Shortcomings were clearly on display last night


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I can handle it just fine and give as good as I get. Unlike some people. And if I want to say something, I'll say it clearly and not hide in ambiguity and grey area.

If anyone "can't handle" something, it's fans who "can't handle" any level of criticism of this team. That's their weakness, not mine.

We aren't going to run into any team that has a defense like the Vikings. They were clamping down hard not even Seattle can do us like that. The Vikings dominant defense came at the cost of them not having an offense tho.


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Let's say Lucky and Elliott doesn't fumble, what are you saying today? You act as if this is who we are as a team. We had a bad game, that's not the norm here. And I feel we had a bad game because we played a REALLY GOOD defense. If we play like this every week, or most weeks, you'd have a better argument.

I'm not sure you're understanding what my "argument" is and what it isn't. You're implying and projecting things that aren't there.

I believe I acknowledged that the Vikings' defense contributed to our struggles, I know I never suggested otherwise.

And "every" or "most weeks" isn't relevant. Where this team hopes to go, all it takes is one week. And one "bad game".


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I'm not sure you're understanding what my "argument" is and what it isn't. You're implying and projecting things that aren't there.

I believe I acknowledged that the Vikings' defense contributed to our struggles, I know I never suggested otherwise.

And "every" or "most weeks" isn't relevant. Where this team hopes to go, all it takes is one week. And one "bad game".
They had that and won. Case closed.


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You keep mentioning these fans as if they exist, or at least as if they're prominent on the board. Yet ample criticism of every level of the team exists in every thread. And I've yet to see a poster who's unwilling to accept or offer some level of rational criticism.

Oh, they exist all right. No matter how much they try to deny it while making their snarky backhanded comments.

Of course, not everybody is willing to jettison long-time starters after a tough game--I mean, victory--against a good defensive team. Some can be critical of a play or a game or a season without setting fire to a whole career. Some can't.

If you'd point out where I ever said we should "jettison long-time starters", you'd have a case. But I didn't, and you don't. So you'll resort to fabricated and absurd claims instead.


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People that keep harping on 'Well time to fix that defense!" need to give it a rest.

What, you think we're adding any players to this defense over the next 10 days? We're not.

Any personnel issues will have to wait until this season is over.


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Yes they have issues.

But I doubt anything is going to change the rest of this season.

The "To do" list will be attended to in the offseason.

I'm hoping for a bit of both. But I do understand that there's only so much that can be done during the season too.


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If you're not in the game threads, sometimes the posts the first few days after a game are surreal. After 11 straight wins, this is what passes for a loss reaction around hear.

That MIN defense is really good. It showed last night. We were lucky to come out with the win, but it's pretty amazing what this team accomplished the last 11 days. Against some good teams.

I guess half the fun of a win is talking about how dominant you were the day after and enjoying the game itself.

Last nights game was painful to watch and there is really nothing to get excited about playwise today.

8-1 to 11-1 in 12 days is awesome and what I was wishing for. Now it gets to where the fans are thinking "can we win it all" . The bar has been changed and everybody is looking at how we measure up and the problems that could cause us not to reach the "current" goal which is now the Super Bowl.

Just my take....


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How about the team was beat-up and tired because the NFL did them no favors on this stretch of the schedule. On paper this should have been a loss, it wasn't!!

Now we get a mini bye week before going to New York.
thank you!! 3 games (all wins) in 12 days wears on anybody. Don't care how young you are.


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I guess half the fun of a win is talking about how dominant you were the day after and enjoying the game itself.

Last nights game was painful to watch and there is really nothing to get excited about playwise today.

8-1 to 11-1 in 12 days is awesome and what I was wishing for. Now it gets to where the fans are thinking "can we win it all" . The bar has been changed and everybody is looking at how we measure up and the problems that could cause us not to reach the "current" goal which is now the Super Bowl.

Just my take....

That's a good point. That game was watching yellow paint dry, for sure.

For the record, I'm as excited as anybody for the prospects for this season, but it's definitely feeling to me like this recent stretch is wearing on the team. It felt like we coasted through both WAS and MIN almost. That said, I'm not looking past tough road wins. Or nationally televised games like the on last night or on Thanksgiving. We're taking everybody's best shots and we've been the ones left standing so far. I do think the extra days off before having to travel out east again are coming at a great time. And I'd be a lot happier with our defensive prospects in the post season with Mo back and playing well, too. If we can't pressure anybody, we have to be able to cover and we have to continue to hold up in the red zone.


