Romo's Reaction to the FG

Garland powerplay

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Ben Roflsberger;2332447 said:
But its even before games too. He comes out looking lethargic and down. the cameras showed him on the sidelines before the game and through his body language it seemed like they already were losing. He used to come out full of energy, bouncing, tapping players on the helmet and getting the team jacked up. He hasn't been that guy at all these past 3 games. He doesnt seem pumped up to be playing anymore

He really needs to seek advice from the great Mr. Aikman


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DCgirl13;2332437 said:
I was still REALLY fun and a chance of a lifetime. It was so awesome to see all the Cowboys players so close up. The ending was so exciting up until the blocked punt.

That's cool so did you wear a cowboys Jersey or a Cardinals jersey?


Messenger to the football Gods
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Romo is a competitor. He isn't happy with the performance as of late. Simple, really..................


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Romo is a *****.

He sulks on the bench when he makes a mistake and then has the nuts to call out Gurode for not snapping the ball fast enough.

He should have had 4 turnover today and unless he pulls his head out of his ***, this team will fall in the playoffs. Again.


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After all those hits, he probably didnt know where the hell he was.

I will agree that he does not look the same, he seems to be very serious now. Maybe he is just really concentrating, maybe he is going over in his mind the Xs and Os, maybe he feels the pressure to win after his big contract and celebrity status, or maybe he is like the rest of us and has come to the realization that the team isnt winning jack with Wade as HC.

I really dont know myself, but he cleary is not the same player from earlier in the season.


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Hoofbite;2332601 said:
Romo is a *****.

He sulks on the bench when he makes a mistake and then has the nuts to call out Gurode for not snapping the ball fast enough.

He should have had 4 turnover today and unless he pulls his head out of his ***, this team will fall in the playoffs. Again.

We were a perinial 5-11 team every freaking year until Romo showed up.

With Brad "noodle arm" Johnson we would be lucky to be 5-11 again.

I will take a "distracted Romo" any day of the week over that crap we trotted out there at QB since Aikman retired. We had what, like 17 scrubs at QB since Aikman until Romo fell into our laps.

I can get a new HC, I can get new recievers, I can get new linemen, what I cant go out and get is a franchise QB.

kai cyr

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Gemini Dolly;2332394 said:
Romo is no longer having fun. Whether it be something to do with his personal life or maybe its the media's expectations of him and this team that is too much for him to handle.

I think he is getting worse as the season goes along. If its not interceptions, he can't seem to protect the ball. He has lost awareness in the pocket. Its ugly out there for him. Hopefully he gets it together real soon.

I agree...he just isn't the same. I miss the old Romo:(

Gemini Dolly

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I hate when people bring up the previous QBs, just to make it seem like Romo isnt all that bad. Who cares about the Hutchinsons or Hensons or Carters, we have Romo NOW, and his play is a concern NOW. Bringing up those other QBs does not make Romo's play this year any better.

He needs to snap out of the funk. Obviously, the coaches arent helping him, so its going to have to be on him to make a turn around. Hey, if Eli could do it, why not Romo?

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I continue to be surprised that Tony acts like that considering Parcells was so high on him, and Parcells put such a huge premium on leadership at the QB position.