Should Joe Theesman be fined by the FCC?


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Joe "diagrammed" this play a few Sunday nights ago...

I think we all know what was on his mind... I guess sitting next to Paul MacGuire can get to a guy...

trickblue said:
Joe "diagrammed" this play a few Sunday nights ago...

I think we all know what was on his mind... I guess sitting next to Paul MacGuire can get to a guy...


I am for anything that gets Theezman in trouble lol.
trickblue said:
Joe "diagrammed" this play a few Sunday nights ago...

I think we all know what was on his mind... I guess sitting next to Paul MacGuire can get to a guy...


I guess it's kind a like looking at clouds. I see either a boot or a roller skate. Hmmm, and I'm NOT sitting next to "Pauly". I i'd vote to fine him.
Reminds me of that SNL sketch where OJ was sideline reporting and telestrated a play that spelled out:


Danny White said:
Reminds me of that SNL sketch where OJ was sideline reporting and telestrated a play that spelled out:



That was one of the funniest skits ever (not as funny as cowbell though)

His description while he draws the play is hilarious...
BrAinPaiNt said:
I am for anything that gets Theezman in trouble lol.
I agree. Joe "Norman Einstein" Theesman should be fined....tared, feathered, and kicked in the nutz.
adbutcher said:
I agree. Joe "Norman Einstein" Theesman should be fined....tared, feathered, and kicked in the nutz.
I'd be ok with a kick in the nards but only if it was like the Jackarse skit when the kids took turns kicking Knoxville.
Yeagermeister said:
I'd be ok with a kick in the nards but only if it was like the Jackarse skit when the kids took turns kicking Knoxville.
:D...That was crazy funny.
That's nothing, take a look at the Dallas-Ft. Worth map (Particularly follow 635 down to I20, then go west)


Want to know the name of the town at the so-called tip of this "manhood"...

...White Settlement

GTaylor said:
That's nothing, take a look at the Dallas-Ft. Worth map (Particularly follow 635 down to I20, then go west)


Want to know the name of the town at the so-called tip of this "manhood"...

...White Settlement


OMG... that is hilarious... I lived in DFW for 8 years and never noticed that...

btw... one of our employee's daughter was just crowned "Miss White Settlement"... she is african-american...
GTaylor said:
That's nothing, take a look at the Dallas-Ft. Worth map (Particularly follow 635 down to I20, then go west)

And they wonder why we say things are bigger in Texas!!??

i can't even see what your talking about...those numbers are way too small...
Tio said:
i can't even see what your talking about...those numbers are way too small...
Here's a better map


Notice what the 820 road shape is in consideration to the rest of the roads???

If you're still lost, start at 635 (Where it meets up with 35) then follow it Eastward/Southward until it hits 20), then take 20 west and follow it to 820 and follow 820 until it reaches 183. Follow 183 to 35E, then take it back up to 635.

See it now :)

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