Some draft statistics - who drafts what positions, and when?


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The data I'm going to present are derived from the draft histories presented on, and analyzed using MySQL and Perl. I'm interested in what positions are taken in what point in the draft, and I thought I'd present some of the results.

The years analyzed are from 1994 to the present; all years where we have had a 7 round draft. Player positions are sorted top to bottom by the mean draft position.

POS HIGH  LOW  TOTAL 10   30   60   90  120  150  180 REST    MEAN      ERR
  T    1  259  277   16   30   35   27   27   34   37   71  119.66    74.76
 DE    1  259  330   19   39   40   32   36   40   30   94  119.88    76.54
 DB    3  258  656   20   52   95   83   83   94   74  155  120.12    68.87
 RB    1  257  345   16   26   39   44   51   36   38   95  124.40    72.81
 LB    2  260  432    9   32   51   62   57   53   63  105  125.41    68.81
 QB    1  250  169   20   12   14   16   20   10   18   59  125.79    80.52
 WR    1  262  450   23   35   56   53   53   42   56  132  126.18    75.02
 DT    1  261  280   12   27   30   26   32   34   32   87  127.66    74.44
 TE    6  255  197    4   11   23   27   17   26   29   60  135.36    72.34
  G   10  261  206    1   11   19   30   23   34   24   64  136.16    67.04
  C   17  255  105    0    4   16   14   11   11   13   36  139.33    70.25
  K   17  248   28    0    1    1    5    4    1    5   11  152.29    66.19
  P   56  252   27    0    0    1    1    6    5    1   13  164.96    55.32
POS is player position. HIGH is the highest draft position in the draft this player position has been taken. LOW is the lowest the position has been taken. TOTAL is the total number of players taken with this position. 10 means all players taken between 1 and 10, 30 are all players taken between position 11 in the draft and 30. This continues to 180, where REST is all players taken after the 180th position in the draft. MEAN is the mean draft position players of that kind are taken and err is the standard error of the mean.

Okay. There are a lot more OTs, DEs, DTs, and QBs taken in the top 30 than any other 30 round segment. QBs in particular seem to be top 10 draft choices or not really valued much at all. DBs and RBs are valued pretty evenly throughout the draft. LBs, valued at all levels, seem to start plateauing around the 3rd round.



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Another draft chart, for the fun of it. This one is listed by college and again ranked by mean. To be on the chart, the team has to have had 10 players drafted in the 7 round period ( 1994-2007 ).

