Terrell Owens' Suspicious Charity...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Terrell Owens' Suspicious Charity

Now, far be it from us to accuse any athlete of being anything less than 100 percent magnanimous in all of his charitable endeavors … but we couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Eagles flapjaw wide receiver Terrell Owens’ newest attempt to confuse human beings into mistaking him for a nice fellow.

On Terrell’s official Web site, he announces he’s making the seemingly impressive gesture of selling his NFC championship ring to raise money for hurricane relief. Pretty big-hearted, right? Don’t athletes work their whole careers to win rings? Rings are pretty, too.

Well … maybe not. The Philadelphia Daily News points out that rumors have been circling for weeks that Owens was going to reject the ring anyway in protest of the Eagles refusal to renegotiate his contract. Owens — or, more likely, dark lord agent Drew Rosenhaus — figured out a way to refuse the ring and still look like he cares about the planet at large. Clever. We know all that really matters is that the money is raised, no matter the motivation behind it … but we’ll just say the next time Owens does something truly altruistic will be the first.​


Regular Joe....
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He should sell that Throw Back jersey. That I would buy in a second.


Well-Known Member
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I thought he already auctioned it off for 78,000.00 or something like that?


He Made the Difference
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Fascinating character that TO is.

Either he is pretty darn clever and a master of passive-aggressive agate smashing, or his Svengali Rosenhaus is.

The auction thing reminds me of the famous scene from Gone With the Wind, in which 'widow' Scarlett magnanimously offers up her wedding ring to the war cause. But, ahh! Rhett Butler immediately sees thru her, and makes a point of buying back not Ms Ohara's ring, but Mrs Wilkes'.

Because Melanie loves her husband and the offer was a great sacrifice; Scarlett did not - the ring means no more to her than a cracker jack box bauble.

I swear TO watches these melodramas and features himself in the remakes. Yes of course it was not just for charity, but for the worthiest cause since 9.11. But so many of Terrell Owens' personal belongings would bring in a small fortune on E-bay, from a mere autograph to a dumbell to his shrinks' notes. Putting the 'cherished' ring on the market was a slap in the face, and a very crafty one, at the Eagles franchise.

So was the Irvin jersey caper. Had Terrell been accidentally photographed playing driveway hoops in an 88 with a star, THAT would have been a tribute to Michael Irvin.

But no, he evidently catches wind of the "no #1s in Dallas" contretemps, and comes to Texas Stadium with that gear in his luggage. Why? My guess is he figures he will totally outshine both T and Key on their home turf, and then demonstrate to all there IS one Number One worthy of Irvin's heritage - but he happens to play in Philadelphia. Gets to slap the Eagles franchise a bit and strut like a peacock once again.

But instead, his team loses, and wearing the jersey takes on a much different connotation - now it's a sure fire "I hate my team" move. And a total lack of respect for
his defeated comrades. But who cares about THEM?

For finding these truly brilliant ways to bust the FO's balls, TO wins the Acadamy Award.

For continuing his role as the most egocentric, neurotic player in the game, totally beyond the concept of 'team' and 'teamMATE', he gets yet another booby prize.


Well-Known Member
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Wow, post of the day Barb. Really good stuff there.


Active Member
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I have been one of TOs biggest haters. I am now a fan of his. Yes...he did stand on the star. That did piss me off. I'm over it. The guy has balls and stands up for what he believes in. I hope he gets out of Philly as soon as possible so I can wish him well. From the Irvin throwback to now auctioning off his NFC championship ring for charity....the guy is stand up. Good for him. He is arrogant and is a self promoter and I don't think he is a team player but the guy has balls and I respect him for that.


New Member
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Ebay said:
Terrell Owens Philadelphia Eagles NFC Championship Ring

Proceeds will primarily go to Hurricane Katrina Relief
Primarily, *** does that mean. You can't sort of auction off a ring for charity.


He Made the Difference
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Justis said:
Primarily, *** does that mean. You can't sort of auction off a ring for charity.
There are probably some minimal Ebay charges for the space - or some administrative fees..unless Ebay give freebees for charity auctioning, which they certainly should, considering their bottom line is about as big as General Motors once was.

One thing I don't doubt is whatever bid wins, the dough goes to the Katrina folks.


Well-Known Member
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he has to find some way to feed his family, the 40 million just won't do it...
poor guy
maybe the hurricane victims should take up a collection for TO's family...

Mike 1967

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If he really wants to raise money then he should sell pics of himself wearing that Cowboys Jersey as he enters that Jet with his Iggles compatriots.

I'm sure that most of my Cowboy Die Hard brethren would lay down some coin to own that piece of fine art.

Mike 1967

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LaTunaNostra said:
Fascinating character that TO is.

Either he is pretty darn clever and a master of passive-aggressive agate smashing, or his Svengali Rosenhaus is.

The auction thing reminds me of the famous scene from Gone With the Wind, in which 'widow' Scarlett magnanimously offers up her wedding ring to the war cause. But, ahh! Rhett Butler immediately sees thru her, and makes a point of buying back not Ms Ohara's ring, but Mrs Wilkes'.

Because Melanie loves her husband and the offer was a great sacrifice; Scarlett did not - the ring means no more to her than a cracker jack box bauble.

I swear TO watches these melodramas and features himself in the remakes. Yes of course it was not just for charity, but for the worthiest cause since 9.11. But so many of Terrell Owens' personal belongings would bring in a small fortune on E-bay, from a mere autograph to a dumbell to his shrinks' notes. Putting the 'cherished' ring on the market was a slap in the face, and a very crafty one, at the Eagles franchise.

So was the Irvin jersey caper. Had Terrell been accidentally photographed playing driveway hoops in an 88 with a star, THAT would have been a tribute to Michael Irvin.

But no, he evidently catches wind of the "no #1s in Dallas" contretemps, and comes to Texas Stadium with that gear in his luggage. Why? My guess is he figures he will totally outshine both T and Key on their home turf, and then demonstrate to all there IS one Number One worthy of Irvin's heritage - but he happens to play in Philadelphia. Gets to slap the Eagles franchise a bit and strut like a peacock once again.

But instead, his team loses, and wearing the jersey takes on a much different connotation - now it's a sure fire "I hate my team" move. And a total lack of respect for
his defeated comrades. But who cares about THEM?

For finding these truly brilliant ways to bust the FO's balls, TO wins the Acadamy Award.

For continuing his role as the most egocentric, neurotic player in the game, totally beyond the concept of 'team' and 'teamMATE', he gets yet another booby prize.

:laugh2: :lmao: :laugh2: :lmao: :bow:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I have wondered previously if him doing that for the ring was a sign of helping out victims alone...or if he just did not want that ring...sounds like it is a combo of both but even if it is a way to tear at the eagles...it is still helping the charities so I can not take a swipe at him for that.

The Irvin jersey..sure it was another way to make the eagles mad BUT at the same time have you noticed all of the love that Irvin has given TO since the offseason?

I think TO and Irvin really like each other (no not in a man love way). Used to be Stephen Smith got all the interviews with TO until even Smith tired of his antics...now TO gave an interview/s to Irvin.

TO has been on record of saying he likes and has liked Irvin...and since TO has worn Irvins jersey prior to this time, and since Irvin is one of the few in the media left on TOs side....then I think although TO did this to irk fellow team mates...I also think it was to show Mike some love.

Now with all of that said...TO is still a Punk. :laugh2:

But still to give money to the charities is a good thing and I can not rip on him for that one....even if it was for a dual/duel (guess both could fit) purpose.