Some notables from McShay's post Combine top 32

QB Sanders was not on the first list and 18 on the other. He may want to shut his pie hole. I think he turns people off.
Funny thing about Loveland was when I would watch Schoonmaker game cut ups to see how he blocked while at Michigan, I kept seeing Loveland show up and came away more impressed with him.

Schoonmaker by the way, may have the worst montage of college “highlights” ever put together for a prospect.
based on that list...gimmie (13)michigan dt kenneth grant or (15)georgia de mykel williams.
Funny thing about Loveland was when I would watch Schoonmaker game cut ups to see how he blocked while at Michigan, I kept seeing Loveland show up and came away more impressed with him.

Schoonmaker by the way, may have the worst montage of college “highlights” ever put together for a prospect.
Agreed. Why the Cowboys took him in the second is beyond EVERYONE. Bet he couldve been had in the 5th.