Ryan Lochte: I Peed In London Olympic Swimming Pool

As a former record holder and state champion swimmer and life guard, I almost never peed in the pool simply because I spent so much time in it. In a lake or the ocean, yeah but in a pool - no, the toilets were always close enough by. I always showered before and after swimming. Apparently not everyone is as considerate of others and think only of their own personal comfort.

I cannot imagine not only admitting to peeing in an Olympic pool but making light of it. I guess I just don't understand the younger generation. Have they no sense of propriety at all?

Oh well, life is good anyway.
Ryan is a tool. Listen to his sound bytes...I swear he should be in the special olympics rather than the normal olympics.
notherbob;4647798 said:
As a former record holder and state champion swimmer and life guard, I almost never peed in the pool simply because I spent so much time in it. In a lake or the ocean, yeah but in a pool - no, the toilets were always close enough by. I always showered before and after swimming. Apparently not everyone is as considerate of others and think only of their own personal comfort.

I cannot imagine not only admitting to peeing in an Olympic pool but making light of it. I guess I just don't understand the younger generation. Have they no sense of propriety at all?

Oh well, life is good anyway.

It is childish and he should probably have kept his yap shut.
Lonestar94;4646658 said:
First, consider the source of urine ... your blood. Urine is only a substance filtered out of your blood and your blood is STERILE. Urine, therefore, is also sterile - WHEN it first comes out. However, urine has many metabolic wastes in it and those wastes are a GREAT place for bacteria to grow. So, if you leave urine out in an environment that allows for bacteria to grow such bacteria will grow and THE bacteria make poisons that are dangerous to your health.

Remember, in a pool, chlorine is used to KILL BACTERIA. Therefore, when one pees in a pool, there are no bacteria that can grow in the urine.

However, the chlorine (depending on the type of chlorine used) in the pool will combine with the urine (just as it does with perspiration) to form substances called "chloramines". It is chloramines that make a pool smell like chlorine. Actually, a pool free of chloramines will have a lot of chlorine in it and has NO smell. Chloramines are also one of the two things that cause your eyes to burn, NOT chlorine. The other is improper pH (acid/base level), again, NOT CHLORINE.

To remove chloramines, the pool must be closed and the water super chlorinated (shocked) and that is expensive.

So, the REAL reason one is not supposed to pee in the pool is to cut down on operating costs. That is also the reason you are supposed to shower before entering a pool (perspiration is almost identical to urine in composition).

Nice job plagiarizing from Yahoo answers. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100612083553AAPwTqk
Hoofbite;4648820 said:

Whoever the source I still contest the REAL REASON you don't piss in the pool is because nobody wants to swim in piss, no matter how sterile it might be.

Simple AND logical...haha I like it! I just find it funny someone would google "Why is it bad to pee in a pool?" And honestly your response should be the top answer :laugh1:
Hoofbite;4648820 said:

Whoever the source I still contest the REAL REASON you don't piss in the pool is because nobody wants to swim in piss, no matter how sterile it might be.
I have never peed in a pool, river or lake while I was swimming. Not unless it was when I was too young to know any better.
or too wasted to know Hostile ?:eek:

I wonder if Lochte is choked at his mom for telling the world he doesn't have time for anything other than one nighters ;)
So what's worse, swimming in a pissy pool or kissing your feces tongued dog?
CanadianCowboysFan;4649060 said:
or too wasted to know Hostile ?:eek:

I wonder if Lochte is choked at his mom for telling the world he doesn't have time for anything other than one nighters ;)
I've never been drunk nor high in my life and never will be.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4647623 said:
I've never seen an adult do this TBH.

I've never seen an adult do it either.

This thread is not about people who stand at the edge and pee INTO a pool :laugh2:

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