So I got pranked today


Suspicious looking stranger
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I arrived at work this morning sat down at my desk to log in. I have three different passwords that I use to login because it's mandatory. I tried the first login four times only to fail. So the 5th time I decided to carefully pay attention to the keys I was using to type the password. I managed to get logged in using the wrong password.

I was stumped and started to panic thinking I had had a mini stroke that I was unaware of because I had no recollection of those typing key patterns.

In the last several months I had forgotten things that I should have remembered, but didn't and wasn't sure why, and have been concerned about my health so this incident had me frightened. I was real close to get up and going to the emergency room.

I proceeded to login to my other programs only to fail three or four times. I thought to myself 'crap, I cant go to my manager and tell him that I have forgotten three passwords over night.' He would look at me like I was completely nuts, and I felt that way at the moment. I went to the Tech guy and had him reset all my passwords.

I spent the next 30-40 minutes completely confounded and a bit scared. Then it hit me. I looked at two other key boards around me and discovered that the person, whom I don't know, that used my PC the night before had switched the "M" and "N" keys.

Our tech guy and the owner weren't to happy about the whole incident.

Somebody gonna getta fired over a childish prank.


AegonTheConqueror-Now bend the knee
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Signals;3862608 said:
I arrived at work this morning sat down at my desk to log in. I have three different passwords that I use to login because it's mandatory. I tried the first login four times only to fail. So the 5th time I decided to carefully pay attention to the keys I was using to type the password. I managed to get logged in using the wrong password.

I was stumped and started to panic thinking I had had a mini stroke that I was unaware of because I had no recollection of those typing key patterns.

In the last several months I had forgotten things that I should have remembered, but didn't and wasn't sure why, and have been concerned about my health so this incident had me frightened. I was real close to get up and going to the emergency room.

I proceeded to login to my other programs only to fail three or four times. I thought to myself 'crap, I cant go to my manager and tell him that I have forgotten three passwords over night.' He would look at me like I was completely nuts, and I felt that way at the moment. I went to the Tech guy and had him reset all my passwords.

I spent the next 30-40 minutes completely confounded and a bit scared. Then it hit me. I looked at two other key boards around me and discovered that the person, whom I don't know, that used my PC the night before had switched the "M" and "N" keys.

Our tech guy and the owner weren't to happy about the whole incident.

Somebody gonna getta fired over a childish prank.

That's a sign of having a stroke?


The Proletariat
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Hahaha. Pranks are awesome. I used to destroy co workers at older jobs (this one is ridiculous with the lock down passwords), with some pranks. Everybody got a laugh.

I once renamed every folder on a guys machine with just varying numbers of space bar taps. He had to figure out what was what and rename every one of them. Screwing with desktop pics, altering files and hiding the originals. Man I miss that kind of fun.


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How do you actually switch the keys? If you pull the "M" key off and replace it with the "N" key, it will still type an "M" on the screen when you hit the replaced key.


Chicks dig crutches
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theogt;3862638 said:
How do you actually switch the keys? If you pull the "M" key off and replace it with the "N" key, it will still type an "M" on the screen when you hit the replaced key.

Yeah, I have the keys memorized, I could easily do my password blindfolded.


Suspicious looking stranger
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theogt;3862638 said:
How do you actually switch the keys? If you pull the "M" key off and replace it with the "N" key, it will still type an "M" on the screen when you hit the replaced key.
The keys just pop off and then you switch them around. This was not something that I was going to be able to figure out initially because I was typing encrypted passwords, not text on a screen. If I had been typing text that appeared on screen as text it would have been a no brainer.


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Signals;3862608 said:
I arrived at work this morning sat down at my desk to log in. I have three different passwords that I use to login because it's mandatory. I tried the first login four times only to fail. So the 5th time I decided to carefully pay attention to the keys I was using to type the password. I managed to get logged in using the wrong password.

I was stumped and started to panic thinking I had had a mini stroke that I was unaware of because I had no recollection of those typing key patterns.

In the last several months I had forgotten things that I should have remembered, but didn't and wasn't sure why, and have been concerned about my health so this incident had me frightened. I was real close to get up and going to the emergency room.

I proceeded to login to my other programs only to fail three or four times. I thought to myself 'crap, I cant go to my manager and tell him that I have forgotten three passwords over night.' He would look at me like I was completely nuts, and I felt that way at the moment. I went to the Tech guy and had him reset all my passwords.

I spent the next 30-40 minutes completely confounded and a bit scared. Then it hit me. I looked at two other key boards around me and discovered that the person, whom I don't know, that used my PC the night before had switched the "M" and "N" keys.

Our tech guy and the owner weren't to happy about the whole incident.

Somebody gonna getta fired over a childish prank.

I've done this to someone at work before LOL.

theogt;3862638 said:
How do you actually switch the keys? If you pull the "M" key off and replace it with the "N" key, it will still type an "M" on the screen when you hit the replaced key.

And you won't know this because it hides the passwords you type, ie ******** in Windows anyway. Maybe he looks at his keyboard when he's typing.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
theogt;3862638 said:
How do you actually switch the keys? If you pull the "M" key off and replace it with the "N" key, it will still type an "M" on the screen when you hit the replaced key.



