So what can I expect from Lost?

Yeagermeister;3412307 said:
Earphones are your friend :laugh2:

My boss is discussing Lost right now in the office I sit next too.

I got up and closed the door.

They sarcastically told me to stop watching it. I asked them why, is it because all the questions don't get answered? They said, they were just kidding but just disappointed with some things.

I definitely don't want to watch the show if some major questions are not answered by the end.
Maikeru-sama;3412309 said:
My boss is discussing Lost right now in the office I sit next too.

I got up and closed the door.

They sarcastically told me to stop watching it. I asked them why, is it because all the questions don't get answered? They said, they were just kidding but just disappointed with some things.

I definitely don't want to watch the show if some major questions are not answered by the end.

Similar to Seinfeld and The Sopranos. The end was not what I expected after the time I put in, but it did have closure to the series. Part of it, I thought was good, while the other part left me a little bewildered. I think there were other paths that they could have taken, but I was happy that I went along for the ride.
Joe Rod;3412331 said:
Similar to Seinfeld and The Sopranos. The end was not what I expected after the time I put in, but it did have closure to the series. Part of it, I thought was good, while the other part left me a little bewildered. I think there were other paths that they could have taken, but I was happy that I went along for the ride.

I was just glad they didn't do a Sopranos ending.
Yeagermeister;3412334 said:
I was just glad they didn't do a Sopranos ending. is ok to leave somethings up to the imagination, it is one thing to leave some questions is another thing to stop the series in such a crappy way that you think the cable went out. This kind of goes to how I was discussing things with someone in another thread. The sopranos people probably thought they had a genius ending and were being all ultra hip or something when in the end it just sucked.
Yeah, my boss just spent about 30 minutes telling me how a lot questions are unanswered.

He said it is going to help to be able to watch all the episodes all at once, as opposed to waiting week after week.
I'm pretty upset by the final season and the complete and total lack of explanation for anythihng...

but somehow, this video makes it all better:

c0wb0y_m0nkey;3412899 said:
I'm pretty upset by the final season and the complete and total lack of explanation for anythihng...

but somehow, this video makes it all better:


Those skits crack me up every time heh
There was an anime series I watched with my friends in college that was really good. It was called Monster. Really good.
VietCowboy;3412977 said:
There was an anime series I watched with my friends in college that was really good. It was called Monster. Really good.

Yeah, Monster is one of the classic. They are supposedly making a movie about it.

Major Hollywood film studio New Line Cinema acquired rights to create an English language live action film adaptation of the series. Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Josh Olson, who is noted for his work on the 2005 American/German crime-thriller film A History of Violence was given the task of writing the screenplay for the project, which the studio expected to be released in 2009[7][8], but as of December 2009, it's unknown when (and if) this movie will be released.
c0wb0y_m0nkey;3412899 said:
I'm pretty upset by the final season and the complete and total lack of explanation for anythihng...

but somehow, this video makes it all better:

They've explained a whole lot, actually...
There are a lot of things unanswered, some of them may even seem big, but ultimately, they aren't that important to the story that was being told about these characters.
What can you expect from Lost?

Oh, just the greatest story ever told. That's all.
zrinkill;3413025 said:
Just heard about this show Lost.

What night does it come on?


I don't even know where to start.

I'll just say that now that the series is over and I don't get to follow these characters anymore, I feel like I've lost some close friends. Just such strong characters. John Locke, for instance. Nothing ever goes right for that guy and you'd think I'd get used to it, but my heart broke each and every time life kicked him in the balls.

Just watch it.
I've watched about 4 episodes and the show is definitely intriguing.

Right now, John Locke seems to be the most interesting character.

I do have to admit that I hope there are more interesting characters revealed as I go through the series.
Ozzu;3413697 said:
I'll just say that now that the series is over and I don't get to follow these characters anymore, I feel like I've lost some close friends.

zrinkill;3414162 said:

You know I can get really liking a show, maybe even loving a show. Being upset it is over. But I never quite got the whole feel like I'm losing close friends thing that seems to happen when a show is done.

Even though I was a big lost fan, even some of those notes from fans they were showing during commercial breaks in the finale were just kind of sad to me.

I keep thinking...they are not your family, they are not your close friends.

Now sometimes people just say that as something to say and I doubt they are really that far gone, but then you have some that really do mean it and that is kind of sad. Then you have the real nut cases that take things too far over something like this...kind of like that idiot that shot Dime because Pantera was no more.

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