COLLEGE                   HIGH  LOW  TOTAL 10   30   60   90  120  150  180 REST    MEAN      ERR
 Texas                       2  226   46    9    6    5    7    5    5    2    7   86.15    72.40
 Florida State               3  242   90    7   16   10   16   16    6    7   12   90.29    65.76
 Miami (FL)                  3  254   83    7   23   10    9    5   10    3   16   91.64    78.71
 Ohio State                  1  229   91   10   14    6   16   12   10    8   15   97.78    68.57
 USC                         1  247   66    9    5   15    5    9    4    4   15   98.33    76.99
 Louisiana State             1  252   52    2    9   10    7    4    5    5   10  101.88    75.62
 UCLA                        4  230   39    3    4    4    9    4    7    2    6  101.90    66.03
 Penn State                  1  241   58    7    7    6    6   10    6    3   13  103.50    73.40
 Michigan                    3  248   61    4    8   13    5    7    6    4   14  104.70    77.42
 Florida                     3  249   77    5   10   11    6   16    7    6   16  105.94    73.23
 Oklahoma                    5  247   50    3    6    9    7    3    4   11    7  105.94    70.20
 Marshall                    7  250   14    1    2    3    2    0    2    1    3  107.86    83.90
 Texas A&M                   8  233   50    1    5    6   15    4    3    7    9  108.26    65.19
 Vanderbilt                 11  197   13    0    1    4    1    1    1    2    3  108.62    68.36
 Hawaii                     19  236   17    0    1    5    3    2    1    0    5  108.82    69.28
 West Virginia               6  219   28    1    1    7    5    1    4    5    4  108.93    64.30
 North Carolina State        1  215   34    4    3    1    3   10    3    3    7  109.44    66.51
 Mississippi                 1  228   28    1    5    4    2    2    5    3    6  109.50    73.59
 Washington                  9  236   43    1    3   10    5    3    8    7    6  110.33    64.60
 North Carolina              2  251   49    3    4    6    5   10   11    2    8  111.33    69.21
 Auburn                      2  249   44    4    6    7    3    5    1    5   13  112.18    78.67
 Georgia                     6  251   68    3    8   11    8   10    7    3   18  112.46    76.73
 Iowa                        2  247   39    2    3    6    7    4    4    3   10  112.72    70.18
 South Carolina              7  241   27    2    2    3    3    5    3    3    6  113.19    69.74
 Tennessee                   1  260   86    4    9   17   12    5    7    9   23  113.94    77.11
 California                  7  248   50    1    9    6    3    9    5    5   12  114.06    73.88
 Syracuse                    2  247   35    1    6    4    5    4    4    2    9  114.34    77.98
 Maryland                    6  253   26    1    2    6    3    4    1    2    7  114.69    78.70
 Wisconsin                   3  243   55    1    8    6    6    8    8    5   13  114.78    68.38
 Boston College              7  249   31    1    5    4    3    2    4    4    8  115.23    73.32
 Oklahoma State              9  250   19    1    1    3    4    2    3    0    5  115.32    75.79
 Arkansas                    8  254   31    1    4    6    4    2    1    5    8  116.42    81.39
 Washington State            2  242   28    1    2    5    4    3    5    1    7  117.29    76.16
 Nebraska                    5  251   74    3    4   13    8   12    9    5   20  118.07    71.75
 Clemson                     4  249   37    1    5    5    4    4    6    4    8  118.08    76.47
 Houston                    23  213   17    0    2    4    1    2    1    2    5  118.41    71.43
 Mississippi State          13  237   34    0    2    5    4    8    5    2    8  119.12    63.22
 Fresno State                1  250   30    2    0    2    7    6    4    1    8  119.53    66.43
 Arizona State              10  252   48    2    3    8    5    7    6    5   12  119.94    74.72
 Alabama                     3  255   55    2    3   11    5    6    7   10   11  121.62    70.78
 New Mexico                  9  226   15    1    0    1    5    0    2    3    3  122.80    66.12
 Tulane                     22  247   10    0    1    2    1    1    2    1    2  122.90    78.81
 Texas Christian             5  212   21    1    0    2    2    5    3    4    4  123.76    56.01
 Memphis                    27  260   18    0    2    3    2    2    2    2    5  124.61    74.57
 Purdue                     26  223   34    0    1    4    6    6    6    3    8  125.56    59.36
 Oregon                      3  247   41    2    2    5    4    9    3    2   14  125.80    73.02
 Jackson State              21  246   11    0    2    1    1    1    2    1    3  128.82    79.08
 Georgia Tech                2  252   27    1    1    3    2    5    5    5    5  128.93    67.59
 Indiana                    24  249   13    0    1    2    2    2    0    2    4  129.08    78.15
 Louisville                 10  253   30    1    1    2    6    3    6    5    6  129.37    67.42
 Virginia                    4  248   45    3    3    3    3    8    8    4   13  129.38    72.14
 Notre Dame                  7  253   69    1    6    9   11    4    9    9   20  129.52    70.08
 Virginia Tech               1  252   55    2    2    7    8    9    6    5   16  129.84    71.02
 Pittsburgh                  3  261   26    1    2    1    7    0    2    7    6  130.04    74.51
 Michigan State              2  246   44    2    4    5    2    5    7    4   15  130.64    74.05
 Kansas State                5  257   42    1    1    8    7    3    5    4   13  130.95    74.13
 Oregon State               24  254   24    0    2    3    3    3    3    2    8  131.00    67.79
 Troy State                 11  248   10    0    1    1    0    2    1    4    1  133.10    66.26
 Northwestern               23  244   25    0    2    2    2    4    4    4    7  135.52    66.66
 Iowa State                 62  241   11    0    0    0    4    2    1    1    3  136.00    61.90
 Miami (OH)                 11  224   11    0    1    0    1    2    3    2    2  136.55    62.55
 Colorado                    4  259   59    2    4    8    5    4    8    5   23  137.15    74.45
 Rutgers                    39  243   11    0    0    2    2    1    1    1    4  137.82    74.14
 San Diego State             2  250   26    2    1    2    2    3    2    4   10  139.38    72.98
 Central Florida            11  259   13    0    1    0    3    3    1    1    4  142.54    81.30
 Kentucky                    1  244   20    2    0    1    2    4    1    2    8  142.55    81.01
 Illinois                    2  245   26    2    0    4    1    0    4    7    8  142.92    74.79
 Wake Forest                18  239   11    0    1    1    1    0    3    2    3  145.91    72.83
 Arizona                    10  251   34    1    0    4    5    2    4    6   12  146.50    71.54
 Minnesota                  21  242   21    0    2    0    1    4    2    6    6  146.52    60.26
 Stanford                   26  255   45    0    1    3    7    5    5    9   15  146.58    64.59
 Utah                        1  258   29    2    2    2    3    2    1    3   14  151.34    84.53
 Missouri                    4  243   15    1    0    0    1    2    2    4    5  155.47    62.92
 Cincinnati                 43  237   20    0    0    1    2    3    2    3    9  156.30    54.06
 East Carolina              82  246   13    0    0    0    1    2    4    2    4  157.62    51.04
 Brigham Young              14  246   31    0    2    2    2    2    4    3   16  160.42    70.32
 Southern Mississippi       36  240   21    0    0    2    0    3    1    5   10  160.76    56.95
 Texas-El Paso              38  219   12    0    0    1    0    1    3    0    7  161.25    54.07
 Boise State                47  222   11    0    0    1    1    0    1    3    5  161.45    58.11
 Texas Tech                 41  248   24    0    0    2    0    3    5    5    9  162.13    57.80
 Baylor                     20  243   16    0    1    0    1    1    3    3    7  165.75    65.02
 Kansas                     79  239   16    0    0    0    1    3    3    1    8  169.06    55.03
 Colorado State             70  255   20    0    0    0    3    2    2    4    9  169.80    57.92
 Hampton                    48  253   10    0    0    2    0    1    0    1    6  171.40    74.18
 Wyoming                    41  245   11    0    0    1    1    0    0    2    7  178.18    64.58


