I arrived at work this morning sat down at my desk to log in. I have three different passwords that I use to login because it's mandatory. I tried the first login four times only to fail. So the 5th time I decided to carefully pay attention to the keys I was using to type the password. I managed to get logged in using the wrong password.
I was stumped and started to panic thinking I had had a mini stroke that I was unaware of because I had no recollection of those typing key patterns.
In the last several months I had forgotten things that I should have remembered, but didn't and wasn't sure why, and have been concerned about my health so this incident had me frightened. I was real close to get up and going to the emergency room.
I proceeded to login to my other programs only to fail three or four times. I thought to myself 'crap, I cant go to my manager and tell him that I have forgotten three passwords over night.' He would look at me like I was completely nuts, and I felt that way at the moment. I went to the Tech guy and had him reset all my passwords.
I spent the next 30-40 minutes completely confounded and a bit scared. Then it hit me. I looked at two other key boards around me and discovered that the person, whom I don't know, that used my PC the night before had switched the "M" and "N" keys.
Our tech guy and the owner weren't to happy about the whole incident.
Somebody gonna getta fired over a childish prank.