Some info about the Boys I thought you might enjoy


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I wanted to share some information that I just received from somebody that is real, real close to one of the Cowboys biggest stars. I don't have any major news, or anything like that....just some information that I thought the Zone would with out further a do....enjoy.

First of all Tony has no plans to marry anytime soon. He is happy where he is at (can't blame him). Jessica however while in the box, after every hit (little or big) is like, ohhh baby...I hope he's ok, etc. My source tells me she is just as she appears on tv....clueless.

Witten is very superstitious. After the drop on Sunday, he threw away all his gloves, etc. He had to replace everything...he was supposedly real sick about the drop.

Witten is also ailing. Not only does he have the shoulder, but apparently some bad ribs. (they never said broken) They did tell me that he's not about to miss anytime. (You gotta love his toughness!)

Last but not least.....I was told that Tony has been stressed out big time, because the coaches are pressuring him to get the ball to TO.

So there we have I said....not big news, but some interesting info from an insider. I find it real troubling that Tony is stressing out about getting the ball to if he can help it. I guess he won't have to worry about that anymore with the addition of Roy.

:starspin Go Cowboys!

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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Aven8;2343373 said:
I wanted to share some information that I just received from somebody that is real, real close to one of the Cowboys biggest stars. I don't have any major news, or anything like that....just some information that I thought the Zone would with out further a do....enjoy.

First of all Tony has no plans to marry anytime soon. He is happy where he is at (can't blame him). Jessica however while in the box, after every hit (little or big) is like, ohhh baby...I hope he's ok, etc. My source tells me she is just as she appears on tv....clueless.

Witten is very superstitious. After the drop on Sunday, he threw away all his gloves, etc. He had to replace everything...he was supposedly real sick about the drop.

Witten is also ailing. Not only does he have the shoulder, but apparently some bad ribs. (they never said broken) They did tell me that he's not about to miss anytime. (You gotta love his toughness!)

Last but not least.....I was told that Tony has been stressed out big time, because the coaches are pressuring him to get the ball to TO.

So there we have I said....not big news, but some interesting info from an insider. I find it real troubling that Tony is stressing out about getting the ball to if he can help it. I guess he won't have to worry about that anymore with the addition of Roy.

:starspin Go Cowboys!
If this is true about Romo, that is a bad sign. No wonder why he looks like he is having no fun


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I don't know that I believe he's having no fun but it does trouble me that anyone would even hint that they're pressuring him to get the ball to TO. TO will get the ball everyone just needs to be more patient.


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that may be true, but check this out, Wally Lynn, the radio voice of the Cowboys was just on 1530 here in Austin saying that the reason Romo has been stressed out is that the coaching staff has been on him to be more Aikman like.

They have been telling him to basically stop being the type of QB that he is Gunslinger and be more of a manager(Aikman), this came straight from the voice of the Cowboys pregame and post game radio guy, who said that he has it from a very reliable source.

So somewhere between what the original poster posted about his source and what Wally said to Chip Brown today, lies the truth, and all of it could be true, you know how people hear things differently.

Oh, Wally even said that he had to let out a ***, when he saw Romo's face when the game tying field goal was made.
He has been looking like he has not been enjoying these games, that is why I have been saying this time off will help him tremendously.


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bad, bad idea when you let your diva loudmoth WR influence what your usually sound decision making QB does.


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Spectre;2343438 said:
bad, bad idea when you let your diva loudmoth WR influence what your usually sound decision making QB does.

My gut feeling is that TO went to Jerry about this...just a guess. I hope I'm wrong about that.


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Aven8;2343373 said:
I wanted to share some information that I just received from somebody that is real, real close to one of the Cowboys biggest stars. I don't have any major news, or anything like that....just some information that I thought the Zone would with out further a do....enjoy.

First of all Tony has no plans to marry anytime soon. He is happy where he is at (can't blame him). Jessica however while in the box, after every hit (little or big) is like, ohhh baby...I hope he's ok, etc. My source tells me she is just as she appears on tv....clueless.

Witten is very superstitious. After the drop on Sunday, he threw away all his gloves, etc. He had to replace everything...he was supposedly real sick about the drop.

Witten is also ailing. Not only does he have the shoulder, but apparently some bad ribs. (they never said broken) They did tell me that he's not about to miss anytime. (You gotta love his toughness!)

Last but not least.....I was told that Tony has been stressed out big time, because the coaches are pressuring him to get the ball to TO.

So there we have I said....not big news, but some interesting info from an insider. I find it real troubling that Tony is stressing out about getting the ball to if he can help it. I guess he won't have to worry about that anymore with the addition of Roy.

:starspin Go Cowboys!

Not liking revealing anything about Witten ribs. There's a reason it's not on the injury report.


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Aven8;2343474 said:
My gut feeling is that TO went to Jerry about this...just a guess. I hope I'm wrong about that.

But Romo hasn't been throwing much at TO's way the last 2 games(since the Skins game, that is).

I find this unusual.


Makin' It Rain
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BHendri5;2343436 said:
that may be true, but check this out, Wally Lynn, the radio voice of the Cowboys was just on 1530 here in Austin saying that the reason Romo has been stressed out is that the coaching staff has been on him to be more Aikman like.