Old bulletproof tiger
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Signals;3862648 said:
The keys just pop off and then you switch them around. This was not something that I was going to be able to figure out initially because I was typing encrypted passwords, not text on a screen. If I had been typing text that appeared on screen as text it would have been a no brainer.

You will have to excuse theo. He's the user who clicks the SHOW PASSWORD radio button when typing in his password. :D

Yes show my password to the guy shoulder surfing my chair. Let THAT guy know, he's so trustyguy looking.


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I pulled this one once and laughed for hours. In the old windows 3.1 days each program group had it's own box and if you shrunk the box small enough you couldn't click on any icons. After I did that I changed the mouse to a left handed mouse and turned the double click rate up as high as it would go. You can't click fast enough for it to recognize the double click. :D

A different guy decided he was going to be cute and change my screen saver to Stealers colors and password protect it. I knew how to erase the password. He didn't. :D I logged in to his computer and change his screen saver to Cowboys colors and password protected it. After about ten minutes he cried uncle. :D

The moral to this story......don't screw with the IT guys :laugh2:


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Signals;3862648 said:
The keys just pop off and then you switch them around. This was not something that I was going to be able to figure out initially because I was typing encrypted passwords, not text on a screen. If I had been typing text that appeared on screen as text it would have been a no brainer.
So you were "pecking" and didn't notice the M and N switched? That makes more sense.

Obviously if you just closed your eyes and started typing from memory, it would have typed correctly on the screen, regardless of the switched keys.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
theogt;3862771 said:
So you were "pecking" and didn't notice the M and N switched? That makes more sense.

Obviously if you just closed your eyes and started typing from memory, it would have typed correctly on the screen, regardless of the switched keys.

And, theogt, I was laughing with you, not at you...



Well-Known Member
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Signals;3862608 said:
I looked at two other key boards around me and discovered that the person, whom I don't know, that used my PC the night before had switched the "M" and "N" keys.

So in other words, you type like a 5 yr old???

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


New Member
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kmp77;3862820 said:
So in other words, you type like a 5 yr old???

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

seriously...who actually looks at the keyboard anyway when they type? how weird.


A Plastic Container
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You mean just switched the key caps? How could you not notice that? I can recite the keyboard layout as quickly as the alphabet.
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I can't imagine having to look at my keyboard to know what letters I'm typing, and even if I did look, I would instantly notice if letters were switched around. That's the benefit of being born after 1980 and growing up with technology I suppose though. :laugh2:


Anger is a Gift
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baj1dallas;3862844 said:
seriously...who actually looks at the keyboard anyway when they type? how weird.


The best work prank I've ever pulled was on April 1st a few years ago. There were two sales desks next to each other and the towers for their PCs sat next to each other, too. So that morning, before the two sales people arrived, I switched the mouse and keyboard plugs with the other's PC and vice versa. In other words, when sales person A sat down at their desk, their mouse and keyboard were controlling things on sales person B's screen, and vice versa. It was hysterical to watch them curse out their computers for about 20 minutes. :laugh2:


Blank Paper Offends Me
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Huh, looked down at my keyboard just now. My m, c, d, v, and a keys are all worn off. F is still there, and E is just the bottom horizontal line left. Enter and left shift key are pretty much blanks as well.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboyDan;3863047 said:

The best work prank I've ever pulled was on April 1st a few years ago. There were two sales desks next to each other and the towers for their PCs sat next to each other, too. So that morning, before the two sales people arrived, I switched the mouse and keyboard plugs with the other's PC and vice versa. In other words, when sales person A sat down at their desk, their mouse and keyboard were controlling things on sales person B's screen, and vice versa. It was hysterical to watch them curse out their computers for about 20 minutes. :laugh2:


I am sure many here have done the following at one time.

Take a screen capture of co workers desktop. Now hide all of the icons.
Now change the desktop to the captured image. So it shows the icons before you moved them.
Watch them try clicking on icons that are now just images.

Of course someone who is used to using the keyboard to bring up the start menu will fix if quickly.

I also used to mess with some users that were really lost when it comes to computers. There used to be a good deal more right after places initially switched to pcs.

I would just open a new txt file and type in stuff that would say something along the lines of you just got a serious virus or that they had opened a protected file on a staff computer that could result in them getting terminated.

It is still shocking that some of the older employees (I am no spring chicken getting ready to hit 41 in April) still get freaked out by a standard update notice for something line acrobat or java.


Well-Known Member
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One of my co-workers and I use to pull pranks all the time like decorate another office. Any time another colleague went on vacation they would come back with their room decorated. One time I cam back and I open the door to my office and hundreds upon hundreds of ballons just fell out. My colleagues blew up these ballons and placed them in my office. My office was half filled with ballons up to my waist. I just laughed and said to myself this is good. Took me a while to pop all those balloons and clean up the mess.

I got him back by getting a ton of peanut shells (packing kind) and just threw it all over his office. He return by putting salt in my water bottle where I almost spit it on a client. In return, I put vinegar in his coffee pot that he was brewing the night before. The next day he was complaining to the secretary that there was something wrong with the water (we have a water purify at work so you can drink it from the tap). He told the maintenance man that there was something wrong with the purifying system. After about a couple of hours and the maintenance man telling him everything was fine with the system, I let him on the joke. He just looked at me and said your good. I have been pranked and prank others at work so many times. It just makes the work environment more fun.