Stephen A Smith

He will blame the loss on the fact that Odell didn't play ... I honestly don't know why anyone would watch that stupid blowhard I can't stand listening to him for more then a minute on any subject one of the most irritating personalities on TV

I used to watch him, but then (on the advice of people here at CZ) I decided to quit. He's just a manipulative prick using schtick to stir up ratings. Not worth wasting your time with at all. There are way better analysts on Youtube, for example, Footsdaking.
Just look at this thread title- Stephen A. Smith. This guy hates all Cowboys fan and he states it everyday. Now, his name along has caused grief among us Cowboys fan. I hate this guy just as much as he hates Cowboys Fans.
Dude- you are still chatting with me. I've said what I had to say and I'm done- you WIN. I should have never stooped down to your level of stupidity. It's clear that I do not have experience on that level. You win!!!!
:huh:,,,chatting with you, huh?,,,:lmao:,,,, apparently, I was much too generous with the I Q points o_O
Zeke said he can't wait to prove his innocence and Max & SAS said he never actually said he was innocent, they're just arguing semantics now and they look stupid.

Not only that but they showed his entire post game interview except one part where he stated he looks forward to clearing his name and proving his innocence.

Disney has destroyed ESPN with their political agenda.
Just look at this thread title- Stephen A. Smith. This guy hates all Cowboys fan and he states it everyday. Now, his name along has caused grief among us Cowboys fan. I hate this guy just as much as he hates Cowboys Fans.
Get the heck outta here if you don't like it. Why do you keep posting on the thread. All you do is fan the flame. SAS secret lover. Admit it, you love the guy!! LOL
I love watching the freak show that is Fist Take.

Today had Magic Johnson and Snoop Dog lecturing Zeke and told him how he should carry himself as a man

Any irony here?
Yeah, as soon as Magic starting yapping about Zeke needing the learn how to treat women, I was like "This coming from a guy who cheated on his pregnant wife & caught AIDS from one of the women he was messing with & there were so many, it was hard for him to track them all down?" Zeke may be immature but getting advise from HIM, is laughable.
Get the heck outta here if you don't like it. Why do you keep posting on the thread. All you do is fan the flame. SAS secret lover. Admit it, you love the guy!! LOL

Oooo! That's a burn, a deep searing burn,the kinda burn that continues to burn long after the burning has burned itself out,,, pretty sure that's gonna leave a memorable burn mark on you @risco o_O

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