Surfer Mick Fanning attacked by shark during competition; unharmed

Regardless if one or two sharks ... that dorsal fin in relation to the size of surfer looked HUGE.

You guys evidently missed shark week :cool:. The fin appears to be 2-2.5 feet max and that equates to a 8-10 ft juvenile shark. It is a big shark to us but for South African really wasn't what it could have been :omg:

The fin looks a bit different from a White's but I think it could be due to the camera angle. Supposedly, someone else was attacked by the shark(s) not far away that same day.

Maybe I am wrong and this was a mega-shark! But, many years of diving with sharks, I can usually tell the size of them by the dorsal fin alone.
You guys evidently missed shark week :cool:. The fin appears to be 2-2.5 feet max and that equates to a 8-10 ft juvenile shark. It is a big shark to us but for South African really wasn't what it could have been :omg:

The fin looks a bit different from a White's but I think it could be due to the camera angle. Supposedly, someone else was attacked by the shark(s) not far away that same day.

Maybe I am wrong and this was a mega-shark! But, many years of diving with sharks, I can usually tell the size of them by the dorsal fin alone.

Now... I hearing it was tail fin?

You swam with sharks ... Much respect to you ...
Well, having time to watch the video, slow it down and stop it, we actually first see the Dorsal fin, then either a Pectoral fin, or in my opinion the Caudal fin.

I think the second is the Caudal, or tail fin. In stills I believe you can see the little lobe that develops at the top of Caudal fin. That's the very large fin we see. The Dorsal doesn't really look that big.

It is now my opinion that the shark isn't as big as I first thought. Might even be a Bull shark. Still, it was big enough.
Well, having time to watch the video, slow it down and stop it, we actually first see the Dorsal fin, then either a Pectoral fin, or in my opinion the Caudal fin.

I think the second is the Caudal, or tail fin. In stills I believe you can see the little lobe that develops at the top of Caudal fin. That's the very large fin we see. The Dorsal doesn't really look that big.

It is now my opinion that the shark isn't as big as I first thought. Might even be a Bull shark. Still, it was big enough.

Martin Brody: But I'm telling you, and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a shark! And I know what a shark looks like, because I've seen one up close. And you'd better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that hell again!
Martin Brody: But I'm telling you, and I'm telling everybody at this table that that's a shark! And I know what a shark looks like, because I've seen one up close. And you'd better do something about this one, because I don't intend to go through that hell again!

LOL, never seen one up close and never want to. My brother has been trying for years to charter a boat and go fishing. I won't even go out on the ocean in a boat, they don't make one big enough. No matter how big the boat is, something might happen to it that would require me going into the water. I can only think of Quint talking about Hooper's shark cage. "Cage goes in the water, you go in the water, shark's in the water. Farewell and adieu you fair Spanish ladies."
Yep... Australia... I have heard some real horror stories in those water with great whites.

This shark though, can we tell what it was? Seems like a high pointy dorsal fin... Although could be angle.

Surfer reacted almost prior to shark getting on top of him. I think that's saved his life. He hit it on it's back... Maybe he got a shot on the head or near the nose.


I was thinking it was his leg leash that saved his life. As the shark approached, I think it got tangled in the leash, which also gave him a split second warning and pulled him off the board and under water. On the rescue boat, he shows the leash was bitten in half about 12" above the ankle attachment. Between the entanglement and getting punched, it may have been enough to make the shark realize he wasn't a seal.

He was definitely the luckiest man in South Africa that day.

Tell him fellow comic book/superhero movie geek ....hello, aquaman! Lol
Arthur Curry is half-human, half-Atlantian (sp?). The King of the Seven Seas is not a good counterargument, methinks. Plus every creature in the ocean obey him. :p

And don't use Namor, The Sub-Mariner as a counter either. Same circumstances apply for him too. ;)
Arthur Curry is half-human, half-Atlantian (sp?). The King of the Seven Seas is not a good counterargument, methinks. Plus every creature in the ocean obey him. :p

And don't use Namor, The Sub-Mariner as a counter either. Same circumstances apply for him too. ;)

I forgot about the knock off sub mariner.

Would Megalodon obey them? Lol
I was thinking it was his leg leash that saved his life. As the shark approached, I think it got tangled in the leash, which also gave him a split second warning and pulled him off the board and under water. On the rescue boat, he shows the leash was bitten in half about 12" above the ankle attachment. Between the entanglement and getting punched, it may have been enough to make the shark realize he wasn't a seal.

He was definitely the luckiest man in South Africa that day.

Man... I remember hearing about these...
If God wanted me to swim in the ocean, he'd have given me flippers!

I used to go spearfishing quite a bit with friends out in the Gulf. Used to out around the rigs, tons of fish. Our biggest rule was when you spear a fish, take it to the boat immediately, no stringers. After spearing a bunch of fish, they start getting real jittery, then we'd move to the next rig. All the times we went never saw a shark, but there were huge schools of barracuda. Another rule of ours was no jewelry, barracuda see that shiny flash and think its a fish and might swoop on it. The cuda never bothered us, except I did have one freaky encounter with a rather large barracuda once.

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