***Still taking donations for Jason Witten Camp!***


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Hey CZ'ers,

It's that time of the year where Cowboy fans get together for a good cause and donate so that a few kids, who otherwise couldn't afford it, can attend Jason Witten's football camp.

The camp is being held May 4-5 at Grand Prairie High School.

Boys and girls, ages 7-14, will be able to learn football fundamentals and basic life lessons from Jason Witten.

The cost to send a kid to this year's camp is only $149. Last year CowboysZone sent a record amount of kids due to the members' generosity and we would love to replicate that generosity this year.

We will take donations until April 12, so that all monies can be sent to the camp representatives by their deadline. No amount is too small!

If you would like to donate on behalf of CZ and help send a kid to Jason Witten's camp, go to www.donatewittencamp.com and click the Donate button.
I've been out a few days here and accessing only by phone, so I just saw this. But this is a good cause and a great idea.

Let's get the contributions going from anybody who's interested!
Some of these little kids want to go to camp.

Donate a little to help them go.

I know it's hard to afford things like this in these economic times and I know that some of you may have already given to support this cause or perhaps others already.

I will pledge to send on kid to camp. If anybody can contribute anything at all, it will help to send another or maybe a few others. If you can't, you can't and that's understood but if you can, please do so. Every little bit will help.

Thank you all.

Awesome! Looks like we've got enough for three kids. Let's keep it going folks!

Every little bit counts. :)
I pledge to send at least one kid to camp. This is a worthy cause and you are assured all your money will go to sending children to camp.

Sports are one way for these disadvantaged kids to get an education. So if you can please lend a helping hand. Thanks.
More donations have come in...and with the two pledges, we are now up to four kids that are being sent to Jason Witten's camp.

We have about 10 more days before I need to send payment to Witten's representatives.

Again, no donation is too small!
Thanks to all who have donated so far. Every little bit counts and I know the kids who will get to go to the camp on behalf of CZ will appreciate the opportunity.

We've got seven more days until the donation drive ends. So if you've pledged any $$, but have not made the actual donation, please make your donation as soon as possible. I want to make sure we have real cash in hand, when I prepare the check to go to Witten's reps.

No donation is too small!
Sent money for one child.

If 30 people donate $5 that will send one child to camp.
jobberone;5041759 said:
Sent money for one child.

If 30 people donate $5 that will send one child to camp.

Funxva;5041813 said:
I'm good for a $100 donation!
Thanks guys!

With the remaining pledge and all donations, we have enough to send five kids.
We're holding steady at five kids, but if we can get a few last minute donations, we can get a sixth kid to Witten's camp on behalf of CZ and I think that would be a great accomplishment for you guys.

No donation is too small!
The Witten Camp donation drive is officially over, but the site is still up for any last minute donations.

Not too late!

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