Stephen- Co-Owner

It would not surprise me if Jerry has been transferring ownership to his family or a trust for some time. The tax implications of him dying and leaving the Cowboys franchise to his family would be enormous, and probably enough to force them to sell the team to pay the taxes.
You guys are inconsolable I mean do you take everything you hear every little quote every little small thing and make it into a story you're making it into a thread where it never needed to be it's not a thing who cares yes all the Jones family are part owners of the Dallas Cowboys I'm pretty sure it's in writing somewhere in a contract about how each of them have a percentage of the ownership should Jerry pass on or Jerry retire or whatever it is it is pretty much how things work when it's a family owned business typically they're all actually there they all have titles they all are working on a daily basis it's a corporation that has a lot of family members that work in the front office on a daily basis so yeah they're co-owners..

I'm betting they didn't write the speech they probably didn't write the introduction somebody there decided to write that in there and they introduced them as such and now we have to hear people whine about it it's seriously you guys need that really find a way to unwind and decompress because if you're hanging on every word that's said and making it into a thread that you need to talk about you might need an actual professional to talk to you really do this is getting old so they use the word that you never heard before so now you need to make it a thing I'm betting there's a few Steven Jones threads that I haven't opened yet about his air quotes and all that other stuff that you could have just slipped this in there but no you needed to be heard because somehow this hurts your feelings that Steven Jones owns part of a team that's part of your daily lives that you make one of your hobbies or passions so it bothers you that the sun now is part owner of a $15 billion team he said billionaire and it bothers you to the core..

this is what we call jealousy. Tell me y'all take too much of this too seriously yes we're serious about our commitment to the Dallas Cowboys and some of us are more die hard than others but some of you are focusing on the wrong thing this is about football it's about the games it's about the players it's about the logo and you guys get off track when you let every little thing bother you and yeah it bothers me that this bothers you because I have to come in here and see this there are other threads you could have added this to... If it bothers you that the ownership of a team runs things the way they seem fit just like you would run your business and run your family the way you saw fit when they say it's none of your business this is what they're talking about this part of football is none of our business we have no control over most of this stuff anyway so why over focus on it focus on football I'm more interested in the draft I'm interested in who they're gonna hire for the rest of the staff I'm interested in free agency and I'm interested in the schedule coming out..

And I am most interested at the moment and hoping the chiefs totally destroy the eagles and that's another thing anybody who wants the eagles to win just to show Jerry you're not a real fan you have no concept of rivals anymore you somehow in this new crowd of tolerance no there's no tolerance I'm glad that Washington team got beat because that means Dan Quinn a bunch of other ex Cowboys staffers and ex players don't get to enjoy themselves and as an equal hater of both teams I'm glad we didn't have to listen to that I'm happy Dan Quinn got his doors blown off and once again couldn't stop the run couldn't find a run game and the narrative just continues I don't care that he got to an NFC championship game he did it because the Cowboys had a down year they got lucky and they barely beat the Cowboys in the second game they almost lost to two practice squad teams that makes me happy...

So now that football's almost over all I have is to hope the chiefs dominate and embarrass the eagles that's my goal and if anybody else is hoping the eagles win around here you are not a Cowboys fan... I know why you say such a thing then if the eagles win a Super Bowl it will inspire Jerry embarrass Jerry motivate Jerry no it won't Jerry still lives in his own world and it won't change so why give the eagles a championship if it's not gonna truly inspire Jerry to be different we want the eagles to lose die hard Cowboys fans hate the eagles and we want them to lose no matter what and I hope it's an embarrassment..

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