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Do you have this in Excel? I'd like to see draft positions sorted according to % drafted in top 30. Ranked purely by mean, for example, QB is toward the middle of the pack, but ranked by % drafted in top 30 it's be one of the highest.


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theogt;1863464 said:
Do you have this in Excel? I'd like to see draft positions sorted according to % drafted in top 30. Ranked purely by mean, for example, QB is toward the middle of the pack, but ranked by % drafted in top 30 it's be one of the highest.

Not Excel. I scraped and put the raw data all in MySQL, one table per year. But it's not that hard to write something (Perl in my case) to sort any old way (or for that matter, export the data sets as CSV files).

I'll be posting the scrapers, data loaders, and data analysis programs soon. I'm using Perl and Linux, but ActiveState Perl works on Win32 and most code transfers from Linux to Windows and works without changes.



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dwmyers;1863950 said:
Not Excel. I scraped and put the raw data all in MySQL, one table per year. But it's not that hard to write something (Perl in my case) to sort any old way (or for that matter, export the data sets as CSV files).

I'll be posting the scrapers, data loaders, and data analysis programs soon. I'm using Perl and Linux, but ActiveState Perl works on Win32 and most code transfers from Linux to Windows and works without changes.

Thanks, but that's all Greek to me.


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This is a piece of code that will scrape data off the drafthistory site and turn it into a CSV file (a comma delimited file that Excel can read).

use warnings;
use strict;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TableExtract;

my $year  = shift || 2007;
my $url   = "$year.html";
my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $page  = $agent->get($url);
# You normally find two tables here. One is at depth 0 count 0 and
# is the data you want, the second is at depth 0 count 1 and is
# some kind of ad info.
my $filename = "draft-$year.csv";
open CSV, ">", $filename or die("Cannot open filename $filename.\n");
if ( $page->is_success() ) {
    my $te = HTML::TableExtract->new( );
    $te->parse( $page->content() );
    my $table = $te->first_table_found;
    my $round = 1;
    for my $row ($table->rows) {
        next unless ( defined($row->[5]));
        if ( $row->[0] =~ /Round/i ) {
            @$row = map { '"' . $_ . '"' } @$row;
        else {
            @$row[3 .. 6] = map { '"' . $_ . '"' } @$row[ 3 .. 6];
            if ( $row->[0] =~ m/\d/ ) {
                $round = $row->[0];
            else {
                $row->[0] = $round;
        print join(',', @$row), "\n";
        print CSV join(',', @$row), "\n";

