Twitter: Stephen on TJ Watt: was in “serious contention” to be pick. “I wish we would’ve done that."


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
.. and Randy Moss was almost a Cowboy .. and Tom Brady .. and .. and ... and ...

All that matters is who they picked ..

There were a lot of near hits by many teams, just like I am sure there were many near-misses by the Cowboys (ex: Paxton Lynch) that more than counter the few pointless "almost got a great player" hind-sight stories.


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It seems unlikely we'd have had 3 SB wins in 4 years if someone else had bought the team. We have no idea if we be high on the hog or mired in an even worse swamp.
Yeah great....and guess what.....I would in trade all of that in a second to be in another situation than we are right now.

Someone would have bought the Dallas Cowboys as an investment and let them be run correctly as far as football ops, not to placate their own ego.

Sure fine....theres no guarantees there, but I'll about give you a guarantee NOW....this team wont win as currently constructed....for quite some time...if ever.


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Every team can say this about every draft

Teams passed on Devonte Adams

Aaron Rodgers was projected to go early in the first and went at the back end of the first round

It is what it is on these draft picks......and I was hyped for Charlton I thought year one would be a struggle but year two and beyond he would average double digit sacks