SOPA protest moving along

it will never pass with Rand Paul as a senator as he promised to filibuster. :bow:
Risen Star;4385071 said:
Someone please explain to me what this new legislation would do? would be in violation of SOPA if it were to pass, considering the amount of copyrighted pictures here.

They way it's written, the allegation of copyright infrigment could result in the domain name being taken away, search engines would no longer find it, and blacklisted on ISP's.
Trendnet;4385177 said: would be in violation of SOPA if it were to pass, considering the amount of copyrighted pictures here.

They way it's written, the allegation of copyright infrigment could result in the domain name being taken away, search engines would no longer find it, and blacklisted on ISP's.

Sorry for being lazy, and feel free to tell me to do my own research, but who are 'they' doing this at the behest of? Is it specific artists or movie/record industry companies?
vta;4385190 said:
Sorry for being lazy, and feel free to tell me to do my own research, but who are 'they' doing this at the behest of? Is it specific artists or movie/record industry companies?

The entertainment industry in general.

See my link above for details.
Faerluna;4385197 said:
The entertainment industry in general.

See my link above for details.

Thanks. I don't watch vids at work, I'll see it when I get home,
Trendnet;4385177 said: would be in violation of SOPA if it were to pass, considering the amount of copyrighted pictures here.

They way it's written, the allegation of copyright infrigment could result in the domain name being taken away, search engines would no longer find it, and blacklisted on ISP's.

This site could be named Tom and someone could say they have the right to it because that is their name.......stupid stupid stupid
Sam I Am;4385276 said:
Harvard Business Review Article about it. This article isn't about what SOPA/PIPA will do, but why it even exists in the first place.

LOL look at that comment below it.

Even Ford knows to jump off the sinking ship and do some revisionist damage control.

scottmonty 16 minutes ago
Please take another look at the source of the companies you claim are supporting SOPA/PIPA. It's actually from a letter signed in September (three months prior to the legislation being crafted) that expresses a need for rogue site legislation. There is nowhere in the public record that demonstrates we support the specific legislation that has been presented.

Ford has expressed the need to protect our intellectual property, as there are hordes of counterfeiters and pirates out there who make Ford parts and goods that are not officially licensed. This takes business away from our licensees to whom we have a fiduciary duty to protect.

While we want to ensure that our IP is protected, we do not encourage legislation that fundamentally changes the Internet. We have expressed interested in working together with Congress to find a balance that keeps the Internet open yet protects intellectual property.

We hope you'll clarify this in the original article, as it currently states that Ford expressly supports SOPA, which we do not.

Scott Monty
Global Digital Communications
Ford Motor Company
Is there a site to list Representatives’ stance on this?

Sadly, and not surprising, were the people who support this horrible bill. My two Senators in SC will vote exactly as I expected. Graham, a RINO, will vote for more government control of our lives (while calling himself a “conservative”), and Demint (a tea party favorite) will vote against it. Anybody with an (R) next to their name and calling themselves "conservative" should be ashamed of themselves if they support this bill. It's censorship and it increases the power of the government to control the flow of information. Governments love to control the flow of information. It makes them more powerful.

There are a lot of Democrats and Republicans on board with this. This is a bad example of nonpartisanship.
Jammer;4385440 said:
Is there a site to list Representatives’ stance on this?

Sadly, and not surprising, were the people who support this horrible bill. My two Senators in SC will vote exactly as I expected. Graham, a RINO, will vote for more government control of our lives (while calling himself a “conservative”), and Demint (a tea party favorite) will vote against it. Anybody with an (R) next to their name and calling themselves "conservative" should be ashamed of themselves if they support this bill. It's censorship and it increases the power of the government to control the flow of information. Governments love to control the flow of information. It makes them more powerful.

There are a lot of Democrats and Republicans on board with this. This is a bad example of nonpartisanship.
Jammer;4385440 said:
Is there a site to list Representatives’ stance on this?

Sadly, and not surprising, were the people who support this horrible bill. My two Senators in SC will vote exactly as I expected. Graham, a RINO, will vote for more government control of our lives (while calling himself a “conservative”), and Demint (a tea party favorite) will vote against it. Anybody with an (R) next to their name and calling themselves "conservative" should be ashamed of themselves if they support this bill. It's censorship and it increases the power of the government to control the flow of information. Governments love to control the flow of information. It makes them more powerful.

There are a lot of Democrats and Republicans on board with this. This is a bad example of nonpartisanship.

Here's their picture, stance and party affiliation for your hating pleasure...

This issue is surprisingly non-partisan on both stances...
vta;4385190 said:
Sorry for being lazy, and feel free to tell me to do my own research, but who are 'they' doing this at the behest of? Is it specific artists or movie/record industry companies?

basically, the movie industry and RIAA are behind this.

i got into a knock down on facebook this afternoon with a good friend of mine who is a singer who is mad at those against the bill because he hates piracy.

i tried to tell him in every way i could why this wouldn't stop piracy at all yet it would give the government control over what sites can operate, who can be "googled" and force filters they feel we need.

all i really got back was they were mad at thieves.
There just isn't enough money in music and movies for these celebrities to survive. You are all cruel. Lets do what we can for them, no matter the cause.
CowboyWay;4385487 said:
There just isn't enough money in music and movies for these celebrities to survive. You are all cruel. Lets do what we can for them, no matter the cause.

i don't really give a damn about celebraties. my concern is also how to protect the rights of the artists. it costs a TON to get a band going to even try to succeed. i was good friend with a local band called Faktion here in the Dallas area and when they were on tour with rev theory and hinder, fans kept coming up to them ADMITTING they downloaded their music and loved it - looking strange when asked where they "bought" it.

since "no sales" is the death sentence, they were kicked from roadrunner records before long.

then you have those not even fortunate enough to make it that far and just trying to sell their music on cdbaby or even online somehow. but if people want it bad enough they can find a way to "steal" it.

i'm all for helping this situation, but this legislation has as much chance of doing that as i do becoming a chip-n-dales dancer.
Here's a good video on it.

It's interesting to hear the timeline. Not but 20 years ago you could record and "share" music and such. Just couldn't profit off the items.

Then, you couldn't even record.

Now they want you to prove you aren't recording before doing anything else.


I don't know how anyone can support the bill.

I think it's pretty clear that anyone who does simply doesn't understand it at all.
It's a sad day when the only way you can get the populace's attention is to take their social media away.
CowboyMcCoy;4387037 said:
It's a sad day when the only way you can get the populace's attention is to take their social media away.

A lot worse things have been passed in the last year or so without very much more than a murmur.

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