I for one wish him well.
Sure, he failed in the NFL, but the signs where there and he never should have been drafted that high to begin with. He was immature. A lot of people are.
But until now, he had never gotten into legal trouble that I recall.
He was on the Dan Patrick Show a while back and Dan was busting his balls but Ryan took it well. He even agreed to send Dan an autographed Colts jersey (Colts gave it to him prior to the draft, saying he was their pick) if Dan would hold an auction and give proceeds to charity. I believe they followed through with that.
As for the hydrocodon thing... it sucks for sure, but appearantly addiction to pain killers is a powerful thing. Addiction in general has taken a lot of people down.
All in all, Leaf is the butt of many jokes, but I don't think he is a bad person and I certainly don't think he deserves to "rot" as someone else suggested.
Best of luck Ryan.