This is a TIDBIT from RotoTimes last moth on Ray Lewis. take it for what it is worth:
Ray Lewis, LB Thursday 5/8, 11:01 AM CT
Now the Baltimore Ravens know what it feels like to run into perennial Pro Bowl linebacker Ray Lewis. The two sides have hit a stalemate on contract talks aimed at a long-term extension, according to After 12 seasons in Baltimore, Lewis is heading into the last year of his contract. The two sides have engaged in contract talks, the Ravens have weighed in with their multi-year offer, Lewis has spelled out his asking price, and too much of a gap now exists to make anyone think a deal is anywhere near imminent.
Our View: The Ravens are entering the “between the rock and a hard place” zone with these negotiations. Lewis, 32, has been the face of the franchise for the past decade, but he has missed 15 starts due to various injuries over the past four seasons. Lewis still performs at a high level when he is on the field, and remains a fiery passionate leader. But the organization has to weigh the risk/reward of a lucrative extension for an aging veteran looking to get paid one last time before the end of his career.