Sources: T.O.'s expressed resentment toward Romo


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Vintage;2482322 said:
Did Romo come out and say he sucked horribly after the game?

Or did he ask for "patience?"

I forget.

Asking for patience is acknowledging that you played a bad game. He doesn't have to say outright "I sucked," to take some blame for it. Owens won't take blame unless there's absolutely no where else to go.


Mick Green 58
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Has Brady James acknowledged that he stated that he plays kind of like a mediator role when tensions flair between Owens and Romo as Ed Werder stated in his column?

Also, I hope people realize that Ed Werder and Terrell Owens are currently publicly fueding.

As a matter of fact, Ed Werder even stated that it has gotten so bad that Terrell Owens is quite a bit stand-offish towards him and tries to get other players to not talk to him.

I am not calling Ed Werder a liar but knowing the above, it would be hard to make a claim that he is unbiased and totally disinterested when it comes to Terrell Owens.


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Wonderboyromo;2482310 said:
How could he NOT blame himself for that one? He had no other options there, if he didn't blame himself he would have looked like an even bigger fool.

He didn't take any blame for anything in the most recent game, he blamed everything on Romo and Garrett.

Perfect teammate.


He NEVER takes responsibility for his mistakes, no matter how blatant and obvious they are.

He had no other options there, if he didn't blame himself he would have looked like an even bigger fool.


And maybe he didn't take any blame in the recent game because it wasn't his fault? Ever think of that? :rolleyes:

And when did he blame everything on Romo and Garrett?


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JordanTaber;2482346 said:


And maybe he didn't take any blame in the recent game because it wasn't his fault? Ever think of that? :rolleyes:

And when did he blame everything on Romo and Garrett?

He said Romo cost them the game. Not in those exact words, but he said it. That's not something you say about your quarterback. Plain and simple.


The Cult of Jib
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Wonderboyromo;2482359 said:
He said Romo cost them the game. Not in those exact words, but he said it. That's not something you say about your quarterback. Plain and simple.

Romo did cost us the game. If he can admit it, why do we need to "protect" him from big, bad Owens?

Unless Romo's a mental midget.... then we aren't going to win with him anyway.

Romo's fine. He ain't a mental midget. He can deal with some criticism. And he deserves it after his Grossman-esque performance.


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Vintage;2482360 said:
Romo did cost us the game. If he can admit it, why do we need to "protect" him from big, bad Owens?

Unless Romo's a mental midget.... then we aren't going to win with him anyway.

Romo's fine. He ain't a mental midget. He can deal with some criticism. And he deserves it after his Grossman-esque performance.

There are a lot (most) of recievers out there that won't sit there and say that kind of thing. It's not needed.


The Cult of Jib
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Wonderboyromo;2482422 said:
There are a lot (most) of recievers out there that won't sit there and say that kind of thing. It's not needed.

The truth isn't warranted?

Again.... if Romo was some sort of mental midget, I'd understand the concern.


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Wonderboyromo;2482320 said:
But there were plays Owens could have made, or times when he could have made more things happen and he just didn't go hard.

We saw Witten take blame for the one INT. Do you ever think you'd see Owens doing that.

LOL. When pigs fly.
we should all be careful about this Owens business...everyone saying he quits on routes...perhaps Romo is throwing too much into double coverage...i find it hard to believe that its never Romo's fault for these interceptions...that silly left handed, goof ball pass to Williams last sunday was something you just don't see...and that last ball to Witten would'nt have been caught regardless...the floater to Owens should'nt have been thown...not in the shadow of his own endzone...not after the problems with accuracy he was having...Romo thought Ike Taylor would'nt turnaround before he could touch pass it to Owens...even so you have safety Ryan Clark closing on the play after reading Romo's feet, body and his eyes because he telegraphed the throw to Owens at the line...

Romo is a risk taker and the floater to Owens [inaccurate as it were anyway], Williams in the endzone double coverage, and the last one to Witten were all ill-advised and contributed to the final outcome...that's not to say he's the only player who made mistakes but he made the mistakes that will be more heavily scrutinized because of what position he plays...


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kramskoi;2482436 said:
we should all be careful about this Owens business...everyone saying he quits on routes...perhaps Romo is throwing too much into double coverage...i find it hard to believe that its never Romo's fault for these interceptions...that silly left handed, goof ball pass to Williams last sunday was something you just don't see...and that last ball to Witten would'nt have been caught regardless...the floater to Owens should'nt have been thown...not in the shadow of his own endzone...not after the problems with accuracy he was having...Romo thought Ike Taylor would'nt turnaround before he could touch pass it to Owens...even so you have safety Ryan Clark closing on the play after reading Romo's feet, body and his eyes because he telegraphed the throw to Owens at the line...

Romo is a risk taker and the floater to Owens [inaccurate as it were anyway], Williams in the endzone double coverage, and the last one to Witten were all ill-advised and contributed to the final outcome...that's not to say he's the only player who made mistakes but he made the mistakes that will be more heavily scrutinized because of what position he plays...

Please don't talk sense... People love Romo so much they can't even see that some of the problems are on him... They use to say that we can live with a couple of those INTs that Romo throws, because it doesn't hurt us... Well, guess what? It's starting to hurt us...


Cowboy Realist
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After reading all of this, I think Wade Wilson and Garrett need to remind Romo to go through his progressions and just throw the ball to whoever is open, whether it be T.O. Roy11, Crayton, Witten, whoever. I just think Tony is not going through his progressions and is trying to do too much (i.e. forcing the ball)

Just my 2 cents


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Wonderboyromo;2482276 said:
Sure is.
If Werder reported that Owens believes the sky is green, some of these posters would jump on that band wagon and say Owens is fine in believing that.

"The sky actually does look green when you think about it."

:lmao2: Sooooooooooo true