Snips from Eagle fans today


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"McNabb smiling on the sidelines in the 4th quarter, makes me absolutly sick to my stomach. This guy has the fire of a 10 yr old girl. If you saw the Pats vs. Colts game you see the huge difference in how Manning and Brady carry themselves. Brady absolutly commands his huddle and offense. Itd be nice to see McNabb show atleast a pulse on the field."

"Finally people are starting to get it. Mcnabb is not a good leader on the sidelines or on the field. he is not Philly material. Never has been."

"losing doesn't eat at him. he's not competitive enough. it's just a job in a town that he is so sick of doing that it's ridiculous. it's plain as day he doesn't want to be here anymore. time to trade him and turn the page. not a doubt in my mind that we'll be better off without him and his lack of fire."

"i'd trade him for a 2 today. same thing we got for feeley."

"McNabb is not the entire problem. It's that cheap *** front office, and sorry head coach. let's just say they do trade mcnabb. who in the hell is kolb? he's a shotgun qb, that can't scramble, and inaccuarte."

"don't you get it? it's not about winning in the W column and postseason for Jeff Lurie. It's about seeing a 1000% return on his 167m investment and being the Capology Bowl winner every season."

"i feel like with kolb n jason garrett(dallas OC,whos gunna make an incredible HC IMO) can take us to the promise land sumtime while im still alive!"

"We're a mediocre team this year, but we can free up a good amount of cash, and we'll finish with the worst record in the division which will set us up for an easy schedule next year. A good offseason and draft and we can really have a good season next year."

"Why is Westbrook getting so many damn touches? Save the dude for a game where we have a chance."

"OMG a Hank Baskett sighting? I almost forgot he was on the team"

"well at least dallas have the class to run the clock out, i thank them for that!"



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CowboyChris;1746450 said:
"well at least dallas have the class to run the clock out, i thank them for that!"

am I the only one who was getting sick of seeing them(Eagles) throw those little dink and dunk passes at the end of the game trying to pad their stats? Especially after we clearly were running out the clock.


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CowboyChris;1746450 said:
"Finally people are starting to get it. Mcnabb is not a good leader on the sidelines or on the field. he is not Philly material. Never has been."

"i feel like with kolb n jason garrett(dallas OC,whos gunna make an incredible HC IMO) can take us to the promise land sumtime while im still alive!"


Wow... lots of good stuff.

These stood out the most.

The Eagles fans were right to boo him when he was drafted. I will never give an Eagle fan credit again after this... THEY KNEW. HA!

Well, well, well..... they think they have a shot at Garrett... another, HA!
Its nice though. Once again we have something that others want.... in many aspects.


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"Finally people are starting to get it. Mcnabb is not a good leader on the sidelines or on the field. he is not Philly material. Never has been."

Not Philly material? seems like a perfect fit to me :laugh2:


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What is Philly material ? I'm guessing currently or soon to be incarcerated.


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dogberry;1746639 said:
Can we give Garrett HC money to keep him?

Jerry has deep pockets and could afford to do that. Much like Snyder has done with Greg Williams in Washington. The true question is if Garrett would be happy being an OC with head coaching opportunities on the table.


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Duane;1746653 said:
Jerry has deep pockets and could afford to do that. Much like Snyder has done with Greg Williams in Washington. The true question is if Garrett would be happy being an OC with head coaching opportunities on the table.

I think Garrett would take the money and remain an OC if Jerry promised him the job in two years.

Bob Sacamano

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if someone makes him an HC offer, it's going to be hard to keep him, Sparano already holds the Assistant HC title, right...? or was that just last year?


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I'd be much more concerned about Garrett to the Giants in 2 years than to Philly.

I expect this off-season we lose Sparano to the Dolphins as asst HC/OC with Big Bill taking that job as GM. Jerry then steps up and pays Garrett and promises him a HC gig down the road.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't want to hear about teams running up the score again.

The Cowboys called off the dogs early in the 4th quarter when they could have put up 50, but the Eagles kept passing away like they had a chance to come back.

And that assinine on-side kick topped it off.

They won't get the same sportsman-like treatment from the Patriots.


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JPM;1746611 said:
What is Philly material ?



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JPM;1746611 said:
What is Philly material ? I'm guessing currently or soon to be incarcerated.

I guess McNabb should have been doing Rayovac Battery commercials instead of Chunky Soup commercials...


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CowboyChris;1746450 said:
"McNabb smiling on the sidelines in the 4th quarter, makes me absolutly sick to my stomach. This guy has the fire of a 10 yr old girl. If you saw the Pats vs. Colts game you see the huge difference in how Manning and Brady carry themselves. Brady absolutly commands his huddle and offense. Itd be nice to see McNabb show atleast a pulse on the field."

"Finally people are starting to get it. Mcnabb is not a good leader on the sidelines or on the field. he is not Philly material. Never has been."

"losing doesn't eat at him. he's not competitive enough. it's just a job in a town that he is so sick of doing that it's ridiculous. it's plain as day he doesn't want to be here anymore. time to trade him and turn the page. not a doubt in my mind that we'll be better off without him and his lack of fire."

"i'd trade him for a 2 today. same thing we got for feeley."

"McNabb is not the entire problem. It's that cheap *** front office, and sorry head coach. let's just say they do trade mcnabb. who in the hell is kolb? he's a shotgun qb, that can't scramble, and inaccuarte."

"don't you get it? it's not about winning in the W column and postseason for Jeff Lurie. It's about seeing a 1000% return on his 167m investment and being the Capology Bowl winner every season."

"i feel like with kolb n jason garrett(dallas OC,whos gunna make an incredible HC IMO) can take us to the promise land sumtime while im still alive!"

"We're a mediocre team this year, but we can free up a good amount of cash, and we'll finish with the worst record in the division which will set us up for an easy schedule next year. A good offseason and draft and we can really have a good season next year."

"Why is Westbrook getting so many damn touches? Save the dude for a game where we have a chance."

"OMG a Hank Baskett sighting? I almost forgot he was on the team"

"well at least dallas have the class to run the clock out, i thank them for that!"




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adamknite;1746460 said:
am I the only one who was getting sick of seeing them(Eagles) throw those little dink and dunk passes at the end of the game trying to pad their stats? Especially after we clearly were running out the clock.

that's how they run the ball man. what are they supposed to do, quit? you gotta play til the final whistle.


Pixel Pusher
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I would hope Garrett wouldn't backstab his old team by coaching in-division at the very least. I think he stays, but Jerry won't promise him a HC job, he's not going to two-face Wade like that.

One thing I will say, I have seen the genious we were promised about Garrets offensive play calling more than we've seen Wade's genius at getting a pass rush so far this season, but the D has been much improved (in my opinion) from last year.


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baj1dallas;1746993 said:
that's how they run the ball man. what are they supposed to do, quit? you gotta play til the final whistle.

Throw Kolb in, let him get some snaps. Maybe let Hunt get a few carries in, there was plenty they could have done besides that.


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The filthy fans deserve all of the ill will that have and will come their way.

However, what I don’t get is the sentiment that McFlabb was never a top echelon QB. When he was at his best he constantly played at an MVP level. Now that he is down, there is some obvious piling-on going on. I am glad they are down and we are taking our rightful place at the top of the NFC East but those that question how good McFlabb was looses a lot of credibility with me.