trueblue1687;1390606 said:
...or be stunned and distracted by the constant media attention surrounding his retirement. Retirements are generally announced AFTER the season for that reason. Tiki looked very different (childish) than what I thought he was...trashing team mates, coaches in the media SHOULD draw the ire of his fans. Look at T.O., he did and said less and was branded a team cancer....what does Tiki's conduct and comments make him, a hero?
TO hasnt considered retiring has he ?
Thats an entirely different circumstance.
I agree that most people dabble with the retirement issue, after speculation and hearsay.
I certainly wouldnt brand Tiki as a hero per say, but I will say that over his career he has given a lot less fuel to the fire.
He only started to play that role after he announced his retirement. Thus no repercussions.
As far as Tiki's poorly timed comments than ...I agree that is something that should be handled within the organization.
Again, my point is; I see a writer saying it was a distraction. Not a team, or even a group of players or coaches.