Output for the 2007 draft class is:

1,1,1,"JaMarcus Russell","Raiders","QB","Louisiana State"
1,2,2,"Calvin Johnson","Lions","WR","Georgia Tech"
1,3,3,"Joe Thomas","Browns"," T","Wisconsin"
1,4,4,"Gaines Adams","Buccaneers","DE","Clemson"
1,5,5,"Levi Brown","Cardinals"," T","Penn State"
1,6,6,"LaRon Landry","Commanders","DB","Louisiana State"
1,7,7,"Adrian Peterson","Vikings","RB","Oklahoma"
1,8,8,"Jamaal Anderson","Falcons","DE","Arkansas"
1,9,9,"Ted Ginn Jr.","Dolphins","WR","Ohio State"
1,10,10,"Amobi Okoye","Texans","DT","Louisville"
1,11,11,"Patrick Willis","49ers","LB","Mississippi"
1,12,12,"Marshawn Lynch","Bills","RB","California"
1,13,13,"Adam Carriker","Rams","DE","Nebraska"
1,14,14,"Darrelle Revis","Jets","DB","Pittsburgh"
1,15,15,"Lawrence Timmons","Steelers","LB","Florida State"
1,16,16,"Justin Harrell","Packers","DT","Tennessee"
1,17,17,"Jarvis Moss","Broncos","DE","Florida"
1,18,18,"Leon Hall","Bengals","DB","Michigan"
1,19,19,"Michael Griffin","Titans","DB","Texas"
1,20,20,"Aaron Ross","Giants","DB","Texas"
1,21,21,"Reggie Nelson","Jaguars","DB","Florida"
1,22,22,"Brady Quinn","Browns","QB","Notre Dame"
1,23,23,"Dwayne Bowe","Chiefs","WR","Louisiana State"
1,24,24,"Brandon Meriweather","Patriots","DB","Miami (FL)"
1,25,25,"Jon Beason","Panthers","LB","Miami (FL)"
1,26,26,"Anthony Spencer","Cowboys","DE","Purdue"
1,27,27,"Robert Meachem","Saints","WR","Tennessee"
1,28,28,"Joe Staley","49ers"," T","Central Michigan"
1,29,29,"Ben Grubbs","Ravens"," G","Auburn"
1,30,30,"Craig Davis","Chargers","WR","Louisiana State"
1,31,31,"Greg Olsen","Bears","TE","Miami (FL)"
1,32,32,"Anthony Gonzalez","Colts","WR","Ohio State"
2,1,33,"Alan Branch","Cardinals","DT","Michigan"
2,2,34,"Paul Posluszny","Bills","LB","Penn State"
2,3,35,"Arron Sears","Buccaneers"," T","Tennessee"
2,4,36,"Kevin Kolb","Eagles","QB","Houston"
2,5,37,"Eric Weddle","Chargers","DB","Utah"
2,6,38,"Zach Miller","Raiders","TE","Arizona State"
2,7,39,"Justin Blalock","Falcons"," T","Texas"
2,8,40,"John Beck","Dolphins","QB","Brigham Young"
2,9,41,"Chris Houston","Falcons","DB","Arkansas"
2,10,42,"Tony Ugoh","Colts"," G","Arkansas"
2,11,43,"Drew Stanton","Lions","QB","Michigan State"
2,12,44,"Sidney Rice","Vikings","WR","South Carolina"
2,13,45,"Dwayne Jarrett","Panthers","WR","USC"
2,14,46,"LaMarr Woodley","Steelers","DE","Michigan"
2,15,47,"David Harris","Jets","LB","Michigan"
2,16,48,"Justin Durant","Jaguars","LB","Hampton"
2,17,49,"Kenny Irons","Bengals","RB","Auburn"
2,18,50,"Chris Henry","Titans","RB","Arizona"
2,19,51,"Steve Smith","Giants","WR","USC"
2,20,52,"Brian Leonard","Rams","RB","Rutgers"
2,21,53,"Eric Wright","Browns","DB","Nevada-Las Vegas"
2,22,54,"Turk McBride","Chiefs","DT","Tennessee"
2,23,55,"Josh Wilson","Seahawks","DB","Maryland"
2,24,56,"Tim Crowder","Broncos","DE","Texas"
2,25,57,"Victor Abiamiri","Eagles","DE","Notre Dame"
2,26,58,"Ikaika Alama-Francis","Lions","DE","Hawaii"
2,27,59,"Ryan Kalil","Panthers"," C","USC"
2,28,60,"Samson Satele","Dolphins"," C","Hawaii"
2,29,61,"Gerald Alexander","Lions","DB","Boise State"
2,30,62,"Dan Bazuin","Bears","DE","Central Michigan"
2,31,63,"Brandon Jackson","Packers","RB","Nebraska"
2,32,64,"Sabby Piscitelli","Buccaneers","DB","Oregon State"
3,1,65,"Quentin Moses","Raiders","DE","Georgia"
3,2,66,"Usama Young","Saints","DB","Kent State"
