Stupid Things People Do - Darwin Award Candidates

Remember this guy? Google Lawn chair Larry if you're interested enough. He took this contraption to 16000 feet into federally restricted airspace. Incoming flights had to be routed around him. He descended by shooting balloons with an air pistol.
Remember this guy? Google Lawn chair Larry if you're interested enough. He took this contraption to 16000 feet into federally restricted airspace. Incoming flights had to be routed around him. He descended by shooting balloons with an air pistol.
That does ring a bell!

edit: Wow, I just Googled this and read that this event happened in 1982. I was way too young (as in 3 years old) at that time to remember it from the news, but I've heard/read about this somewhere.
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Maybe I’m recalling wrong, but didnt the original Darwin Awards require the nominee to die?

In current times, Id think all those death by selfies (on cliffs , near railroad, etc) would be good candidates.
Maybe I’m recalling wrong, but didnt the original Darwin Awards require the nominee to die?

In current times, Id think all those death by selfies (on cliffs , near railroad, etc) would be good candidates.
Not sure about the dying part. I seem to remember a couple that did not have the numbie die but that was a long time ago
We have all read stories of really insane things that people do... not necessarily to get attention or as a practical joke. Rather, these are things that cause you to scratch your head and wonder just how stupid are these people?

I'll start with one of my favorites that occurs every spring and summer: petting the fluffy "cows" at Yellowstone National Park.

This week, an otherwise sane middle-aged woman decided to get a photo of herself standing next to a full-grown bison bull. Long story short, the bison kicked her, then reversed and tried to gore her. She survived with a broken arm, broken leg and a number of serious cuts. What made this even more tragic is her husband was taking the photo from the safety of the car.

Neither husband or wife offered a comment from the hospital. Apparently, the park service will fine the family for endangering the wildlife.
Hubby said, “just a little closer, a little bit more, just a bit more”. Smart.
Maybe I’m recalling wrong, but didnt the original Darwin Awards require the nominee to die?

In current times, Id think all those death by selfies (on cliffs , near railroad, etc) would be good candidates.
The rhetorical tongue-in-cheek award recognizes an individual who has contributed to society by removing themselves out of the gene pool by dying or becoming sterilized by their own actions. :muttley:
so you HAVE looked in the mirror lately after all!
Good thing you don't have too, you already know you're an ignoramus.
I post a joke and you attack me, personally
..what a tool.
Why are you always in a bad mood? You having trouble cashing your SS check?
Good thing you don't have too, you already know you're an ignoramus.
I post a joke and you attack me, personally
..what a tool.
Why are you always in a bad mood? You having trouble cashing your SS check?
you mistake laughing at someone for being in a bad mood
not surprising
and your so called jokes are bitter and petty so trying to play the victim does not work
you mistake laughing at someone for being in a bad mood
not surprising
and your so called jokes are bitter and petty so trying to play the victim does not work
I'm not a victim...and believe me, I laugh at you all the time. Dance, my Jester!
I'm not a victim...and believe me, I laugh at you all the time. Dance, my Jester!
you're an ignoramus. that was in your post to me.
amazing how some get away with flat out insults to other posters
and then act like they are the victims
you're an ignoramus. that was in your post to me.
amazing how some get away with flat out insults to other posters
and then act like they are the victims
If the shoe fits, wear it proudly. you come after me and expect me to just take it?, dance and make me laugh some more.

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