Twitter: Sunday practice will determine Diggs availability for Game

What do you mean still believers literally one of the top corners in the league still regardless of what you think the non believers are haters I don't know what you think you're seeing or not seeing but the man has actually gotten better less interceptions better coverage so you're saying that Deion Sanders never got beat I didn't wanna come up and tackle business decisions somehow you're putting a whole big narrative on a guy that doesn't deserve it that's why he has believers because that's pretty much most cowboy fans that are not also in the same haters like you pay a guy and Mr. guru and his little clan likes to just like all of a sudden hate on every player that got the money and now gets hurt and then they have to put it all on them let's put a sign on them how about you be careful stop showing your hater claws
See what I mean
See what I mean
no see what we mean look in the mirror you love ripping on players who end up getting paid who get superstar status and you have to find a way to put them down for no reason whatsoever absolutely 0 the man has played solid football when he's healthy and most people don't even challenge him that's what makes you a great corner is when they stop throwing your way most of the time..

I mean show me why don't you go get the video get all the cut ups and you show me where he's getting burned and he's not doing his job outside of him being banged up and not going after tackles aggressively what else what exactly is it about digs are we gonna add him to your list I mean who's the list Prescott, McCarthy, jones, diggs we got to add?? Parsons now ? he's lazy he talks too much on his podcast and we shouldn't keep him we should trade him anyone else ??

I mean the targets on this team are quite obvious most of the time they're not accurate we see you we know what you're doing it's not see what I mean it's see what we mean about the haters who RIP on their own players for no really good reason there are no perfect players in this league I mean what happened to sauce Gardner?

I tell you what why don't you start a thread with a pole and why don't we take a poll and ask everyone in here what they think about digs and why you think he's washed and no good now not worth his money blah blah blah here it goes all over again the whiny little toddler fan base they don't get their way they only see the negative they never see the positives because that's how they live their lives in a goo of negativity..
Yep. We really haven’t seen Diggs and Bland together against a good offense. The competition can’t get any better than Burrow, Chase and Higgins. Hope we get to see it.
Diggs Bland AND JLEW... I can't remember a full real game where all three have played together they are one of the top units if you consider all three together and I think it can have an impact much like you saw now with Parsons kendricks and overshown kinda manning that middle area and putting pressure on the quarterback it's helped that they're all three playing together this defense looks different and this could be big to have them all three together we could really get a good snapshot and you're right against this team and at home maybe we can finally have something positive happen at home against a good team...

I mean you can test the temperature they seem to think that he's gonna play but we did get some depth back with that other corner I can't pronounce his name I mean it sucks we lost Butler but I'm just looking at next year and I think the corner depth is the best we've ever had here.. If you can just stay healthy...
no see what we mean look in the mirror you love ripping on players who end up getting paid who get superstar status and you have to find a way to put them down for no reason whatsoever absolutely 0 the man has played solid football when he's healthy and most people don't even challenge him that's what makes you a great corner is when they stop throwing your way most of the time..

I mean show me why don't you go get the video get all the cut ups and you show me where he's getting burned and he's not doing his job outside of him being banged up and not going after tackles aggressively what else what exactly is it about digs are we gonna add him to your list I mean who's the list Prescott, McCarthy, jones, diggs we got to add?? Parsons now ? he's lazy he talks too much on his podcast and we shouldn't keep him we should trade him anyone else ??

I mean the targets on this team are quite obvious most of the time they're not accurate we see you we know what you're doing it's not see what I mean it's see what we mean about the haters who RIP on their own players for no really good reason there are no perfect players in this league I mean what happened to sauce Gardner?

I tell you what why don't you start a thread with a pole and why don't we take a poll and ask everyone in here what they think about digs and why you think he's washed and no good now not worth his money blah blah blah here it goes all over again the whiny little toddler fan base they don't get their way they only see the negative they never see the positives because that's how they live their lives in a goo of negativity..
Do I hate ceedee? He got paid. Nice try though. Don't hate Zack Martin either
Do I hate ceedee? He got paid. Nice try though. Don't hate Zack Martin either
you mean Mr. pouty CD lamb dropping 3 passes he should have caught I mean last game where he gets taken out of the game mentally mr Pouty face??? The player who sometimes goes off script so much he runs his own routes and he's getting quarterbacks looking like they had a bad pass or an interception and by the way on some interceptions it's his fault and yeah he stands there and watch them instead at least go try to make a play on the ball you know hit the defenders so we can't catch it he doesn't so sometimes he lacks a lot of effort so yeah I got a problem with that but I don't come out here and say he he's washed he sucks.... No it's the choice of words that people use in here like you like never or use words like garbage sucks trash like you're talking about Prescott they're calling him trash I really he's not even below average or average demand is so above average but yet you choose the wrong words you're gonna start debates like these...

