Todd France?Wood said:who was the guy last year that kicked for Eagles when Akers went down. I thought he did suprisingly well. anyone remember his name?
He's been hurt--Cundiff was hurt all last season & look what happened. He's a kicker; this isn't even like TO being hurt. A kicker only does one thing, so how do we know he'll be able to kick in regular season? I'm also wondering if it's more than injury. If it's in his head that he's gonna miss, how easily does he shake that?jack2 said:c'mon seriously! best kicker in NFl history! had one season that hedid not miss a singlr kick FG or extra points, and u wanna cut him! he,s been hurt and he has not practice that much, he'll be all right!
Undisputed said:At this point I'd take Ray Finkle over Vandershank...
Future 585 said:HAHA...what about tony danza, the Garbage Pickin' Field Goal Kickin' Philadelphia Phenomenon
Undisputed said:Oh hell ya...I forgot about him. Or the black guy from the waterboy who imagines the ball is a KKK member. Or the asian kid from "Little Giants". OR CHARLIE BROWN!! YESSSS!!!
All kickers I am liking better than Vandershank right now...
Future 585 said:or what about the guy from The Replacements...Nile something or other, smoking on the field...better than being drunk on the field.
"She's in, she's in, she's in."
"Ole, ole ole ole...cheers"
He was better in college than the NFL.Kittymama said:So seriously--do we make a call to Gramatica
big dog cowboy said:He was better in college than the NFL.