Once upon a time colleges prided themselves on how many people they could fail out. They had years to weed out people. If you got a degree it was because you were top of the line. Then they realized that they were losing lots of money by weeding out people. The money was still green, and they really didn't care anymore as long as the money was coming in and they were growing. College degrees have become an expense that many have difficulty overcoming, and the last few businesses I have worked for over the last 20 years could care less what degree you have earned or from what university. Promotions and money are not given due to merit or education or experience. The college degree is basically worthless or often a liability.
Welcome to todays NFL. Merit isn't rewarded. Entertainment and dollars are justified by owners and players alike. No more basic "war with rules" between men. Nope, let's manipulate and get a bigger audience. I understand because if I were the owner, I would do what it takes to make more money. I would control all I could, including rules, officiating, outcomes, etc. Most of you would too, if you owned any business. Swifties enlarge the pool of incoming money. Rules that keep players from getting injured help the bottom dollar. Gambling on games helps justify the obvious seen that happens in games. More people means more dollars. Enlarge your demographics.
Why would Jerry or Stephen Jones care one iota about what fans think, see or do, as long as they keep making the money? Jerry/Stephen know its good to be the king of the NFL, and they have no reason at this time to change.
Welcome to todays NFL.
Just to be honest, this board is WAY more entertaining to me than the NFL anymore, that is why I keep coming back here. It has already been proven to me that it is no longer sports, but business and entertainment. Until the NIL I watched college, now I don't understand why every player doesn't go into the transfer portal every year (they can always remove themselves if their current team pays enough). They are just minor league teams now with no real reason to get any education outside of football if they are going to profit as much as possible. (Dang the NFL is good at getting others to do their work at no cost). The owners are geniuses at business and marketing and making money -- even if many are horrid at football and are horrid people overall.
So does it really matter if the Swifites win or the gamblers (underdogs) win this year -- fans lose either way with the degradation of the "sport"?