when he returns, then yes that would be a positive.

I just don't have much faith in much of that right now. Hopefully everything shakes out to be worry over nothing...but I'm not sure.


Injured Reserve
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It was obvious that we were in a downward spiral with Romo. Now that he is out, this team has to shift its focus and gears, which could be a good thing when Romo returns.


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I never see injuries to key players as any type of blessing. However, it won't cripple us if the rest of the team can ramp up their intensity and play. As long as we are at least 6-3 going into the bye week, we'll be fine. Anything less and we're in trouble. One good thing that could come out of this is some of our top players might not be so worn down at the end of the year since they will have had some time off during the season recovering from injuries. This theory only holds water IF we make the playoffs. Otherwise all bets are off and the whole thing just sucks!!!!!! We should be getting Roy, Watkins, and Kosier back shortly and they should all be well rested and ready to make a run at the end of the season. The same thing can be said for Romo, Felix, etc. as long as Johnson and company can keep the ship afloat till they return. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. We're only 6 weeks into this season and I'm already emotionally drained. I have no idea why I base so much of my happiness on the outcome of something that I have absolutely zero control over. Sad really. :confused:


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jdub2k4;2335667 said:
It was obvious that we were in a downward spiral with Romo. Now that he is out, this team has to shift its focus and gears, which could be a good thing when Romo returns.

So how is the defense going to play ? They won't have any time to relax because the points wont be there....I really don't think this is a blessing......


Degree or Bust
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The one blessing I can see is Tony can get fully healthy in the time it takes his thumb to heal. I think he has been nursing other injuries and maybe he will take the time to get the whole "I'm going to be like Tom Brady" thing out of his system.


Lightning Rod
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Bob Sacamano;2335652 said:
there is one thing Braveheart, if it happens

but the offense will change to one that emphasizes the short, passing game, such as slants to TO and Crayton

which might actually work out well

but no Romo being hurt is not a blessing in disguise


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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a blessing? who do you think is gonna save the back sides of Wade, Stewrat, Redball, o-line, Defense, and special teams when they let other teams rip off 30-40 points per game on them? think Brad is gonna put up 300 yrds 3 TDs a game?...probably not ..but you will still see the INts and fumbles

Mr Cowboy

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Bob Sacamano;2335652 said:
there is one thing Braveheart, if it happens

but the offense will change to one that emphasizes the short, passing game, such as slants to TO and Crayton

That is a good thing. The long verticle passing attack has een stagnant. TO is not beating te double coverage, Crayton and Austin aren't beatng their man, Witten is doing what he can, and Barber is having to make 10 catches per game. Also Tony is not getting enough time to let the long patterns develop.

TO has always been at his best running slants, and crossing patterns and using his speed and YACS.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hard to see as any silver lining at this time.

However sometimes it does seem as if the cowboys play to competition or when they have something to prove. Maybe they did get some sense knocked into them finally. Maybe they will turn it around and make a difference.

However to me this is a classic case of Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


Red: Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

Andy Dufresne: Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.


if you ain't first, you're last
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big dog cowboy;2335677 said:
A injury to Romo is now a blessing?

WE have a lot more problems then Romo, let's start with the O-line, Special Teams, Lack of a Pass rush and a secondary that has trouble covering people for Starters.