So what's in the water in Georgia?


The Proletariat
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First there's the Girl and the zipline accident

Then there's a Mother who contracts the flesh eating bacteria at a hospital after giving birth in Atlanta.

Then the Landscaper in Georgia who contracted it after falling from a tree and getting cut.

But it's not all about the South...

A Veteran in Long Island, NY was also infected.

Callahan went to Nassau University Medical Center three weeks ago. His organs were shutting down because of what he later learned was flesh-eating bacteria, CBS 2′s Carolyn Gusoff reported.

The bacteria ate away at most of Tim’s upper arm. He told Gusoff he doesn’t know where he got the infection, but doctors say it can come from anywhere.

“It can come from a scratch in the garden, a cut from fishing,” said Dr. Louis Riina of the Nassau University Medical Center Burn Center.

“I didn’t know it was a full-blown infection until my whole arm was swollen,” Callahan said. “I couldn’t move it.”

Crazy days, indeed. :(
vta;4570653 said:
First there's the Girl and the zipline accident

Then there's a Mother who contracts the flesh eating bacteria at a hospital after giving birth in Atlanta.

Then the Landscaper in Georgia who contracted it after falling from a tree and getting cut.

But it's not all about the South...

A Veteran in Long Island, NY was also infected.

Crazy days, indeed. :(

I would love to know the historical facts concerning the number of cases like this in a year. Is it something that is just an odd ball thing that is now getting media attention or is something else up?
I think AMC and the Walking dead was just doing a promotional stunt that went too far. :D
It's a bacteria and I'll bet that if one would apply garlic water or take a bath in crushed raw non-irradiated garlic (CRG) diluted in a tub of water at the very onset of it that it would go away shortly and the patient would recover pretty much intact. The allicin in crushed raw non-irradiated garlic kills all known bacteria on contact and no bacteria can become resistant to it, including MRSA and probably totally drug resistant TB.

The problem is garlic is not an approved treatment protocol by the FDA so no doctor or hospital is allowed to use it. If they were, this terrible disease would be neutralized promptly. It has to be natural garlic that has not been irradiated and most garlic in American stores come from China and has been irradiated to make it look good on the store shelf longer and the radiation kills the enzyme, alliinase, which triggers the process that results in the formation of allicin so irradiated garlic simply will not work.

The allicin formed in crushed raw natural garlic kills in a more direct way than antibiotics and so bacteria cannot become resistant to it. It must be applied directly to the location where the bacteria is and eating it is of little or no value in killing bacteria although it does help build up the immune system. If one soaks in a tub of garlic water, it seeps through the skin and gets into circulation in the blood stream and kills bacteria wherever the bloodstream takes it. This continues until one gets out of the tub and then the stream of allicin stops passing through the skin and into the capillaries and eventually the immune system catches up with the remaining allicin in the system and neutralizes it. Under normal circumstances the half-life of allicin in human blood is less than one minute but the garlic water bath extends this greatly.

Unfortunately, Big Pharma has propagandized the FDA so completely that if anyone even mentions garlic, scorn and ridicule is heaped on them. One study even showed that the fumes from crhshed raw garlic killed all bacteria out to eight inches away from it over a period of four hours. When CRG is added to water and thoroughly mixed, every part of that water becomes strongly antimicrobial and wipes out all bacteria and none can survive in it yet doctors and hospitals are not allowed to use it.

It seems obvious that the FDA is looking out for Big Pharma's and Big Med's profits but seems to care little or nothing for the health and welfare of the American people whose interest they are supposed to be looking out for. I have had 15 or 20 people tell me how well garlic water baths killed their MRSA when even Vancomycin didn't work against it. Eating it won't work, it has to be applied in a way that it can soak in through the skin at the site of the lesion. If applied without diluting in water it can cause severe second degree burns but diluting it prevents burning and it is still a potent antimicrobial even when diluted by 100,000 parts of water to one part allicin.

In a garlic water bath, the bath works like a giant transdermal patch and allows a continual stream of allicin to circulate throughout the body but still, it is something that people have to discover for themselves and act on their own to use because doctors and hospitals are not allowed to recommend it and most of them don't know about it anyway.

I have pretty much lost faith in the health care systems' ability or willingness to prevent or cure bacterial diseases anyway and I think they may be reluctant to prevent or cure them since they make billions of dollars every year treating them and there is little practical incentive for them to prevent them and thereby greatly reduce their incomes.

People just have to look out for their own interests sometimes.

Sometimes I think I am just beating my head against the wall here but I keep on trying to educate people about garlic. The life you save may be your own.

If you are waiting for the FDA to come to your rescue, you can just about forget that, you have to take charge of your own health yourself when it comes to bacterial infections.
notherbob;4571099 said:
Sometimes I think I am just beating my head against the wall here but I keep on trying to educate people about garlic. The life you save may be your own.

If you are waiting for the FDA to come to your rescue, you can just about forget that, you have to take charge of your own health yourself when it comes to bacterial infections.

Maybe you should write a book. But the truth of the matter is that the only way for something to become 'approved' or regulated is for it to be profitable.

Honestly I'd rather it not get regulated or approved because it like everything else get's corrupted when it becomes something like that. Either with bull**** commercialized products to muddy the waters, sold with just the right amount of lying allowed or over regulation and higher costs because the government got involved. You can educate people by word of mouth and other ways without looking for regulatory backing.
Sadly, the Gilroy Garlic Council does not have the pull of the medical/industrial complex. I recall seeing that the Germans actually test a lot of natural remedies, so there might be some good info available there.

Which reminds me, there's lots of wild natural garlic in this part of Texas, you can find them pretty easy when the distinctive bloom starts showing up.

