
ChldsPlay;2078392 said:
Again on the forcing thing, they mentioned it, but it certainly wasn't in the video. The moments shown where the kid takes the hits, they weren't forcing. Encouraging, definitely, but not forcing.

I see, the toddler asked for a toke...

And if you really think 2 small puffs on a pipe is worse than some sips of beer that's your opinion. I personally think beer is worse than weed no matter the amount. Weed is not some dangerous, highly addictive drug the kid is going to OD on and die or anything. It's about as tame as you can get. I believe that either both pot and alcohol need to be legal, or both need to be illegal. If I had my choice they'd both be illegal, but I know that's unrealistic. And if only ONE is going to be legal, it should be pot, not alcohol.

I think it's pretty well known in here that I've gotten friendly with a bong or two in my day, so I'm not coming at you as some kind of anti-druggie here...

But if you think that making a kid hit on a bowl is "better" than letting a kid have a sip of your beer, seek professional help... the two aren't even REMOTELY close... like I said, a little kid can taste a beer, and not get drunk, or anywhere close to it, but one hit of weed for a little kid, and he's wasted...

And you know it... this is aside from the criminal harm you do to his still-developing lungs... those parents are some sick, twisted SOBs, and that would be true even if cocaine wasn't a part of the picture... at the very least, I hope they have that kid taken away from them... they don't deserve to raise a child...
bbgun;2078440 said:
Don't keep us in suspense. How'd you do?

Don't remember the grade on the exam, but I do recall the test was easier than I'd been sweating... I also remember that it was silly of me to be sweating it, because most of the grade for the entire course was gonna come from the lab work, and that was all done... I could have aced the exam, and still probably not brought my grade up from a B to an A...

I've said before that I basically screwed around when I was down at UTEP, I laughingly say I majored in golf and minored in Juarez... but I liked microbiology, and enjoyed the lab work with the cultures and such, so I did tend to go to that class... LOL...

Actually, I was the only freshman in the Micro class, but I'd taken the ACTs in Biology during my senior year in high school, and was allowed to skip basic freshman Biology... I thank God that I went to a strong academic high school my senior year, when we came back from Germany, and was able to take the ACTs in Biology, English and Math, and thus was able to skip past a lot of the boring freshman crapola in college... I also got lucky my junior year in high school over in Heidelberg, a guardian angel in the form of a little bitty black lady who was my English teacher, and who thought her job was to get us all ready for our SATs... she's a big reason why I scored as high as I did...

Looking back, of course I kinda wish I'd taken the whole college thing more seriously... I even forced myself to attend a coupla semesters at a junior college about 10 years later, just to prove to myself that I hadn't blown it because I couldn't handle the academic work... carried straight A's carrying a 9 credit hour load (while working as a club pro) for the two semesters, and was happy...

Of course, if I HAD stayed in school, I'd be a colonel at least today, and retired... I was there on an ROTC scholarship, and those jagoffs were the ones who gave me a negative attitude toward the whole college thing...

I'm not sure if going the Army route would have been a good thing or a bad thing for me, though... I don't really have what you call a military mindset (which means I have a highly limited tolerance for bovine fecal matter)... :D
silverbear;2078996 said:
I see, the toddler asked for a toke...

I think it's pretty well known in here that I've gotten friendly with a bong or two in my day, so I'm not coming at you as some kind of anti-druggie here...

But if you think that making a kid hit on a bowl is "better" than letting a kid have a sip of your beer, seek professional help... the two aren't even REMOTELY close... like I said, a little kid can taste a beer, and not get drunk, or anywhere close to it, but one hit of weed for a little kid, and he's wasted...

And you know it... this is aside from the criminal harm you do to his still-developing lungs... those parents are some sick, twisted SOBs, and that would be true even if cocaine wasn't a part of the picture... at the very least, I hope they have that kid taken away from them... they don't deserve to raise a child...

You apparently over estimate the potency of pot. And you need to learn the definition of the word force.
ChldsPlay;2079064 said:
You apparently over estimate the potency of pot. And you need to learn the definition of the word force.

No you underestimate the issue with Pot because it is fat soluble THC stays in your body for up to 4 weeks (it is not the just getting high part)

Alcohol can be cleared from your body in 24 hours or less because it is water soluble (a sip is nothing)

That is not to say Alcohol does not have issue the over use of Alcohol has both social and physical ramifications
ChldsPlay;2078228 said:
I don't think it's nothing, but it's not, "OH MY GOD!! HOW AWFUL!!!" bad. Like I said, people give kids sips of beer all the time, I'm sure lots of people on these boards have done it with their kids, and lots got sips from their parents. To me that is worse then taking a couple puffs of pot, but nobody says anything about that.

I also didn't see the forcing part. Was that in the article? Because in the video when the kid took it, the kid wasn't fighting and even smiled. Hard to tell with how it was edited though.

The cocaine is the meat of the story IMO. Without it, it's not much more than something you shrug at and say, "stupid parents, glad they're paying for it now," and move on.

Yeah, it pretty much is. In the old days, before dependancies were really studied and documented, I can kind of see the whole beer thing. I know that in the old days, certain European families drank wine with meals all the time. However, with the info that is out there today about how dependancies start and how this kind of acceptance to substances and Alcohol effects long term usage and acceptance of such practices, it is unexcusable. There is no justification for it. There is no reason to allow it or the thought of it. No Big Deal is not OK IMO. Basically, your making the decision for the child long before they have the opportunity to decide for or against it. Statistics prove that early exposure and accepted behavior of such things increase the changes of children adopting such behavioral patterns, and at much earlier ages then people not subjected.

It aint OK dude.

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