Social media is nothing more than a tool and has no intrinsic evil other than the participants emboldened with the suppressed desire to hurt others to gain something, temporary superiority. Social media has served to verify the extent of the greatness and sickness within the human race.
I do not consider YouTube social media because I only use that as a resource for music or film clips to use here but I don't spend a lot of time there because I might end up with Crazy Liotta Eyes instead of Bette Davis Eyes. I read the comments one time and once was enough.
I don't use any of it but my wife did to stay in touch with family and friends and they've used it the last 8+ years to "speak to her in the beyond" on Facebook now that she's gone. I do not ever go there but I know it's still busy and I know it gives some comfort to do that. And that makes it a very welcome tool for healing and remembrance.
The main reason I don't have use for social media is that it's ongoing proof of the greatest affliction affecting this country today, inflated egos and the need for attention. And it is the permission to be rude and forget those are human beings with feelings.
One thing that surprises me about the impact of social media is Booger's shunning of it and remaining old school with radio, print and TV and believe me, that's plenty. I am glad he gets his fix that way and not by firing off tweets while filling the toilet.
But to say I do not engage in social media is incorrect because that's what this is. It's not just about the Cowboys or football, it's about funny people making me laugh and people sharing moments in the lives that matter and getting to know the person behind those fingertips so I don't get down on people hooked on social media because I am. I need this, I need to come here everyday and see some familiar monikers, meet some new people and even have some fun when it's get's nuttier than a squirrel's nest in here with the bickering.