So where do we stand now in the NFCE, NFC and NFL?


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Well the draft and the majority of the FA period are now over and we've had a little while to think about what the team has accomplished in the offseason. The next major telling point will be how the team looks in TC and preseason.

Just curious about where you guys think we stand in relationship to other teams in our division, our conference and the league?

For reference, last year we were 3rd in our division, 7th in the conference and about 14th in the league just going on the basis of wins and draft position.


Federal Agent
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Neck and Neck with the other 3 teams.


Neck and neck with the top teams in our conference.


Neck and neck with the best teams in the entire league.


Intramural Legend
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i will be very dissappointed if we do not win the division this year. the only team that i think should be close to us is NYG, and im not sold on their defense at alll


New Member
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We're clearly at the point where missing the playoffs will be a disappointment and surprise. And by surprise, I mean surprise to everyone, not just diehard fans of the 'Boys, but even those other NFC East teams....


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We are clearly one of the top 3 teams in the NFC.. Only team that would give us a problem in our division would be the Giants.. Other than that.. I'm good.

Billy Bullocks

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Giants definately got alot better with the draft. Im not sure how well Sinorice will be, but he definately gives them a player that can stretch the field.

With the NYG, it all rests on Tiki Barber. If he stays healthy, which he has done over the last couple years, that team will be good. As he goes, so do the Giants. He's getting up there in age, and I'm not sure he will have the type of season he had last year. But that may be the case.

Washington got better on offense. We can clown on them for overpsending on players, call their WR's the smurfs, whatever, but when you look at it objectively, they got better on offense. They have a huge question mark with Brunell...they have to be hoping he doesn't run with his playoff form to start the year.

Philadelphia...well I still feel that they failed to address the RB position. Westbrook has shown he isn't a pound it out type of back, and that's not a good thing, especially in the physical NFC East. They have some weapons on offense, but none of them really scare me. Definately the worst WR corp out of all the teams in the East. Bunkley really scares me a bit, because we all saw that the loss of Corey Simon really hurt them last year. The defense just not being as powerful anymore. That could change. The rest of their draft was pretty solid as well, getting good value out of Gilles, and Justice should be a good pickup, especially with guys like RUnyan getting up there in age.

I think we did a pretty good job in FA and the draft addressing needs, also adding some pieces for the future. Our DL rotation just got even more depth. Carpenter rounds out our LB corps, and we'll see what Watkins brings. The OL, even though addressed, is pretty much what is probably going to determine if we are a 10winish team, or if we do even better than that.

When you look at teh 4 teams in the NFC East, I think that any of them could be dangerous, but all have at least one big question mark/factor. Hard to argue that the NFC East isn't the best division in football right now,

In the entire NFC, there are some solid teams. I disregard the NFC North again, but Chicago and Minnesota could be solid. Can Brad Johnson go a full 16? And can he be as effective as he was last year.

Carolina got alot better. Keyshawn gives them the second WR they desperately needed last on besides Smith even broke 40 catches on that team. DeAngelo Williams solidifies a questionable RB situation...Foster and Williams will be a real good tandem.

Id say we are neck in neck with everyone in our division, and the top teams in the conference


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kenai said:
We're clearly at the point where missing the playoffs will be a disappointment and surprise. And by surprise, I mean surprise to everyone, not just diehard fans of the 'Boys, but even those other NFC East teams....

I'll concede that. I'd expect at least a wild card out of you. Though there's a very real possibility based on how brutal the NFC East is going to be in terms of teams giving each other losses within the could very well mean that only the NFC East champion makes the playoffs with this new format of only having 2 wild card slots and 4 division champions automatically getting in.

Winning the title is paramount, because with teams like Atlanta, Carolina, Tampa, Minnesota, Chicago, Seattle, even Arizona...any number of teams could finish with a good record, and there is the very real chance 3 NFC East teams are sitting at home steaming about how inferior teams made it into the playoffs.

I don't think we can count on Philly going 0-6 in the division again this year, though it would be nice.


Hawaiian Cowboy
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NFC East is going to be brutal. Reminds me of old times :D I'd say without a playoff berth and a win, then season's a failure. I will say that injuries will dictate wins and loses for teams as it does every year.


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With the key additions the Cowboys have made this offseason, the only 2 things standing in the way of another SB are injuries and the Panthers IMO.


:patriots: :steelers:


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Paniolo22 said:
NFC East is going to be brutal. Reminds me of old times :D I'd say without a playoff berth and a win, then season's a failure. I will say that injuries will dictate wins and loses for teams as it does every year.

In a way, I think getting in the playoffs, getting a win, then losing 1-2 games away from the Super Bowl is a worse feeling then not making it at all.

I think the Cowboys should have the same kind of hunger and wistful feeling the Commanders have though, because at 7-3 and before the Thanksgiving game, you were in the drivers seat of the NFC East.

Just as Skins fans feel they were in the drivers seat at the end of the season and by way of their 5-1 division record, and the way Giants fans feel they were the best NFC East team by virtue of their record, even though they split with both the Cowboys and Commanders.

That said, I'll take the glorious pain of being in the hunt over the depressing feeling of "here we go again", but I'd say the closer one gets to a Super Bowl, the more painful the losses sting.