3,3,67,"James Marten","Cowboys"," T","Boston College"
3,4,68,"Quincy Black","Buccaneers","LB","New Mexico"
3,5,69,"Buster Davis","Cardinals","LB","Florida State"
3,6,70,"Ryan Harris","Broncos"," T","Notre Dame"
3,7,71,"Lorenzo Booker","Dolphins","RB","Florida State"
3,8,72,"Marcus McCauley","Vikings","DB","Fresno State"
3,9,73,"Jacoby Jones","Texans","WR","Lane"
3,10,74,"Yamon Figurs","Ravens","WR","Kansas State"
3,11,75,"Laurent Robinson","Falcons","WR","Illinois State"
3,12,76,"Jason Hill","49ers","WR","Washington State"
3,13,77,"Matt Spaeth","Steelers","TE","Minnesota"
3,14,78,"James Jones","Packers","WR","San Jose State"
3,15,79,"Mike Walker","Jaguars","WR","Central Florida"
3,17,80,"Paul Williams","Titans","WR","Fresno State"
3,18,81,"Jay Alford","Giants","DT","Penn State"
3,19,82,"DeMarcus 'Tank' Tyler","Chiefs","DT","North Carolina State"
3,20,83,"Charles Johnson","Panthers","DE","Georgia"
3,21,84,"Jonathan Wade","Rams","DB","Tennessee"
3,22,85,"Brandon Mebane","Seahawks","DT","California"
3,23,86,"Marshall Yanda","Ravens"," G","Iowa"
3,24,87,"Stewart Bradley","Eagles","LB","Nebraska"
3,25,88,"Andy Alleman","Saints"," G","Akron"
3,26,89,"Aaron Rouse","Packers","DB","Virginia Tech"
3,27,90,"Tony Hunt","Eagles","RB","Penn State"
3,28,91,"Mario Henderson","Raiders"," T","Florida State"
3,29,92,"Trent Edwards","Bills","QB","Stanford"
3,30,93,"Garrett Wolfe","Bears","RB","Northern Illinois"
3,31,94,"Michael Okwo","Bears","LB","Stanford"
3,32,95,"Daymeion Hughes","Colts","DB","California"
3,33,96,"Anthony Waters","Chargers","LB","Clemson"
3,34,97,"Ray McDonald","49ers","DT","Florida"
3,35,98,"Quinn Pitcock","Colts","DT","Ohio State"
3,36,99,"Johnnie Lee Higgins","Raiders","WR","Texas-El Paso"
4,1,100,"Michael Bush","Raiders","RB","Louisville"
4,2,101,"Adam Podlesh","Jaguars"," P","Maryland"
4,3,102,"Brian Robison","Vikings","DE","Texas"
4,4,103,"Isaiah Stanback","Cowboys","QB","Washington"
4,5,104,"Jay Moore","49ers","DE","Nebraska"
4,6,105,"A.J. Davis","Lions","DB","North Carolina State"
4,7,106,"Tanard Jackson","Buccaneers","DB","Syracuse"
4,8,107,"Antonio Pittman","Saints","RB","Ohio State"
4,9,108,"Paul Soliai","Dolphins","DT","Utah"
4,10,109,"Stephen Nicholas","Falcons","LB","South Florida"
4,11,110,"John Bowie","Raiders","DB","Cincinnati"
4,12,111,"Dwayne Wright","Bills","RB","Fresno State"
4,13,112,"Daniel Sepulveda","Steelers"," P","Baylor"
4,14,113,"Brian Smith","Jaguars","DE","Missouri"
4,15,114,"Marvin White","Bengals","DB","Texas Christian"
4,16,115,"Leroy Harris","Titans"," C","North Carolina State"
4,17,116,"Zak DeOssie","Giants","LB","Brown"
4,18,117,"Manuel Ramirez","Lions"," G","Texas Tech"
4,19,118,"Ryne Robinson","Panthers","WR","Miami (OH)"
4,20,119,"Allen Barbre","Packers"," T","Missouri Southern State"
4,21,120,"Baraka Atkins","Seahawks","DE","Miami (FL)"
4,22,121,"Marcus Thomas","Broncos","DT","Florida"
4,23,122,"Doug Free","Cowboys"," T","Northern Illinois"
4,24,123,"Fred Bennett","Texans","DB","South Carolina"
4,25,124,"Mansfield Wrotto","Seahawks"," G","Georgia Tech"
4,26,125,"Jermon Bushrod","Saints"," T","Towson"
4,27,126,"Dashon Goldson","49ers","DB","Washington"
4,28,127,"Kareem Brown","Patriots","DT","Miami (FL)"
4,29,128,"Chris Davis","Titans","WR","Florida State"
4,30,129,"Scott Chandler","Chargers","TE","Iowa"
