no see what we mean look in the mirror you love ripping on players who end up getting paid who get superstar status and you have to find a way to put them down for no reason whatsoever absolutely 0 the man has played solid football when he's healthy and most people don't even challenge him that's what makes you a great corner is when they stop throwing your way most of the time..
I mean show me why don't you go get the video get all the cut ups and you show me where he's getting burned and he's not doing his job outside of him being banged up and not going after tackles aggressively what else what exactly is it about digs are we gonna add him to your list I mean who's the list Prescott, McCarthy, jones, diggs we got to add?? Parsons now ? he's lazy he talks too much on his podcast and we shouldn't keep him we should trade him anyone else ??
I mean the targets on this team are quite obvious most of the time they're not accurate we see you we know what you're doing it's not see what I mean it's see what we mean about the haters who RIP on their own players for no really good reason there are no perfect players in this league I mean what happened to sauce Gardner?
I tell you what why don't you start a thread with a pole and why don't we take a poll and ask everyone in here what they think about digs and why you think he's washed and no good now not worth his money blah blah blah here it goes all over again the whiny little toddler fan base they don't get their way they only see the negative they never see the positives because that's how they live their lives in a goo of negativity..