agreeHe’s pretty much hated by all….
I think comparing Danny with the rest of the owners may be a stretch. There were things going on in that organization that were not normal and not acceptable. Calling Danny sleazy was being kind.News Flash...Banks do bank things and owners tend to be aggressive and ruthless. That will never change. Sleazy may not be the right word. I think its ruthlessness/opportunistic. Jerry got where he is that way. ALL THE OWNERS DID. Thats just life and business. We may not like it, and I don't, but this is the norm. Dan is 0 different than any other owner. Look at Kraft and Jerry. Only difference is HE got caught and is being made an example out of because the team is in corrupt Washington D.C. and the media ganged ^ on him. All the owners have spots on them. Can't cancel all 32 owners. We are dealing with flawed humans.
Wow. Didn't think he would actually sell without being forced to.
Must of gotten word on how much he could net from the sell.
Adios Danny. You'll be missed