4,31,130,"Josh Beekman","Bears"," G","Boston College"
4,32,131,"Brannon Condren","Colts","DB","Troy"
4,33,132,"Ryan McBean","Steelers","DE","Oklahoma State"
4,34,133,"Martrez Milner","Falcons","TE","Georgia"
4,35,134,"Antwan Barnes","Ravens","LB","Florida International"
4,36,135,"Joe Cohen","49ers","DT","Florida"
4,37,136,"Clint Session","Colts","LB","Pittsburgh"
4,38,137,"Le'Ron McClain","Ravens","RB","Alabama"
5,1,138,"Jay Richardson","Raiders","DE","Ohio State"
5,2,139,"Dustin Fry","Rams"," C","Clemson"
5,3,140,"Brandon McDonald","Browns","DB","Memphis"
5,4,141,"Greg Peterson","Buccaneers","DE","North Carolina Central"
5,5,142,"Steve Breaston","Cardinals","WR","Michigan"
5,6,143,"Dallas Sartz","Commanders","LB","USC"
5,7,144,"Brandon Harrison","Texans","DB","Stanford"
5,8,145,"David Jones","Saints","DB","Wingate"
5,9,146,"Aundrae Allison","Vikings","WR","East Carolina"
5,10,147,"Tarell Brown","49ers","DB","Texas"
5,11,148,"Kolby Smith","Chiefs","RB","Louisville"
5,12,149,"Uche Nwaneri","Jaguars"," G","Purdue"
5,13,150,"Josh Gattis","Jaguars","DB","Wake Forest"
5,14,151,"Jeff Rowe","Bengals","QB","Nevada"
5,15,152,"Antonio Johnson","Titans","DT","Mississippi State"
5,16,153,"Kevin Boss","Giants","TE","Western Oregon"
5,17,154,"Clifton Ryan","Rams","DT","Michigan State"
5,18,155,"Dante Rosario","Panthers","TE","Oregon"
5,19,156,"Cameron Stephenson","Steelers"," G","Rutgers"
5,20,157,"David Clowney","Packers","WR","Virginia Tech"
5,21,158,"Johnny Baldwin","Lions","LB","Alabama A&M"
5,22,159,"C.J. Gaddis","Eagles","DB","Clemson"
5,23,160,"Justin Medlock","Chiefs"," K","UCLA"
5,24,161,"Will Herring","Seahawks","LB","Auburn"
5,25,162,"Brent Celek","Eagles","TE","Cincinnati"
5,26,163,"Brandon Frye","Texans"," T","Virginia Tech"
5,27,164,"Tim Shaw","Panthers","LB","Penn State"
5,28,165,"Eric Frampton","Raiders","DB","Washington State"
5,29,166,"Derek Landri","Jaguars","DT","Notre Dame"
5,30,167,"Kevin Payne","Bears","DB","Louisiana-Monroe"
5,31,168,"Corey Graham","Bears","DB","New Hampshire"
5,32,169,"Roy Hall","Colts","WR","Ohio State"
5,33,170,"William Gay","Steelers","DB","Louisville"
5,34,171,"Clint Oldenburg","Patriots"," T","Colorado State"
5,35,172,"Legedu Naanee","Chargers","WR","Boise State"
5,36,173,"Michael Coe","Colts","DB","Alabama State"
5,37,174,"Troy Smith","Ravens","QB","Ohio State"
6,1,175,"Oren O'Neal","Raiders","RB","Arkansas State"
6,2,176,"Rufus Alexander","Vikings","LB","Oklahoma"
6,3,177,"Jacob Bender","Jets"," T","Nicholls State"
6,4,178,"Nick Folk","Cowboys"," K","Arizona"
6,5,179,"H.B. Blades","Commanders","LB","Pittsburgh"
6,6,180,"Justin Rogers","Patriots","LB","Southern Methodist"
6,7,181,"Reagan Mauia","Dolphins","RB","Hawaii"
6,8,182,"Adam Hayward","Buccaneers","LB","Portland State"
6,9,183,"Kasey Studdard","Texans"," G","Texas"
6,10,184,"John Wendling","Bills","DB","Wyoming"
6,11,185,"Trey Lewis","Falcons","DT","Washburn"
6,12,186,"Thomas Clayton","49ers","RB","Kansas State"
6,13,187,"Matt Toeaina","Bengals","DT","Oregon"
6,14,188,"Joel Filani","Titans","WR","Texas Tech"
6,15,189,"Adam Koets","Giants"," T","Oregon State"
6,16,190,"Ken Shackleford","Rams"," T","Georgia"
6,17,191,"Korey Hall","Packers","LB","Boise State"
6,18,192,"Desmond Bishop","Packers","LB","California"
6,19,193,"Mason Crosby","Packers"," K","Colorado"
