Terrell Owens


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CPonder14;2397326 said:
Ill ask a series of questions....

Does Owens have good to great hands?
Does Owens run good to very good routes?
Does Owens have the ability to make people miss and get YAC with defenders in front of him?

If its a no to all 3 which I assume it will be for the majority of posters, then what is off base with my opinion?

Yes, Yes and Yes. Dude, go some where else with all this. I know some kids and women that knows more than you.


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Yesterday was TO's 12th straight game under a hundred yards receiving.

Giving him that contract extension was a mistake. He's playing like a good 35 year old ... but still a 35 year old.


Mick Green 58
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Terrell Owens is far from average. He is having to deal with a very medicore Quarterback duo and an Offensive Coordinator who has very little creativity and refuses to try new things.

Also, did you guys see Terrell Owens trying to cheer Brad Johnson up after he threw his 1st or 2nd Interception.

I know the guy wants to blow up and I honestly think the only reason he hasn't is because he knows Tony Romo is coming back.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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CPonder14;2397252 said:
Speed- Above Average

He has trouble against CBs jamming him but thats about it.

Teams are getting an extremely good jam on him damn near every play. They arent giving him a cushion at all.

Coakleys Dad

The Re-Birth has begun.
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Dude...you got to be kidding me, he has been open so much the last few weeks with no one to get him the ball. Agenda.

Coakleys Dad

The Re-Birth has begun.
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You have to have blocking to allow your recievers to get downfield into their routes, & have a QB to get it there. Our blocking has been below average & couple that with a O-coordinator that cant adjust at half.


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TO would have scored a TD on the slant that Johnson overthrew for an INT. The CB wasn't going to stop him.


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this crap is crazy...do you work for ESPN?... T.O. is STILL one of the best( debatable 1 or 2) in the league. teams ( OC's, CB's and safetys) jam him because they are scared of what he can do short or deep. give it up T.O. is great for this team..... rant off


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I hate owens, but this ain't even close. His hands are at least average.:D


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Dave_in-NC;2397460 said:
I hate owens, but this ain't even close. His hands are at least average.:D

Why? what has he done to you? what has he done that you feel he deserves to be hated by you?

All that has been reported about him, is biased, cut and edited, and there is more than enough people that will come to his defense and refute every thing negative about him, even teammates on teams that he supposed to have tore apart.

You are misguided.


Vet Min Plus
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He's not being used properly. Only the OC can be blamed here...:horse:
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CPonder14;2397252 said:
I keep hearing people wanting to get TO the ball on slants and quick passes or what not. My question is why?

At this point in his career he is a below average WR in the short area of the field. He will do his most damage with 3 or 4 balls a game mid range to deep.

Lets look at phases of his game.

Hands- Below Average
Route Running- Below Average
YAC- Below Average
Speed- Above Average

Lets face it TO cant make guys miss anymore, he wont juke people out like he used to. Whens the last time you saw him take a slant or curl and go up field(once or twice)? All his run after catches have been mid range or deep where there is open field in front of him. You take into account his below average hands and you cant count on him in the short passing game.

TO is what he is a very good mid range to deep WR. When teams start taking that away you are forced to go elsewhere, because you cant count on Owens in the short stuff.


This thread blows..... Quit watching NFL Countdown and sippin Boomers Koolaid


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Wrong! TO is a month away from 35 years old. THat's exactly when WR's hit the wall. Look at Marvin Harrison if you want a a comparable example.

Yes it sucks for the Cowboys, however, has been living off of borrowed time for a couple of years now -- just be greatful he played as good up to now.

zrinkill;2397281 said:

Give me a break ..... the guy had his best year last year.


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BHendri5;2397590 said:
Why? what has he done to you? what has he done that you feel he deserves to be hated by you?

All that has been reported about him, is biased, cut and edited, and there is more than enough people that will come to his defense and refute every thing negative about him, even teammates on teams that he supposed to have tore apart.

You are misguided.

I have my reasons. Just as you having yours for loving the guy.:D
I also realize weather or not I hate him it doesn't make a hill of beans to him.


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What about his TD in the Cincinnati game?

Right now is not a good time to judge TO, everybody is jamming him with safety help over the top, he is in a difficult situation. Lets see how things go with RW11 on the other side not allowing the 2 guys minimum sometimes 3 shadowing TO every play.


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Careful, the magic route theory has many subscribers here.

You are asking for a world of hurt offending the golden boy


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I think the original poster is actually largely correct; Owens lost his elusiveness years ago and his RAC has never been the same. He's still above average in that area, though.

Nonetheless, the people whining about his age and thinking he's "hit the wall" are hilarious. Jason Witten hasn't done anything the last 3 weeks either; has he ALSO hit the wall? Or maybe it has something to do with BRAD JOHNSON, who is THE WORST QB IN NFL HISTORY. Maybe it's just me...but I think Brad's inability to complete a pass over 5 yards (and sometimes he struggles to complete it when it's under 5 yards, too) is the reason Owens and Witten have disappeared as of late, and why Roy Wililams has done very little since the trade.

Or maybe Brad Johnson is still a capable quarterback in this league and Owens, Roy, and Witten just all hit the wall this year. :lmao:

And as for that "13 straight weeks without a 100 yard game"--had Proctor not been called for holding on that second deep ball Owens caught against the Eagles this year, that goes out the window.

He left in the 2nd quarter of the Panthers game last year in week 16 and didn't play in week 17, so there go 2 of those games in the "streak."

If anything, he's in better shape this year than he was last year. If Romo comes back healthy it's only a matter of time before he breaks out in a huge way. You're delusional if you think otherwise.


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Hoofbite;2397258 said:
What route was his TD caught on?

Not to mention it's not the only time he's caught a TD pass on a slant like that. I believe he had one in the Eagles game as well. But, oh well, who needs to actually have facts right?

CPonder14;2397269 said:
I knew people would disagree with me, but I think I know a good bit about football and with my own eyes thats what I see. I'm sure there are others who agree with me, he just isnt a good short area WR anymore.

We'll see now that they have an actual threat on the other side of him once Romo comes back. I've seen plenty of oppurtunities to get Owens the ball on some things that he could have done some stuff with the last three weeks and he's had useless QB play who can't complete anything.

CPonder14;2397273 said:
I'm not just talking about the past 2 weeks, I'm talking about ever since he got here.

LOL! RIGHT! I guess those catch and run TD's he had last year, and earlier this season, didn't happen or were accomplished by someone else in an 81 jersey for Dallas.

perrykemp;2397613 said:
Wrong! TO is a month away from 35 years old. THat's exactly when WR's hit the wall. Look at Marvin Harrison if you want a a comparable example.

Yes it sucks for the Cowboys, however, has been living off of borrowed time for a couple of years now -- just be greatful he played as good up to now.

Way to completely no sell the fact that Harrison is coming off of a serious knee injury that kept him out of practically all of last year before he tried to comeback too early to play in the playoffs.

But, yeah, clearly that had nothing to do with him not being the same. It's only because he's 35 and somehow that day roles around and there is this magical dust that falls over a WR and makes them immediately average cause they're 35.