Roy Williams On Jim Rome...


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STSINAZ;1740959 said:
roy is rude to our media could see it yesterday...he likes rome so he was nice to him...he needs to understand everyone is calling out his weaknesses ....he should be looking at that like ok this is something i need to work on...not acting all abrasive and then saying he doesnt read the papers when we all know that he does or he wouldnt be getting mad about it...
I've yet to see Roy being rude to any media, can you be more specific?

Every Roy's interview that I've seen or read, he has been very respectful and gentleman. :confused:


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CaptainAmerica;1740729 said:
I agree with those who say his shoulder is bothering him. You really don't see him light many receivers up these days.

i've seen roy trying to light up plenty of wr's and rb's and te's, but he wiffs alot now. maybe thats why u dont see it:confused:


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superpunk;1740790 said:
That's something I've never heard him say - but it's apparent, and it's definitely affecting his "aura" if you will.

Shame because that "aura" was really all he had. Now he's just a mediocre safety who doesn't deliver big hits.

Bob Sacamano

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abersonc;1741106 said:
Shame because that "aura" was really all he had. Now he's just a mediocre safety who doesn't deliver big hits.

then what does that make the safeties who don't deliver as many plays as him?


No Quarter
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CaptainAmerica;1740720 said:
...I caught the last few minutes of Roy on Jim Rome's radio show today.
my condolences that you had to suffer thru an episode of dumb and dumber.


Arch Defender
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juckie;1740792 said:
Im sorry,but he is the weaklink of the defense sadly.everyteam knows it and shows it.We need a ballhawk.

stupid post of the day



Arch Defender
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abersonc;1741106 said:
Shame because that "aura" was really all he had. Now he's just a mediocre safety who doesn't deliver big hits.

stupid post of the day #2

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Jay-D;1740957 said:
I'm a huge Roy fan......and I can say that I don't like the fact that he's saying he's playing with less intensity.

Knocking people out is Roy's game. Period.

If he takes that away, he becomes an average player in my opinion. I've noticed the lack of big hits and thought that maybe the opportunity just hadn't presented itself as much.......but now I see it's an intentional thing.


I can't have that. If Roy ain't hitting people......I say trade him.

Roy found Jesus and went soft.... If only he had found touchdown Jesus.....


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McCordsville Cowboy;1741209 said:
Roy found Jesus and went soft.... If only he had found touchdown Jesus.....



White and Nerdy
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ManicDepressiveMan;1740893 said:
That's the problem with Roy.

Always doing something with his charity instead of trying to get better on the football field.

Charity work will still be there when you retire, Roy.

Why don't you concentrate on learning how to cover someone.

and we wonder what is wrong with this country.....people think a stupid football game is more important than helping out your fellow man or children. I applaud Roy for taking the time to give back and help needy children.

What if that was your child who needed this charity work desperately, and instead Roy decided to wait until he retired? I bet you would be singing a different tune.

Roy is doing a fine job on and off the field. Leave the guy alone already...I sick of all the hate being thrown his way. Yes he makes his fair share of mistakes, but he also makes a pretty fair share of very good plays as well.

It's the same with Ellis....oh he is a crybaby, he is a bust cause he never gets double digit sacks....get rid of him, he is an overrated bum. All Ellis does is make our defense exceptionally better because he is excellent in all phases of the game and has been throughout his career. Unfortunately it wasn't until Ware came along, that he actually had someone on the other side to take pressure off him.

Roy hasn't had that complimentary safety since Woody got hurt. Not one of the guys we have plugged in there have been up to snuff. Also, our CB unit has been lacking to say the least. Even when we get good CBs, we can't seem to keep them all healthy at the same time. I guarantee if Roy didn't have to compensate for the mistakes from his fellow CBs, Ss, and LBs, as well as try and do his job too.........then he would not be looking so bad in coverage. In fact, I firmly feel if we could get our trip of CBs healthy for the remainder of the season, get our LBs to cover better, and get Hamlin or Watkins on the right page, that Roy have a very productive second half.


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03EBZ06;1740991 said:
I've yet to see Roy being rude to any media, can you be more specific?

Every Roy's interview that I've seen or read, he has been very respectful and gentleman. :confused:

If you watch the latest Roy Williams interview in the locker room off the official web page he gets pretty caustic even calling a certain question ludicrous when it was very basic.

I swear he acts like a mentally wounded and angry player around the local media. Roy doesn't deserve all the dysfunctional playing criticism but he deserves most of it. Here is it in the nutshell. He has admitted to toning back his physical devastating tackling and hitting aggressiveness. That past outstanding aspect of his game instilled fear in the heart of the opponent and inspired the players on our defense. It also compensated for his liability ridden deep pass coverage inabilities.

Roy still makes plays but not to the degree that it keeps him in an impact player role. However, as of late Roy seems to be playing with a little more intensity and even the coaches have noted that. This tells me though, that Roy Williams could be more of an impact player if he wanted to. Combine this with his lucrative and extended contract, his more cherished activities outside of football and you now have a good but not great experienced defensive player.

I am hoping he gets back to his enthusiastic and nasty self. You want to prove the critics wrong well go out there and put it on the line as you used to. The Roy Williams of just several years ago was ELECTRIC.

Roy piping it up in the media against the Eagles may be a good sign of things to come. Come back Roy Williams, where have you gone.