Surprised the affluenza case hasn't been brought up yet

Rich white 16 year old kid in Texas kills 4 people and paralyzes one people in a DUI with a BAC 3 times the legal limit. Judge lets him off with no jail time, 10 years probation, and a year at a "resort" rehabilitation center (with cooking classes, martial arts, yoga and nutritional therapy). His defense, supported by an "expert" psychologist was that he had "affluenza" disease, which means his parents were SO RICH that they failed to teach him the difference between right and wrong. His dad owns some metal company in Northern Texas and makes over 10 million a year. The judge who sentenced him in the past has sentenced a 14 year old black kid to 10 years for punching someone and a poor 14 year old white kid to 6 years for smoking weed.

This is even worse than OJ getting away with murder!
Money will buy anything
No but the DSM V is the diagnostic mannuel that is put together by board certified psychiatrists, physicians, and clinicians for mental disorders. It is book that all psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinicians use to diagnosed mental disorders. In this case, if it was in the DSM V as a legitimate disorder , the defense can argue that he has a mental condition. Personally, this is a bogus disease and like you said the parents need to teach this kid from right from wrong or he needs to face the consequences which he did not. The consequences were too lenient in my opinion.

This is half the reason I never used my undergrad for anything. It borders on ridiculous at times. This field has a long ways to go.

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