Summing it all up!


To The Moon
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Nobody knows which Cowboy's team will show up Sunday night at Fed Ex Field. None of us fans anyway. What we do know is that the Dallas Cowboys better do an about face, and fast.

This team was the sexy pick to make the Super Bowl this offseason. And after the 1st three games, it seemed that the media and some of us fans were right. Now it seems the Cowboys are closer to losing out on the playoffs completely if they don't somehow turn this Titanic back around. And it's going to take more than just Tony Romo and Terence Newman showing up after multiple games missed due to injury.

I personally could care less how Tony looked in practice. Whether he threw crisp passes with zip on the ball. I could careless if Newman was cutting and back peddling with little to no effort. If the Cowboys are not prepared to play the Skins this Sunday, then this team has bigger problems than the injury bug, or rustiness coming off the bye week. It will come down to lack of heart, lack of accountablility, and Wade and his staff's lack of coaching and game-planning.

What I want to see Sunday night, is a serious sense of urgency. That should be the motto from here on out. The Cowboys need to win the rest of their divisional games, and then some. I don't care how, just get the wins and the rest will take care of itself.

1. A win at Fed Ex Field against our long time and much hated rivals will go a long way to turning this season around.

2. Defense needs to step up regardless of the situation. Stop Portis from gashing us for 6 and 7 yards on first down plays.

3. Wade and Brian better find creative ways to get pressure on Jason Campbell. With the west coast offense that Jim Zorn has designed for his offense, Jason Campbell will be getting rid of the ball sooner than later.

4. Must stop S. Moss from beating us deep. And no I don't mean playing scared all game long and having our CB's playing 10 to 15 yards off the line of scrimmage the entire game. That only holds our defense hostage and vulnerable to WR screens and runs for Portis to that side of the field.

5. Penalties must stop. Period.

6. Protect Tony. We saw what this team looks like without a viable backup.

7. Open some freakin running lanes. What pisses me off the most is that we have one of the bigger O-lines in the league, and we are the ones getting man-handled. Put the guy in front of you on his a** and let Marion and or Felix do what they do best.

8. Win a must win game. Don't expect to win by showing up.

I love this team. But they have shown me nothing since game three that says they are ready to take their play up to the next level. I don't want to have to watch a team like the Cardinals or Commanders have success this season, while we are shaking our heads in disbelief.

The Cowboys can do it. But will they?


Well-Known Member
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Good post. I agree, we better show up big time. I'm just not sure you can just all of a sudden "turn on" intensity, heart, urgancy.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Good post, Fletch. I do disagree with your first three game analogy. We won, but stunk up the joint.


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Good post. I do believe this is a legit must win game. I know that mathmatically and all that they'd still have playoff hopes even with a loss but if they can't get this W this Sunday I really feel like they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.

They really, really, need this win.


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I know what team is going to show up!

To Book or not to Book?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's essential that every available playmaker be on the field, but it's also paramount that every player plays every last remaining game like it's their last game of the season. Every game is a must win now even if we lock up a playoff berth somewhere down the road. This team is loaded, but has only come close to playing it's best game once REGARDLESS OF WHO'S ON THE FIELD and that was during the Philadelphia game.

From here on out, this team has run out of all excuses name one. If it plays its best on offense, defense, special teams AND coaching, and still gets beaten, then it will have lost because the better team won. That's football, plain and simple. Any other type of loss will be well-deserved regardless of the in-game circumstances. That's not football. That's just a collection of players who pretended to strive towards being the best National Football League team in 2008. Nothing more. Nothing less.


To The Moon
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BraveHeartFan;2412924 said:
Good post. I do believe this is a legit must win game. I know that mathmatically and all that they'd still have playoff hopes even with a loss but if they can't get this W this Sunday I really feel like they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.

They really, really, need this win.

Thanks BraveHeart, Seven, and hendog. I figured I better put my best foot forward for my 4,000 post.

Living here in western PA, I get a lot of flack at work from Steeler's fans. But there is one guy that has lived in this area his entire life, and he's a long time Cowboy's fan. I told him we needed this next game. He countered with, "This team is done."

Of course I went on to say that we are so used to seeing this bunch of Cowboys (since Romo took over) start out fast coming out of the gates, only to sputter at the end when it means the most. Perhaps the BYE week couldn't have come at a better time.

We're getting just about all of our starters healthy again, and just maybe we sputtered early, getting it out of our system, and can now play our best football from here on out. It's one game at a time.

Bottom-line, this is a huge, must win for the Cowboys. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm predicting the final score on Sunday night:

:helmet: 34

:skins: 17


Messenger to the football Gods
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Fletch;2414111 said:
Thanks BraveHeart, Seven, and hendog. I figured I better put my best foot forward for my 4,000 post.

Living here in western PA, I get a lot of flack at work from Steeler's fans. But there is one guy that has lived in this area his entire life, and he's a long time Cowboy's fan. I told him we needed this next game. He countered with, "This team is done."

Of course I went on to say that we are so used to seeing this bunch of Cowboys (since Romo took over) start out fast coming out of the gates, only to sputter at the end when it means the most. Perhaps the BYE week couldn't have come at a better time.

We're getting just about all of our starters healthy again, and just maybe we sputtered early, getting it out of our system, and can now play our best football from here on out. It's one game at a time.

Bottom-line, this is a huge, must win for the Cowboys. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm predicting the final score on Sunday night:

:helmet: 34

:skins: 17

Geez, Fletch. I didn't notice the post count. :eek:: Congrats. Keep on postin. You're good at it.