Star Citizen! Anyone?


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Anyone here pledged into the game/ or played yet? This weekend is free{meaning no pledge is necessary} for Alpha 3.2.2 version.
Downloaded the game, all whopping 40 GBs and even on medium settings it runs pretty bad. This is on a i7-4790K, 16 GB ram, MSI Gaming 1070 8 GB GPU on a Samsung SSD.

The game has raised over 100 million $${yes you read that correctly} and has been in development around 6 years or so.
The concept behind the game is amazing, but the money-grabbing aspect and long duration development cycle that helps drive more and more revenue without a finished game is counter-incentive to ever finish it.

While not nearly the quality or depth of SC, Shroud of the Avatar has been doing the same thing. Ideas that sounded great until the never-ending telethons (literally) and money grabs destroyed any interest I had in that game.

I hope SC lives up to the hype, but I have no plans to back it or even look at it beyond a video update here and there like I have for years until the game is actually launched and the initial reviews justify it.
The concept behind the game is amazing, but the money-grabbing aspect and long duration development cycle that helps drive more and more revenue without a finished game is counter-incentive to ever finish it.

While not nearly the quality or depth of SC, Shroud of the Avatar has been doing the same thing. Ideas that sounded great until the never-ending telethons (literally) and money grabs destroyed any interest I had in that game.

I hope SC lives up to the hype, but I have no plans to back it or even look it beyond a video update here and there like I have for years until the game is actually launched and the initial reviews justify it.

Good old Shroud of the Avatar. From what I have heard the game currently doesn't even resemble the original concept. Add to that all the money grabs and you can see why the reviews just aren't that good at all. Glad I never pledged and from the few hours I have spent in SC am pretty surely wont be pledging them either.
Sometimes the best purchases are the ones you avoid.

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