I know. That's all I heard the week before the skins game, ... "It's only the skins!"
That was even dumber, for anybody who knows what Cowboys/Sk*ns games are like. They always come down to one possession, and the better team doesn't always win. We owe them some payback in WAS, now.
I know I'm almost alone on the planet, but I like what this JAGS team is doing, overall. I think they've got a good coach and a good young defense and some weapons that can hurt you coming around on offense. I think they might have a QB to develop, too. This is another game where we're the better team, but you can bet they're going to make us prove it. I think what I thought going into the Sk*ns game: we're going to be in a dogfight until midway through the third quarter before we pull away....assuming we don't turn the ball over or have the execution errors we had in that game, too. If the latter, all bets are off and it'll be a down-to-the-wire toss up.
It's nice to hear Irvin in NFLN suggesting the team is fired up and having a great week of practice, though. Dez, in particular, is predicting a break out end of the season for himself. We'll see.