They have been telling him to basically stop being the type of QB that he is Gunslinger and be more of a manager(Aikman), this came straight from the voice of the Cowboys pregame and post game radio guy, who said that he has it from a very reliable source.

So somewhere between what the original poster posted about his source and what Wally said to Chip Brown today, lies the truth, and all of it could be true, you know how people hear things differently.

Oh, Wally even said that he had to let out a ***, when he saw Romo's face when the game tying field goal was made.
He has been looking like he has not been enjoying these games, that is why I have been saying this time off will help him tremendously.

Maybe I'm naive, but I took Romo's look when Folk nailed that field goal as one of concentration and unfinished business. The kick, as was later proven, didn't win jack.


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Boysboy;2343482 said:
But Romo hasn't been throwing much at TO's way the last 2 games(since the Skins game, that is).

I find this unusual.

Just because they tell him to, doesn't mean he's going to.
I really can't see this coming from coaches. Now Jones on the other hand.........


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BHendri5;2343436 said:
that may be true, but check this out, Wally Lynn, the radio voice of the Cowboys was just on 1530 here in Austin saying that the reason Romo has been stressed out is that the coaching staff has been on him to be more Aikman like.

They have been telling him to basically stop being the type of QB that he is Gunslinger and be more of a manager(Aikman), this came straight from the voice of the Cowboys pregame and post game radio guy, who said that he has it from a very reliable source.

So somewhere between what the original poster posted about his source and what Wally said to Chip Brown today, lies the truth, and all of it could be true, you know how people hear things differently.

Oh, Wally even said that he had to let out a ***, when he saw Romo's face when the game tying field goal was made.
He has been looking like he has not been enjoying these games, that is why I have been saying this time off will help him tremendously.

They have been telling him to basically stop being the type of QB that he is Gunslinger and be more of a manager(Aikman),

Who ever this is, needs fired this moment. Romo is what he is, and that is what makes him a pretty good QB.


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Dave_in-NC;2343497 said:
They have been telling him to basically stop being the type of QB that he is Gunslinger and be more of a manager(Aikman),

Who ever this is, needs fired this moment. Romo is what he is, and that is what makes him a pretty good QB.

Regardless-you always have to get after your players over mistakes. For example, when Mike Holmgren was coaching Favre, Favre didn't make nearly as many boneheaded mistakes under him than under his other coaches(for that matter, McCarthy last year got on his case alot which helped minimize his mistakes).


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A4getaboutit;2343478 said:
*** WARNING *** Posting fake stories is not allowed *** READ NOW ***


Why do people always fall for this unfunny BS?

BTW-did anyone else catch that block TO made that sprung MB3 loose for a TD at the end? Yah-this selfish diva has driven this team to the ground already.


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Boysboy;2343505 said:

Why do people always fall for this unfunny BS?

BTW-did anyone else catch that block TO made that sprung MB3 loose for a TD at the end? Yah-this selfish diva has driven this team to the ground already.

Dude...take it for what it's worth. I love TO and Romo...I think we should throw the ball to him every down!

But as far as this being a made up story, you're full of you know what! I don't sit around making up stories to look cool. I heard it today, and thought I would pass if along. If I wanted to make something would be about something major, not these little tidbits.


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Now see i told you zoners that witten was hurt, and maybe getting gonazalez, but some of you zoners got all over me, he was ok, etc,

i still like addition of roy williams wr, he is hostiles favorte player i think, so we will see, and i think he will play great

but i did tell you zoners that witten was hurt, and needed some rest


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Aven8;2343520 said:
Dude...take it for what it's worth. I love TO and Romo...I think we should throw the ball to him every down!

But as far as this being a made up story, you're full of you know what! I don't sit around making up stories to look cool. I heard it today, and thought I would pass if along. If I wanted to make something would be about something major, not these little tidbits.

I apologize for overreacting.

My point was that in the Cincy game, he was thrown to only like 4 times.(while we had a 50/50 run/pass ratio) In the AZ game, he wasn't thrown to that much more. And for that matter, TO made a key block late in the 4th qtr when usually, his old self would just make him quit during that situation.

Just found it unusual what you heard, that's all.


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How about theyre trying to make him get the ball to T.O. because they want to win?

why not get the ball to our best playmaker.


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Boysboy;2343533 said:
I apologize for overreacting.

My point was that in the Cincy game, he was thrown to only like 4 times.(while we had a 50/50 run/pass ratio) In the AZ game, he wasn't thrown to that much more. And for that matter, TO made a key block late in the 4th qtr when usually, his old self would just make him quit during that situation.

Just found it unusual what you heard, that's all.
he hasn't been throwing to him that much cause T.O. is showing his age. he is having trouble getting off the jam at the line. oh and it wouldn't suprise me if our dumb coaches are pressuring him to get Owens the ball more and to be more Aikman like.


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Boysboy;2343533 said:
I apologize for overreacting.

My point was that in the Cincy game, he was thrown to only like 4 times.(while we had a 50/50 run/pass ratio) In the AZ game, he wasn't thrown to that much more. And for that matter, TO made a key block late in the 4th qtr when usually, his old self would just make him quit during that situation.

Just found it unusual what you heard, that's all.

No Problem!

I found it troubling to say the least....But I hope Tony's a big boy and can handle this.