T.O. is a moron, read this

Princess said:
From the way he posted I would say that the hit he took last season on the STAR did more damage than even Roy thought it did. TO is brain damaged

Nah that would inply he actually had a brain. I heard his last brain scan came back negative :D
k19 said:
Nah that would inply he actually had a brain. I heard his last brain scan came back negative :D

My bad. LOL

That must have been what I saw bouncing out of the end zone when he got hit...
Will someone transfer this post to the "Joke-Zone." If this is an attempt to bash T.O., ...stop! With the exception of Reality, you're all bashing yourselves. You're being critical over something that obviously does not reflect T.O.'s grammatical level -- hell, if that were the case, you're really bashing the Amercian Educational system -- to allow someone to get throught High School/College.

But the tragedy of it all is that you've missed T.O.'s real message; regardless of how fragmented it was presented ...

T.O. will play for the Eagles in 2005! :)

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