Sleep Issue


Sanka, Ya Dead Mon? Ya Mon.
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I have the same issue. Like the original reply said you need to work out hard. I find that if I kick my butt physically during the day it is really the only thing that helps. If just lifting doesn't do it then lift and go for a run. Also, try and eat a healthy diet. Usually, a healthy life style can solve about 90% of issues when you are thinking about consulting a doctor.

Definitely do not get pills though. Ambien can cause you to "sleep walk" and do stuff without more recollection, or more like being blacked out on xanax or alcohol. Your not really sleep walking your just blacked out from the drug. It can cause weight gain also, and other nasty problems.


Sanka, Ya Dead Mon? Ya Mon.
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I've tried melatonin and it doesn't make you fall asleep. Everything I have read since is that it's mainly used as a signal to let your know body when it's time to sleep. It's the perfect natural pill to take after you come back from overseas and are trying to reverse jet lag as soon as possible.

I suggest learning how to control your breathing. Look up breathing exercises or meditation lectures. It will make an enormously positive impact on your life. You can learn to control your mind and just drift off through relaxation techniques. It takes a lot of work at first but it's well worth it. It's good in many situations as well, not just aiding in sleep.


AegonTheConqueror-Now bend the knee
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I know some people who take ZMA, but have no 1st hand experience with it.

You might want to look into it though.


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Hostile;4595178 said:
As someone who regularly has insomnia, no, you probably do not need a doctor for one or two episodes. Sometimes the mind and body just don't want to shut down.

Turn off TVs and radios, and the PC and read a book. It usually will slow your mind down enough to allow you to relax and get tired.
What about NYQUIL?:)


Injured Reserve
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Try binaural beats with headphones. It is basically two subtly different sound wave frequencies, one in each ear, which resonates with brain to the wave frequency needed for whatever purpose you are trying to achieve. There are some specifically made for insomnia/lack of sleep and it is completely harmless and very relaxing. They are all over the internet for free download, or if you have an Android or iPhone, you can download binaural beats apps for free. I'm sing one called Binaural Beats Therapy for a different purpose.


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Cowboys&LakersFan;4595549 said:
Spending the night at my brother's house and I have to sleep on the couch.i hate sleeping on couches.
Me too, especially other people's couches. My own, I can make it work.

BTW, don't know if you've had success by using some/any of the great sleep aid suggestions so far. If not ... and I'm not sure if any clinical studies have been done to determine its effectiveness ... this video may be another way to go. The music is very soothing. I'm sure it'll help.

Just click and watch at bedtime:


Well-Known Member
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Consult a doctor?

You'd get little more than advice after having only "suffered" for a week.

Wake up in the morning and it will all work itself out.


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My bouts are always from stress - and I pretty much know when I'm stressed enough for it to happen. Just can't turn the mind off from trying to solve the problem I'm stressing about. But some things cannot be solved by thinking them through - only walking them out.

I force myself to read my Bible, reset my mind on trust and faith and be reminded that there will always be times in life where you have to walk by faith though things look dark.


Kane Ala
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I'm assuming you have slept a little over the past week as up continuously that long and you'd be psychotic.

Without asking you questions that may embarrass you here's free advice:

No naps. Wake up daily about the same time. If you work days then wake up from 6-8AM. Go to bed no later than 11PM preferably 10PM each night. Get on a schedule.

No drugs. That includes caffiene and alcohol. One is a stimulant and the other a depressant. You need neither. Benedryl (Nyquil) does interfere with your sleep architecture some. If you cannot sleep without Benedryl then you should see a doctor. If you must sleep with Benedryl then at least let your doctor know it and have had discussed it with him.

No sound or light in the room unless it can be considered white noise. It cannot be light in the room nor too much noise. Noise esp conversation can be incorporated into dreams and can conflict with your REM sleep.

If you still cannot sleep then something is wrong. There are lots of things including primary insomnia but depression is probably the leading cause. That can be treated. Go to the doctor if you have chronic insomnia from any cause.


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I dealt with the same thing as you and was around the same age.,i would stay up until 5-7am all the time. I felt like I was mentally thrivimg at night time. Even cutting out caffiene I would feel full of energy. I played 3sports in high school so I was active durimg the day and not tired at night. Needless to say I went to the doctor and he put me on ambien. I have never done drugs so I cant really compare it to anything but it messed my world up for the week I took it. I would feel fine,and then about 30 minutes later everything felt like it was in slow motion. I woke up and was told I had an hr long conversation with my parents, laid down, got right up and apparently went for a jog and had no memory of any of it. It only got worse so I stopped after 5 days. I never felt rested, so it did more harm than good.

What I do now is download a newspaper app on your phone. Read a few articles while laying down. I really like reuters, it has everything from sports to science to oddly enough. The last one has pretty amusing stories and they are short. After a few you will prob get sleepy.


1st Round Pick
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Melatonin works for me. Sometimes my thoughts will start racing as soon as I lay down and next thing I know it's 2 am and im still up.

Not anymore. I'll take a small piece of melatonin on work nights and im out until it's time to wake up.

I wouldn't take the whole pill at first either. Just take part of it. If I feel like I can go to sleep naturally or I don't have work the next day then I won't take it.


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First of all, it hasn't been long enough for you to be very concerned about it and I wouldn't recommend seeking professional help at this point.

I have dealt with this for a long time and you already have received very good suggestions.

1) Avoid caffeine and sugar in the afternoon
2) Exercise
3) Read instead of watching TV or spending time online
4) Wake up early. If you haven't slept by 9am, I would suggest trying to stay up until evening rather than sleeping in the middle of the day (if this is possible and doesn't put you in danger).
5) Turn off all lights when you're ready to fall asleep and actively imagine/visualize calming and tranquil settings and sounds.
6) Do the visualization while you do deep breathing exercises.
7) On Sleep aids: Not all types work well for everyone. I have tried all sorts of sleep aid that are available over the counter (NyQuil, Tylenol PM, etc...) . Most of them don't work for me. I don't get a good night sleep on them. They make me groggy in the morning or I will have sort of nightmares right before i fall asleep and if i wake up in the middle of the night i have a hard time going back to sleep.

What I found to be most helpful is the stuff with Melatonin in it. Its the hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles. This has worked well for me.
The best product I have found and I currently use is called Sleep-Assure. It works like a charm for me.


In addition to Melatonin, it also has GABA and P5P.

Like with everything else, I recommend trying everything first before you turn to any type of medication or supplements.

Good luck!