Shady McCoy at Cowboys practice

There is no crew. There is only Jones. Let us not play make-believe for a moment.

Jones did not open his eyes until his three-time Super Bowl winning quarterback called it quits. Jones supported him 100% What did he do afterwards? Jones used a second round draft pick on a quarterback with pre-draft question marks.

Jones did not open his eyes a second time until that quarterback stoned his way out of the pros. Jones supported him 100% What did he do afterwards? Jones shuffled through late career former first round draft picks, at least one ex-baseball player trying to recreate himself outside the MLB and a couple of undrafted free agents--one of whom capitalized on his opportunity. Jones supported him 100% for 11 seasons.

Jones did not open his eyes a third time until a third string 4th rounder blew off his shoes, socks and soiled underwear during the course of a little over two months. Jones has supported him 100% ever since, which brings us to today.

^ That's 34 years of Jones to look back on. It makes me wonder what concussions, weed, castoffs, bad back and mid-round pickups purposefully drafted for depth will it take for Jones to finally open his eyes. Maybe the fourth time will be the charm?
Maybe it's too much to expect a fan to notice the depth and quality of the entire management and coaching elements of the franchise...much less that talent is pretty damn good in the now.
Maybe it's too much to expect a fan to notice the depth and quality of the entire management and coaching elements of the franchise...much less that talent is pretty damn good in the now.
Maybe it is too much to expect a fan to acknowledge the one undeniable constant of the franchise since 1989...much less the talent accumulated through trial-and-error via atypical unyielding football managerial oversight.
Maybe it is too much to expect a fan to acknowledge the one undeniable constant of the franchise since 1989...much less the talent accumulated through trial-and-error via atypical unyielding football managerial oversight.
I'm entitled to show a current respect no matter how many times another runs everything through the mud instead.
LOL......just couldn't resist, could you?
That was humor I feel even you can appreciate.

It complimented the current team, and if some haven't noticed, that still includes Jerry Jones...but the rest is different.
I'm entitled to show a current respect no matter how many times another runs everything through the mud instead.
Fair enough. I shall continue thinking how more flexible typical sports team ownership could have helped the franchise avoid being bogged down, as often as it did, with fresher and more knowledgeable managerial oversight. That said, I wish Jerry Jones all the best in doing it his way now and into his inflexible future.

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