My girl does several things that annoy me.
The most annoying thing is she'll decide to talk about something while I'm watching TV or playing a game. To the point where I have to pause whatever I'm doing and give her my attention for a few minutes. I never complain about it though, if I just pause for a few moments and let her continue with her story, it'll be over quick enough.
She also adds way too much detail to any story she tells, making it drag on for FAR longer than needed for me to understand the story. She adds details that are completely unneeded, and will even pause to think/remember certain things that add NOTHING useful to the story at all. I feel like half way through the story I already know how the story is going to end, but she keeps on going.
And before the next one, let me clarify and say that my GF is a cleaner person than me. She makes less mess, and cleans more often than I do. That said, my GF will let dishes build up for a day or 2 before she washes them. This annoys me.
My whole life I've washed my dishes as soon as I bring them to the sink. When I cook, I do not eat until I clean all the things I cooked with. When I go to the sink and it's full of stuff she used to cook, and the plates she's used during the day, I have to move stuff to clean my own dishes. Then I feel like I should just clean them all, which generally ends in me just tossing my stuff on top of hers and walking away. :laugh2: