Rude/Arrogant Cops

The30YardSlant;4552332 said:
People love to blame and demean others when they feel they have been wronged. Doctors are accused of being in it only for the money, lawyers are all bottom-feeding opportunists, teachers teach because they can't function in the "real" world, etc. They do these things because it's easier than thinking logically about either the wrong they did or the faulty system that the individual officers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. have no say in.

McCoy says these things about police officers because they are the easiest of targets. There are enough bad ones to make for decent headlines, and those who do good go largely unnoticed because that's just "what cops are supposed to do". Almost anything they do can potentially be turned against them and the reactionary public allows police officers to be thrown under the bus moreso than any other profession. The stress of the profession is ignored and people scream in anger when a cop harms someone who was trying to harm them.

Police enforce the law, some better than others. The problem is the law can fail, and when that happens even good cops get the blame. Other times everything is done by the book...and the cops still get blamed "because dey was jes' keepin' us down, man".
Every post you have made in this thread has been spot on. I agree 100%. One of my daughters is in some serious legal trouble. She is blaming a cop for her problems, when in reality, she made the mistakes. There are a few bad cops, but not many. People just look for someone to blame other than themselves.
The30YardSlant;4552332 said:
People love to blame and demean others when they feel they have been wronged. Doctors are accused of being in it only for the money, lawyers are all bottom-feeding opportunists, teachers teach because they can't function in the "real" world, etc. They do these things because it's easier than thinking logically about either the wrong they did or the faulty system that the individual officers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. have no say in.

McCoy says these things about police officers because they are the easiest of targets. There are enough bad ones to make for decent headlines, and those who do good go largely unnoticed because that's just "what cops are supposed to do". Almost anything they do can potentially be turned against them and the reactionary public allows police officers to be thrown under the bus moreso than any other profession. The stress of the profession is ignored and people scream in anger when a cop harms someone who was trying to harm them.

Police enforce the law, some better than others. The problem is the law can fail, and when that happens even good cops get the blame. Other times everything is done by the book...and the cops still get blamed "because dey was jes' keepin' us down, man".

You see it one way and, like police officers, you make a lot of assumptions. Some people don't like paying cops to do what they do to others.
CowboyMcCoy;4552339 said:
You see it one way and, like police officers, you make a lot of assumptions. Some people don't like paying cops to do what they do to others.

What is a reasonable alternative?
CowboyMcCoy;4552339 said:
You see it one way and, like police officers, you make a lot of assumptions. Some people don't like paying cops to do what they do to others.

My only assumption is that people are defensive by their very nature and look to blame others.

There are bad cops who are bitter and angry and get off on the power. There are also good cops who have had their careers ruined by the reactionary public and the inciteful media. It's always easier to just throw an officer under the bus and call it justice than to address the uncomfortable reality of whatever situation has occurred, especially if the issue of race can in any way be thrown into the equation. People LOVE accusing white cops of racism to the point where you could make an organized sport out of it in this country. A white cop could sneeze in the direction of a minority and it makes headlines.
CowboyMcCoy;4551979 said:
Feh, 95% of cops are like this. It's why they're cops. I was on the phone with one the other day and this dude was being a complete racist. I plan on talking to him next week... at which point I'll be recording him and will try to post this same kind of behavior from another cop I'm dealing with at the moment.

Keep those cameras rolling.

I would really like to know what some type of law enforcement did to you, because every thread that has any mention of police or cops it in - you come bashing away at them. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, you typically side with the person opposite of the law.

Now you saying 95% of cops are like this - blows my mind - and pretty much discredits anything you've ever said about the police.
numnuts23;4552367 said:
I would really like to know what some type of law enforcement did to you, because every thread that has any mention of police or cops it in - you come bashing away at them. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, you typically side with the person opposite of the law.

Now you saying 95% of cops are like this - blows my mind - and pretty much discredits anything you've ever said about the police.

To have these kind of feelings towards cops, they must have really messed him up. These feelings are not normal.
CowboyMcCoy;4552339 said:
You see it one way and, like police officers, you make a lot of assumptions. Some people don't like paying cops to do what they do to others.

Actually his post at #19 was one of the best I have ever seen him make in all these years.

Your response is so vague and's one of the worst I have seen from you.

The only time people hate to see police is when they are doing something wrong. I live in a really safe area...perhaps it is because I have so many cops that live out here.

They are people doing there job, most of them are college grads. Several are in law school still.

I would say most are indeed doing their job to the best of their abilities. Of course there are bad ones...same as there are bad people in other positions of power in other professions.
There are certain types of people why join the police depts, just like it takes a certain kind of person to join the military.

They usually tend to be more law and order, black or white kind of person, no grey.

That is why many on here have been soldiers, either you are with us or against us.

I don't think though that 95% percent of the fuzz is corrupt, racist or anything.

Most try hard, they just never think they are wrong.
jnday;4552391 said:
To have these kind of feelings towards cops, they must have really messed him up. These feelings are not normal.

He blames SWs and the fuzz for his kid's death so his visceral hatred for social workers and the fuzz is understandable.
CowboyMcCoy;4552339 said:
You see it one way and, like police officers, you make a lot of assumptions. Some people don't like paying cops to do what they do to others.

Saying 95% of cops are bad is a major assumption.
Cursing at citizens is just disrepectful and unprofessional IMO. You can make your point firmly without having to use profanity.
phillycard;4552724 said:
Cursing at citizens is just disrepectful and unprofessional IMO. You can make your point firmly without having to use profanity.

I agree, but citizens should show the same respect to cops that they expect to be treated with.
CanadianCowboysFan;4552705 said:
He blames SWs and the fuzz for his kid's death so his visceral hatred for social workers and the fuzz is understandable.

I had forgot. He has a gripe considering his situation.
CowboyFan74;4551320 said:
I would love to meet a NY Cop on a TX street....

As soon as he pointed his finger at you he'd end up with 44 pointed back at him.

Seriously though, that cop is a doosh (mispelled on purpose) and deserves to be fired.

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