Video: Ryan Clark on Dak Prescott's future with the Cowboys…


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All this means nothing. All this is talking heads blabbing their mouth for ratings, pretending they are mind readers and know what everyone else is thinking. And to predict Jerry's thoughts is almost impossible, because sometimes even Jerry does not know what he is thinking.

Jerry does not have a mind.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry does not have a mind.
really dudes done more in his life then all of us combined, he has nice big family, which means he has an actual legacy, riches beyond belief ec etc

No mind might be sheep like you who follow a narrative to bash a man who turned himself into a Billionaire bight an NFL team and won 3 Sbs in 4 years and turned a near bankrupt franchise starting to decline back into Americas team.who cares about the last 25 years..

the Jones family Have a Legacy that no one in here can match.. you dont get success in life Like Jerrys without a mind, got it.. ? you been voted to a HOF at your job?

Jerry Living his dream, are you? He played college ball and bought a team hired his friend and teammate and actually succeeded and matched every goal hes every dreamed up, have you?