I was a freshman in college when it came out, It was very controversial, received an X rating due to violence before re-edits. We went opening weekend and the theater was carding anyone that looked borderline 18 yrs old, it kinda reminded me when The Warriors came out and the kind of scrutiny the film was getting. The theater was strictly checking IDs, but not strict in checking what was being brought in. Me and several college buddys, wore big coats and snuck in a bunch of beer hoping there would be plenty of explosions or gunshots to help cover the sound of our opening of the beers. No worries there, more than enough gunshots to cover our drinking.
The movie blew us away, it was such a raw movie for the time. Michelle Pfeiffer.......
instant crush when she came out on screen. It was fun coming out of the theater, everyone coming out and not just us, was buzzing about the movie and you could hear everyone quoting different lines in the movie. Strangers quoting and interacting with other strangers about the movie, just knew at the time it would be an instant classic.
I think a remake would be a bad idea, too tall an order and too big a shoes to fill to live up to. Some movies just shouldn't be remade, like Goodfellas, Jaws, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction.....Scarface is one of those type films.