Zach Martin who demanded more money both of which basically threatened holdouts two people who should probably be criticized not hated on but these dudes have had some problems and Martin probably should have been pulled out three or four games ago before he ended up going out on surgery so yeah two players you should be criticizing you aren't and for the same reasons they have inconsistencies in their game they're not perfect.. Hoffman is clearly the better player right now.. Lot of our problems with the run game was because of Martin also getting shoved back in the backfield in the pass game so yeah I'm glad you picked these two guys so I could be realistic and give my grade...

So why don't you start using words that don't fit you want to criticize someone for a bad game or a couple bad plays do so but when you try to say a guy has lost it he's lost he's no good he's terrible you don't have no validity in here you look like you have egg all over your face no ones going to believe you you're wrong you're flat wrong I can pick apart every player on this team one game or another one player another or for most of the season like Tarrant steel although he's had some good games he's got a lot of bad games and we could do this all day I had somebody tell me how Kendricks looks slow and he's not playing well and he's one of the best defenders on our team from what I see but other people see the different way because they only remember the negatives but if you're going to bring it up i'll go ahead and pick apart your guys..
you mean Mr. pouty CD lamb dropping 3 passes he should have caught I mean last game where he gets taken out of the game mentally mr Pouty face??? The player who sometimes goes off script so much he runs his own routes and he's getting quarterbacks looking like they had a bad pass or an interception and by the way on some interceptions it's his fault and yeah he stands there and watch them instead at least go try to make a play on the ball you know hit the defenders so we can't catch it he doesn't so sometimes he lacks a lot of effort so yeah I got a problem with that but I don't come out here and say he he's washed he sucks.... No it's the choice of words that people use in here like you like never or use words like garbage sucks trash like you're talking about Prescott they're calling him trash I really he's not even below average or average demand is so above average but yet you choose the wrong words you're gonna start debates like these...

Zach Martin who demanded more money both of which basically threatened holdouts two people who should probably be criticized not hated on but these dudes have had some problems and Martin probably should have been pulled out three or four games ago before he ended up going out on surgery so yeah two players you should be criticizing you aren't and for the same reasons they have inconsistencies in their game they're not perfect.. Hoffman is clearly the better player right now.. Lot of our problems with the run game was because of Martin also getting shoved back in the backfield in the pass game so yeah I'm glad you picked these two guys so I could be realistic and give my grade...

So why don't you start using words that don't fit you want to criticize someone for a bad game or a couple bad plays do so but when you try to say a guy has lost it he's lost he's no good he's terrible you don't have no validity in here you look like you have egg all over your face no ones going to believe you you're wrong you're flat wrong I can pick apart every player on this team one game or another one player another or for most of the season like Tarrant steel although he's had some good games he's got a lot of bad games and we could do this all day I had somebody tell me how Kendricks looks slow and he's not playing well and he's one of the best defenders on our team from what I see but other people see the different way because they only remember the negatives but if you're going to bring it up i'll go ahead and pick apart your guys..
I'm not reading all that. First you said I hate when players get paid now you moving goalposts. Go sit down somewhere. Me not liking Diggs doesn't affect you
I'm not reading all that. First you said I hate when players get paid now you moving goalposts. Go sit down somewhere. Me not liking Diggs doesn't affect you
I am sitting down but I'm not moving on so if you wanna keep replying we could do this all day I'm telling you you're flat wrong and it's not defending a player because I like digs you're just wrong he's been playing very well... But like I said go ahead find all the clips show me outside of some games where he was banged up and didn't aggressively go tackle show me where he's actually bad 'cause that would be the opposite he's still a top ten corner no matter what you say here and when he's really on and when he's healthy he's still top five in my opinion. He's coming off an ACL injury he's got banged up this year and he's still playing pretty damn well outside of the tackling I'm still trying to figure out what you think you're broken cross eyes are seeing....

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