you aren't making a lot of sense here. 50,000 is not light years away from the 65,000 that used to grace Texas Stadium every sunday, which I think everyone will agree is the most popular sport in the USA. Hell, that's even more than several MLB stadiums' capacity. I don't agree with you at all when you say that any ol' event can get 50,000 people for it. What a crock. And using your argument against you, if soccer is as much of a non factor as you are convinced that it is, you should be absolutely blown away by hearing 50,000 people showed up for it.
The two soccer stories you mention just happen to be the biggest stories of the last couple days with regards to the WC (we can add Drogba to that list now), and you are quite well aware of them, aren't you? Interesting.
And did you know that no country had more ticket requests for this year's WC than the USA? Now granted, we are a huge country, and that doesn't mean that everyone is going to ROOT for the USA, but still, the point is, people here do care and do have interest. And lots of them.
It's the top story on as we speak.
There are three story high billboards in Times Square featuring American players.
Every single game will be televised on either ESPN or ABC. Every game! How you have missed those commercials is beyond me.
What more do you need, dude? If you haven't noticed, you aren't paying attention.