Sunday Playoff Game Thread

Again the Packers defense hasn't played badly. Given up only 3 when not counting the fumble. So without the aid of the Refs the Eagles would be leading by just 3. Even though this game has been one sided every where but the score board. (As the Eagles could be leading by at least 20 right now).
Yep, GB's defense has kept this from getting out of hand. At some point, GB's offense needs to do something, as well as special teams. Both those phases have been poor.

But Eagles offense also looks flat. They just happened to be gifted free points to start the game. And they made their FG while GB missed theirs.
Final four gonna come down to

NFC - Detroit or Philly

AFC - KC Chiefs and Buffalo

SB matchup ? KC vs Detroit
GB's defense keeping them in the game. But their offense is flat.
Even their offense getting a field goal considering it would make it a one score game. Problem is them being flat and putting too much on their defense to keep them in the game for 4 quarters. Packers offense has to start contributing for them to have a chance to win this game.

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