6,20,194,"David Irons","Falcons","DB","Auburn"
6,21,195,"Deon Anderson","Cowboys","RB","Connecticut"
6,22,196,"Herbert Taylor","Chiefs"," T","Texas Christian"
6,23,197,"Courtney Taylor","Seahawks","WR","Auburn"
6,24,198,"Doug Datish","Falcons"," C","Ohio State"
6,25,199,"Drew Mormino","Dolphins"," C","Central Michigan"
6,26,200,"Melila Purcell","Browns","DE","Hawaii"
6,27,201,"Rashad Barksdale","Eagles","DB","Albany"
6,28,202,"Mike Richardson","Patriots","DB","Notre Dame"
6,29,203,"Daren Stone","Falcons","DB","Maine"
6,30,204,"Jacob Ford","Titans","DE","Central Arkansas"
6,31,205,"Jordan Palmer","Commanders","QB","Texas-El Paso"
6,32,206,"Ryan Smith","Titans","DB","Florida"
6,33,207,"Prescott Burgess","Ravens","LB","Michigan"
6,34,208,"Justise Hairston","Patriots","RB","Central Connecticut"
6,35,209,"Corey Hilliard","Patriots"," T","Oklahoma State"
6,36,210,"Jordan Kent","Seahawks","WR","Oregon"
7,1,211,"Oscar Lua","Patriots","LB","USC"
7,2,212,"Courtney Brown","Cowboys","DB","Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo"
7,3,213,"Chase Pittman","Browns","DE","Louisiana State"
7,4,214,"Chris Denman","Buccaneers"," T","Fresno State"
7,5,215,"Ben Patrick","Cardinals","TE","Delaware"
7,6,216,"Tyler Ecker","Commanders","TE","Michigan"
7,7,217,"Tyler Thigpen","Vikings","QB","Coastal Carolina"
7,8,218,"Zach Diles","Texans","LB","Kansas State"
7,9,219,"Kelvin Smith","Dolphins","LB","Syracuse"
7,10,220,"Marvin Mitchell","Saints","LB","Tennessee"
7,11,221,"Trumaine McBride","Bears","DB","Mississippi"
7,12,222,"Derek Schouman","Bills","RB","Boise State"
7,13,223,"Michael Otto","Titans"," T","Purdue"
7,14,224,"Michael Johnson","Giants","DB","Arizona"
7,15,225,"Brandon Fields","Dolphins"," P","Michigan State"
7,16,226,"C.J. Wilson","Panthers","DB","Baylor"
7,17,227,"Dallas Baker","Steelers","WR","Florida"
7,18,228,"DeShawn Wynn","Packers","RB","Florida"
7,19,229,"John Broussard","Jaguars","WR","San Jose State"
7,20,230,"Dan Santucci","Bengals"," G","Notre Dame"
7,21,231,"Michael Allan","Chiefs","TE","Whitworth"
7,22,232,"Steve Vallos","Seahawks"," T","Wake Forest"
7,23,233,"Chandler Williams","Vikings","WR","Florida International"
7,24,234,"Syndric Steptoe","Browns","WR","Arizona"
7,25,235,"Chansi Stuckey","Jets","WR","Clemson"
7,26,236,"Nate Ilaoa","Eagles","RB","Hawaii"
7,27,237,"Alan Ball","Cowboys","DB","Illinois"
7,28,238,"Abraham Wright","Dolphins","DE","Colorado"
7,29,239,"C.J. Ah You","Bills","DE","Oklahoma"
7,30,240,"Brandon Siler","Chargers","LB","Florida"
7,31,241,"Aaron Brant","Bears"," T","Iowa State"
7,32,242,"Keyunta Dawson","Colts","DE","Texas Tech"
7,33,243,"Clark Harris","Packers","TE","Rutgers"
7,34,244,"Jason Snelling","Falcons","RB","Virginia"
7,35,245,"Marcus Hamilton","Buccaneers","DB","Virginia"
7,36,246,"Kenneth Darby","Buccaneers","RB","Alabama"
7,37,247,"Mike Elgin","Patriots"," G","Iowa"
7,38,248,"Keith Jackson","Rams","DT","Arkansas"
7,39,249,"Derek Stanley","Rams","WR","Wisconsin-Whitewater"
7,40,250,"Ahmad Bradshaw","Giants","RB","Marshall"
7,41,251,"Chad Nkang","Jaguars","LB","Elon"
7,42,252,"Andrew Carnahan","Jaguars"," T","Arizona State"
7,43,253,"Nedu Ndukwe","Bengals","DB","Notre Dame"
7,44,254,"Johnathan Holland","Raiders","WR","Louisiana Tech"
7,45,255,"Ramzee Robinson","Lions","DB","Alabama"

