Safety, Safety, Safety. blah, blah, blah

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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!
I gave you a like just for the Earnhardt reference


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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My guess is in five years:

1. The kick return game is completely phased out - opponent starts at the 20/25.
2. Punt returns are phased out as the catch cannot be advanced, but if he muffs, it's a live ball.


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A legal waiver can be challenged in court especially after death which is when CTE is determined.

The bigger issue is the perception it presents by the NFL in continuing litigation down the road. And why they must illustrate they’re making some effort.

It’s amazing to me how insensitive some fans are about the athletes for their selfish entertainment. Reminds me of the Romans at the Coliseum.


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!

Talking about a four inch area on the side of a boxer's jaw or body punches accumulating...not exactly the same as a full speed body slam with protective coverings that can damage tissue by their selves. No, there are major differences. Protecting vital points are increased in football.


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!

tl;dr The players need to stop whining about possible life debilitating injuries and keep entertaining me!


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!
Waiver wouldn't do diddly. When they ate 65 and brain dead they will continue with suing the NFL


Well-Known Member
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A legal waiver can be challenged in court especially after death which is when CTE is determined.

The bigger issue is the perception it presents by the NFL in continuing litigation down the road. And why they must illustrate they’re making some effort.

It’s amazing to me how insensitive some fans are about the athletes for their selfish entertainment. Reminds me of the Romans at the Coliseum.



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A legal waiver isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

The media and academia have put a target on the NFL. They're determined to take it down. Only a matter of time.

However, I agree with you in principle.
A waiver is worth it.... the waiver doesnt give you blanket feedom from liability. But they absolutely give you liability from certain things. If I have specifically on a waiver you could break a leg from this acctvity, and you break a leg. Good luck winning a lawsuit against me for breaking your leg unless I did something that was extremely negligent.


Well-Known Member
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A legal waiver can be challenged in court especially after death which is when CTE is determined.

The bigger issue is the perception it presents by the NFL in continuing litigation down the road. And why they must illustrate they’re making some effort.

It’s amazing to me how insensitive some fans are about the athletes for their selfish entertainment. Reminds me of the Romans at the Coliseum.
the sport is what it is... it has nothing to do with me being selfish. Eveer hear of the name doo kuu kim? I may have spelled it wrong and even if you havent heard of him, Im sure you will google it and say you have.

He was a boxer and he payed the ultimate price for boxing. It happens. Has boxing worked to get safer? Inone way, they went from 15 to 12 rds.


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tl;dr The players need to stop whining about possible life debilitating injuries and keep entertaining me!
nope, they dont... but they know the sport is messing up their body. If it concerns them, stop playing NOW. Dont play 10 years ad then sue the league later.

Im not talking about those guys in the past, Im talking about todays players.


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!

I agree. But I still believe targeting someone's head with the crown of your helmet has to be removed from the game. Other than that I don't see a problem.


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!

Although they are removing youth football from many states, or changing the rules so much they don't make a sense.. Some states are considering doing away with high school football also. So they can just axe it completely.


Well-Known Member
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I must admit, I am so tired of hearing so much about safety. Now dont get me wrong, I dont want anyone to get hurt. dont root for it and dont rejoice when it happens. Football is DANGEROUS. Injuries will always happen. Knees are going to get torn up, bones ae going to get broken..... and head trauma will happen.

How come we are not hearing a push for boxers to wear head gear, or the elimination of all punches to the head? Why? because that would be ridiculous. How the hell can you have boxing without head shots. But I dont hear this outcry about Boxer safety.

Football players now know the risks. Why cant we just have them sign a waiver... you know, the kind you sign when you go on some mountain trail and rent an atv. You sign a waiver that says you wont hold the company that rented you the atv if you crash and break some bones.

Those guys would all sign the waiver. I do not feel sorry for football players anymore than I feel sorry for Dale Earnhardt. Not that I dont have sympathy for his death to his family, but Dale knew the risks of racing. He gladly accepted those risks to do what he loves.

You can not take tackling out of football. Enough already!

Careful. These modern snow flakes grew up playing video games and eating PBJs without the crust. Physical violence is abhorrent to them. When I was a kid we actually had rock fights. Can you imagine? BB Gun wars with the promise of only 2-3 pumps. Everyone knew that once you got hit you were back to 10 pumps. Crazy stuff. Certainly toughened me up and help me dodge a few bullets in my life.
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