I think you guys tend to miss the point of the dislike of Cowboys fans that are from NoVA/DC.
It really comes from about 20 years ago when the Cowboys became a good team again and they were rolling with Jimmy Johnson and winning Super Bowls, then all of a sudden these people who didn't care about football and were from just outside of DC suddenly became huge Cowboy fans.
People from this area tend to disrespect that because they're just people trying to attach themselves to winning team because it makes them feel good about themselves. It's like being a Lakers or a Yankee fan, and being from Boston. They're viewed as band wagon fans that really didn't earn the right to celebrate the teams success because you didn't care about them until they were successful. It's like people in a conflict who will sit on the fence and don't have the guts to pick a side till the winner is decided then they're like "YEAH! WE WON! WE WON!". I'm not saying that all Cowboys fans in this area are like that, but when you see someone that's lived in Virginia their entire life walk around in a Romo jersey, it's natural curiosity if they're a fan because it's the trendy thing to do. When the Cowboys had down years you didn't see these people nearly as much and now that the Cowboys over the past few years have really been on the rise again, this trend has come back.
I find it hard to believe that if the Commanders got to be a good team again and won a couple Super Bowls while the Cowboys struggled, and suddenly in the Dallas-Fort Worth area all these people who really didn't care about the NFL before suddenly started walking around in Orakpo and Portis jerseys going "Cowboys suck!". You would think they're a bunch of losers who just latched into the Commanders bandwagon because of success.
Ever since they've become 'America's Team' and they're just the trendy team to like. You'll find that in life people who like something just because it's trendy are easy to dislike. It might not be fair but that's how it is.
I think most Commanders fans have no problem with people being Cowboys fans if you're not from the Commanders home territory, or maybe you're dad was a Cowboys fan and it's how you grew up or something of that nature. It's just really a dislike of people who are from here and like the Cowboys for no other reason because it's trendy to like them. The problem is that everyone else who has legit reasons get caught up in the dislike of that group.
As far as the celebrities goes, who cares if some random dummy likes a team and they're famous...does it help the team or make the team better? Nope.