Good for dinner, good for what ails you.
notherbob;4571099 said:
It's a bacteria and I'll bet that if one would apply garlic water or take a bath in crushed raw non-irradiated garlic (CRG) diluted in a tub of water at the very onset of it that it would go away shortly and the patient would recover pretty much intact. The allicin in crushed raw non-irradiated garlic kills all known bacteria on contact and no bacteria can become resistant to it, including MRSA and probably totally drug resistant TB.

The problem is garlic is not an approved treatment protocol by the FDA so no doctor or hospital is allowed to use it. If they were, this terrible disease would be neutralized promptly. It has to be natural garlic that has not been irradiated and most garlic in American stores come from China and has been irradiated to make it look good on the store shelf longer and the radiation kills the enzyme, alliinase, which triggers the process that results in the formation of allicin so irradiated garlic simply will not work.

The allicin formed in crushed raw natural garlic kills in a more direct way than antibiotics and so bacteria cannot become resistant to it. It must be applied directly to the location where the bacteria is and eating it is of little or no value in killing bacteria although it does help build up the immune system. If one soaks in a tub of garlic water, it seeps through the skin and gets into circulation in the blood stream and kills bacteria wherever the bloodstream takes it. This continues until one gets out of the tub and then the stream of allicin stops passing through the skin and into the capillaries and eventually the immune system catches up with the remaining allicin in the system and neutralizes it. Under normal circumstances the half-life of allicin in human blood is less than one minute but the garlic water bath extends this greatly.

Unfortunately, Big Pharma has propagandized the FDA so completely that if anyone even mentions garlic, scorn and ridicule is heaped on them. One study even showed that the fumes from crhshed raw garlic killed all bacteria out to eight inches away from it over a period of four hours. When CRG is added to water and thoroughly mixed, every part of that water becomes strongly antimicrobial and wipes out all bacteria and none can survive in it yet doctors and hospitals are not allowed to use it.

It seems obvious that the FDA is looking out for Big Pharma's and Big Med's profits but seems to care little or nothing for the health and welfare of the American people whose interest they are supposed to be looking out for. I have had 15 or 20 people tell me how well garlic water baths killed their MRSA when even Vancomycin didn't work against it. Eating it won't work, it has to be applied in a way that it can soak in through the skin at the site of the lesion. If applied without diluting in water it can cause severe second degree burns but diluting it prevents burning and it is still a potent antimicrobial even when diluted by 100,000 parts of water to one part allicin.

In a garlic water bath, the bath works like a giant transdermal patch and allows a continual stream of allicin to circulate throughout the body but still, it is something that people have to discover for themselves and act on their own to use because doctors and hospitals are not allowed to recommend it and most of them don't know about it anyway.

I have pretty much lost faith in the health care systems' ability or willingness to prevent or cure bacterial diseases anyway and I think they may be reluctant to prevent or cure them since they make billions of dollars every year treating them and there is little practical incentive for them to prevent them and thereby greatly reduce their incomes.

People just have to look out for their own interests sometimes.

Sometimes I think I am just beating my head against the wall here but I keep on trying to educate people about garlic. The life you save may be your own.

If you are waiting for the FDA to come to your rescue, you can just about forget that, you have to take charge of your own health yourself when it comes to bacterial infections.

Another good one,Bob. I've passed along to our community gardeners and to our community internet bulletin board your comments, and they have been received favorably. Keep it up.
arglebargle;4571287 said:
Sadly, the Gilroy Garlic Council does not have the pull of the medical/industrial complex. I recall seeing that the Germans actually test a lot of natural remedies, so there might be some good info available there.

Which reminds me, there's lots of wild natural garlic in this part of Texas, you can find them pretty easy when the distinctive bloom starts showing up.

Good for dinner, good for what ails you.

That distinctive round ball of a flower on top of the stalk (properly called a scape) identifies it as elephant garlic, whioch is actually a leek that looks like a garlic and it came in with the German settlers in the mid 1800s and they gave it to all their friends and neighbors and the little straw-colored, hard-shelled, sharp-pointed nodules that grow up its sides are called corms and they stay in the ground when it is pulled and become future generations of it. When they grow from corms it takes two full years to mature abd they form only an undivided round ball the first year and have leaves but no scape but they will die out in the summer and grow again in the fall and in their second spring they will send up a scape and a flower and will have a multiple cloved big bulb. If grown in fertile soil with few or no weeds that bulb can be grapefruit size.

They Germans are long gone bvut their elephant garlic copmers back every year 150 years later. Its taste is distinctly different than true garlic, many types of which grow well in Texas.

I live on a cattle ranch and still occasionally round up and work with the cattle but garlic is my business. It was always a feeling of immense satisfaction walking around in a pen of 30-35 bulls and casually getting them to do what you want by just making eye contact with them and giving them hand signals and positioning yourself so as to silently let them know what you want them to do or where you want them to go. When the bulls grow up with you it is easy to learn to communicate with them. the eye contact and positioning even works in pens of strange bulls at cattle sales if they have been raised right. If they have been handled roughly they can be a little unpredictable, though. I learned from two of the best old time cowboys in Texas, one was athe best breeder and the other was a lifetime old cowboy and both of them were so smooth they never had to use an electric prod but these days, garlic is my business.
The problem with saying that the FDA is protecting pharmaceutical companies is that those companies stand to benefit massively by the approval of such a drug.

They spend so much to get a single drug to market and have to cut ties with thousands and thousands of drugs at every step along the way that having a product that is almost guaranteed to be safe and extremely effective is basically a dead ringer for billions of dollars.

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