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That's a good point. That game was watching yellow paint dry, for sure.

For the record, I'm as excited as anybody for the prospects for this season, but it's definitely feeling to me like this recent stretch is wearing on the team. It felt like we coasted through both WAS and MIN almost. That said, I'm not looking past tough road wins. Or nationally televised games like the on last night or on Thanksgiving. We're taking everybody's best shots and we've been the ones left standing so far. I do think the extra days off before having to travel out east again are coming at a great time. And I'd be a lot happier with our defensive prospects in the post season with Mo back and playing well, too. If we can't pressure anybody, we have to be able to cover and we have to continue to hold up in the red zone.

I agree on MO. I like Anthony Brown as a prospect (he has played well on the vast majority of balls thrown his way)but you cannot afford a big blown coverage like he has had in each of the last 2 games. Washington scored a TD and Minn should have.


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I agree on MO. I like Anthony Brown as a prospect (he has played well on the vast majority of balls thrown his way)but you cannot afford a big blown coverage like he has had in each of the last 2 games. Washington scored a TD and Minn should have.

We're being forced to play Brown more with MoC hurt and Scandrick struggling. The coaches decided to start Brown over Scandrick, and they must have done that in full recognizance that there would be growing pains for the rookie out there.


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I'm not denying that the overall strategy is working. That's clear.

But, personally, I'm seeing the margin for error shrinking and the wins growing closer and closer to being losses. And I'm seeing the obvious shortcomings (which all teams have for sure) becoming more and more glaring.

And while that might be forbidden to talk about for some people whose sensibilities are easily offended, I'm not afraid to talk about them.

I don't think it's forbidden talk but Dallas is just as well equipped as anyone is right now to be the last man standing and all this worry is for nothing.


Fattening up
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Oh, they exist all right. No matter how much they try to deny it while making their snarky backhanded comments....If you'd point out where I ever said we should "jettison long-time starters", you'd have a case. But I didn't, and you don't. So you'll resort to fabricated and absurd claims instead.

You say they exist, but then you say lots of things in the heat of emotion that are later proven to be completely wrong.

How 'bout this: you name a few posters for me you think are incapable of criticizing the team, and I'll take the time to see whether or not your claim is accurate. I'll provide links to posts to support my argument. Otherwise, this just falls into the bucket of 'what can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without a reason' and we can all handle it accordingly.

As for 'jettisoning starters' goes, perhaps I read into your comment. Here's what I was referencing, though. Re: Doug Free you said he was 'awful' 'beaten like a drum repeatedly,' that it was a shame Green wasn't healthy enough to replace him, and that a 'replacement needs to be found' in the long and short term. I'm paraphrasing in between the quotes here, of course, but let me know where I've read into things too much.

Re: Brandon Carr, you said he has "zero playmaking, poor awareness, plays soft, gives too much cushion, mediocre tackler. You name it, if it's bad, he's showing it. Cornerback becomes a bigger need every week."

Maybe you weren't talking about jettisoning these guys from the roster completely and just wanted to keep them as highly paid backups after replacing them as starters? Or maybe I misunderstood what you really meant by 'short term' or 'replacement' or 'bigger need every week.' If you were actually expecting to keep these starters as backups in order to not jettison them from the roster, it seems expensive and impractical. But if I jumped to the conclusion that you meant actually replacing them on the roster when you didn't, then allow me to apologize.


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If you want to call it "complaining", that's your prerogative. I see it as valid criticism and legitimate concerns.

I see issues that could have cost this team that game last night. And I worry that if they're not corrected, it will soon cost them one. Maybe as soon as next week.

Fans want to say that "no team is perfect", but somehow take issue and want to blind themselves when these imperfections are pointed out?
Bold is honeslty untrue. I will give you this is a messageboard so discussions are encouraged but these imperfections esp on D are made after every game win or lose it seems so its not like they haven't been addressed before countless times. I guess since we aren't in the offseason that's what we have to do but saying people are blinding themselves is factually incorrect. If this was the first time or two this subject had came up I'd agree with you but this is a running theme no?


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Thanks for pointing that out. I thought I was alone.


No I've been getting grilled as well. I'm with you. Would like to see us play better than we have. I think we will, but our defense still worries me. Offense has zero margin for error.