If you can, theogt, cut and paste the second file and see if your Excel can read it.



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theogt;1863464 said:
Do you have this in Excel? I'd like to see draft positions sorted according to % drafted in top 30. Ranked purely by mean, for example, QB is toward the middle of the pack, but ranked by % drafted in top 30 it's be one of the highest.

This is a data set ranked as you wished. These are draft picks from 1994 to 2007:

POS HIGH  LOW  TOTAL  10     30     60     90     120    150    180     MEAN      ERR
 DB    3  258  656    14.29  18.57  22.62  19.76  19.76  22.38  17.62  120.12    68.87
 WR    1  262  450    16.43  12.50  13.33  12.62  12.62  10.00  13.33  126.18    75.02
  T    1  259  277    11.43  10.71   8.33   6.43   6.43   8.10   8.81  119.66    74.76
 RB    1  257  345    11.43   9.29   9.29  10.48  12.14   8.57   9.05  124.40    72.81
 LB    2  260  432     6.43  11.43  12.14  14.76  13.57  12.62  15.00  125.41    68.81
 DT    1  261  280     8.57   9.64   7.14   6.19   7.62   8.10   7.62  127.66    74.44
 QB    1  250  169    14.29   4.29   3.33   3.81   4.76   2.38   4.29  125.79    80.52
 TE    6  255  197     2.86   3.93   5.48   6.43   4.05   6.19   6.90  135.36    72.34
  G   10  261  206     0.71   3.93   4.52   7.14   5.48   8.10   5.71  136.16    67.04
  C   17  255  105     0.00   1.43   3.81   3.33   2.62   2.62   3.10  139.33    70.25
  K   17  248   28     0.00   0.36   0.24   1.19   0.95   0.24   1.19  152.29    66.19
  P   56  252   27     0.00   0.00   0.24   0.24   1.43   1.19   0.24  164.96    55.32

The percentages in this case are percentages of the total number of draft picks in that slot. So, the QBs were 14.29% of the 140 draft picks taken between the 1st and 10th draft choice.


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Thanks a ton Mr. Myers. I'll give it a shot tomorrow as I have a feeling it might take me a bit to get it right. :)