Video: Sounds From The Sideline - Week 11 - Cowboys vs Lions *Merge*


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Did you fall on your head? Didnt you once say this team was far apart and had no chemistry and was imploding? Just curious

I stand corrected and admit I was wrong on the chemistry thing, for the most part. I personally believe the team can work on the chemistry a bit, but they are stepping in the right direction.

I still think an implode is coming though. It was likely avoided for the time being with JG "apologizing" to the team, but if/when another loss comes or JG throws someone else under the bus after a loss, it possibly may fall to the levels of implosion again....


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Our running backs coach is part of the problem...

He suggested to keep pounding inside. He’s all about pounding,grinding and chopping wood.

Listen man.. someone needs to tell zeke to break to the outside and put moves on people every now and then too.

He literally said they are playing the bounce, waiting for him to get outside. Which explains why they keep running this same running play left and inside that never works. Must be the defenses have found a way to keep zeke bottled up and essentially force them to keep running inside all the time.


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I stand corrected and admit I was wrong on the chemistry thing, for the most part. I personally believe the team can work on the chemistry a bit, but they are stepping in the right direction.

I still think an implode is coming though. It was likely avoided for the time being with JG "apologizing" to the team, but if/when another loss comes or JG throws someone else under the bus after a loss, it possibly may fall to the levels of implosion again....
Or maybe you just overreact after every loss?


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Or maybe you just overreact after every loss?

Nope. I still hold the same beliefs. Garrett, Rod, Ricard, O'Quinn, and possibly Gary Brown need to go. Defense still sucks. We're still in danger of not making the playoffs, still inconsistent, and I am still in disbelief over a certain loss I will not say the name of. The only reason I'm not overreacting is because Dak is looking like a Top 5 Superhero saving QB right now that gives me a little more hope than I've had recently.


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Nope. I still hold the same beliefs. Garrett, Rod, Ricard, O'Quinn, and possibly Gary Brown need to go. Defense still sucks. We're still in danger of not making the playoffs, still inconsistent, and I am still in disbelief over a certain loss I will not say the name of. The only reason I'm not overreacting is because Dak is looking like a Top 5 Superhero saving QB right now that gives me a little more hope than I've had recently.
But the locker room doesnt respect him i thought? Your words not mine. Zeke and him seem to be very friendly still.


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But the locker room doesnt respect him i thought? Your words not mine. Zeke and him seem to be very friendly still.

Dak playing like a great QB and having respect have little to no correlation. Aaron Rodgers is an a-hole that doesn't talk to anyone on the team really and he always finds a way to get downfield, even if he isn't as great this year as he was in the past.

Also, I never said Dak had no respect. Him and Zeke being friends is something I never denied. A few others showing him respect I never denied. I said I saw a lack of respect from some players and that continues to this day. I'm not having this tiring back and forth discussion again.


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Dak playing like a great QB and having respect have little to no correlation. Aaron Rodgers is an a-hole that doesn't talk to anyone on the team really and he always finds a way to get downfield, even if he isn't as great this year as he was in the past.

Also, I never said Dak had no respect. Him and Zeke being friends is something I never denied. A few others showing him respect I never denied. I said I saw a lack of respect from some players and that continues to this day. I'm not having this tiring back and forth discussion again.
yes you did. You fully said maybe zekes contract is why they arent as close bla bla bla. You just keep digging your own hole. You also said this team wouldnt win another game. And that the locker room was a mess. Now you're saying their chemistry is crazy? Make up your mind is all im saying.


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yes you did. You fully said maybe zekes contract is why they arent as close bla bla bla. You just keep digging your own hole. You also said this team wouldnt win another game. And that the locker room was a mess. Now you're saying their chemistry is crazy? Make up your mind is all im saying.

Have a good day. I'm not having this discussion. I know what I've said, and you know what you've said. I'm tired of going over this every Monday and Tuesday.


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I'm all for the raa raa, lets get em, dig till we cant crap. BUT leave that for AFTER you actually beat a team worthy of it. Lions, NO Stafford, and their defense was a piece meal rag tag bunch of scrub players off their bench. Yet, their BU QB, almost beat us....almost I said. IMHO, leave the rash talk off the field, and put it ON the field. Fans are tired of "hearing" how grand you are or will be, SHOW us by thrashing a half way decent team. We will see who this bunch truly is come this Sunday in NE....I've been saying they will win against the Pats, I hope they don't let me down.


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So glad I was wrong about Bennett being a bad add.
Hey, it's not like a lot of us weren't like overly excited about bringing him in... I was one also who from his past thought the same way. But maybe there is still some of the old Landry Magic working in the locker room....


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Have a good day. I'm not having this discussion. I know what I've said, and you know what you've said. I'm tired of going over this every Monday and Tuesday.
Stop backtracking every monday and tuesday and we wont have to.


the Dude abides
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I didn't realize Austin made a great play preventing the interception. Well done.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Our running backs coach is part of the problem...

He suggested to keep pounding inside. He’s all about pounding,grinding and chopping wood.

Listen man.. someone needs to tell zeke to break to the outside and put moves on people every now and then too.

I was thinking that as well. Brown displayed the kind of mind-set we believe this staff has: stubborn instead of inventive. We didn't need to keep chopping wood. We needed to use some misdirection to take advantage of the Lions squeezing the middle


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I love watching this stuff. I find myself grinning from ear to ear.

On a side note, we now know that it was Gary Brown who called those two run plays at the end of the game last week.